
The mutated sea wolf standing in the front was three points bigger than a buffalo, with a tuft of white hair on top of its head, blood-red eyes, bared teeth, and a menacing look.

Ka Ka Ka!

The five of Lin Xiaomei were condescending, holding a shield with one hand, weapons facing forward, stepping steadily, stepping back slowly.

The white-haired sea wolf turned around and let out a roar, and a mutated sea wolf behind it gave a low bark and charged upwards.


Amidst the loud noise, Lin Xiaomei and the five of them all backed away without stopping, and they almost didn't fall down.

The power is simply too great.

The mutated sea wolf shook his head, nothing happened.

Fortunately, although the staircase is wide, it can only accommodate a mutant sea wolf to rush upwards. If the two ends rush up together, it is estimated that even if Lin Xiaomei and the others are condescending, they will be knocked apart at once.

"Vice Captain, what should we do?" Gao Shuang joined Lin Xiaomei's defense team, "There are at least four mutated four-legged snake lizards on the platform."

Sun Mengmeng and Tao Xiangru were guarding the entrance of the roof platform to observe the enemy's situation. The ponytail girl and the short-haired girl stood in the middle, looking at a loss.

"How is Xiaonuan?" Lin Xiaomei frowned slightly, staring at the mutated sea wolf that was approaching, without turning her head, "Is there any danger?"

"Fortunately, Xiao Nuan's body is flexible, and he has already led the mutated four-legged snake lizard to the southwest corner, ahh!" Sun Mengmeng suddenly screamed in the middle of speaking.

"What's wrong?" Lin Xiaomei exclaimed, "What's the matter?"

"Just now Xiao Nuan was almost entangled in the tongue of the mutated four-legged snake lizard, huh—" Tao Xiangru breathed out, "Fortunately, I'm fine now."

"I remember that on the left side of the entrance, that is, at the northeast corner, there is a raised platform against the wall, right?" Lin Xiaomei said anxiously.

"Let me see." Sun Mengmeng's voice quickly came again, "Yes, deputy captain, but it's not a platform, but a slope, with walls on both sides."

"Okay! Let's retreat there immediately." Lin Xiaomei's voice showed a hint of anxiety, "Pay attention to the safety of the two overseas Chinese, and... ah!"


The mutated sea wolf rushed up frantically, and hit the protective wall built by the alloy composite shield again. Even though there was one more person, the six of them took three steps backward amidst exclamations.

"But, captain, there are mutant four-legged snake lizards on the platform. If we go out now, aren't we looking for our own death?" Tao Xiangru said anxiously: "Lin Xiaonuan's body skills are so good, I don't think he can last long, let alone It's us?"

"It is precisely because there are mutant four-legged snakes on the roof platform that we have to go up. It is better than being attacked from the back and the back and facing a dead end. When the mutant four-legs slows down and blocks the entrance, we are finished! "Lin Xiaomei stared at the mutated sea wolf that was approaching every step of the way, and her voice became obviously anxious:

"The roof platform is the territory of the mutated four-legged snake lizard. We and the mutated sea wolf are both invaders, so...we are all their enemies."

"No! No!"

"We are their prey, and the mutant sea wolf is their enemy, the real invader who wants to steal their prey!"

"Sisters, chaos is our only chance to survive."

"But, Vice Captain Lin..." Tao Xiangru said with a tremor in her voice.

"Execute the order!" Lin Xiaomei said in a cold tone.


Da da da!

There was a sound of footsteps going away.

Lin Xiaomei looked back and said slowly:

"Don't panic! Gao Shuang, take someone with you, go to the door first, grab a door on the left and right, and close the door immediately after the three of us exit!"

"Yes!" Gao Shuang agreed, and quickly brought another team member to the entrance of the platform.

"Retreat!" Lin Xiaomei began to lead the three of them back slowly.

At the same time, the mutated sea wolf that was approaching at every step seemed to realize something, and began to grin its teeth and growl, obviously preparing to attack again.

"close the door!"


Gao Shuang and another team member pulled the iron gates, and immediately followed Lin Xiaomei and the others to the slope groove in the northeast corner.

The big iron door at the entrance of the roof platform has two door panels that open inward. It has been hit earlier and has a sunken part, but there is no major problem.



Bang bang bang!

There was a loud crash, and the entire roof platform was trembling and shaking.

At the same time, Lin Xiaonuan was panting, seeing a long scarlet tongue that was about to wrap around her waist, before she had time to scream, the tongue of death was retracted with a snap.

Swish swish!

The four mutated four-legged snake lizards all looked at the entrance of the roof platform. The violent bangs from there made them feel restless and furious.

For the orcs, the concept of territory and territory is very strong. Once they have sworn their sovereignty, they will absolutely not allow outsiders to provoke and invade at will.

Moreover, everything in the territory is considered their private property and prey, sacred and inviolable.

If the invaders came to snatch these things, it would be tantamount to declaring war.

declare war?

Then fight.

For the orcs, fighting to the death for a morsel of food is the duty of being a beast.


The big iron gate at the entrance of the roof platform was finally knocked open.

The two door panels were directly knocked into the air, hitting a mutant four-legged snake lizard respectively.


The two mutated sea wolves that had just rushed out hadn't figured out what was going on, but the four mutated four-legged snake lizards rushed up, opened their mouths wide, and tore them to pieces.


Lin Xiaonuan's face turned pale with fright.

Unexpectedly, the mutated four-legged snake lizard had a mouth full of fangs, criss-crossing, and its mouth was more than twice as big as that of a hippopotamus. Moreover, its bite force was so strong, it could definitely be called ferocious and cruel, and it was a beast among beasts.

If these guys used their mouths instead of their tongues to assault her just now, then maybe...

Simply unimaginable!

Boom boom boom!


More mutant sea wolves rushed to the platform quickly, surrounding four mutant four-legged snake lizards in the middle.


The four mutated four-legged snake lizards reacted extremely quickly, their shapes changed, their bodies were staggered, and their mouths were facing outwards. They didn't seem to notice the group of mutated sea wolves at all.

As for the members of Team 00, they seemed to have been completely forgotten. Whether it was the mutant four-legged snake lizard or the mutant sea wolf, they were not even interested in looking at them.

At this time, a look of excitement finally appeared on Lin Xiaomei's face.

"The battle for the territory of the orcs has always been bloody and brutal, and there is no end to death. Especially these evenly matched guys, they should fight to the death, right?" Lin Xiaomei lightly brushed her hair, and looked at the group of beasts quietly. It's time for both sides to lose, and maybe it's time for us to clean up the mess."

When she just thought of this, she suddenly frowned slightly, and murmured:

"Huh? What are they doing?"

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