You can't run.

An SS2 beast that was tortured and humiliated by him at will just now escaped. Thinking about it, he knew that he would probably be retaliated against, and it must be the cruelest revenge, so why not run away?

When it is eaten and turned into shit in the stomach, it will be too late to run again.

Swish swish!

Ye Chong just ran away.

Fortunately, he was familiar with the hall where the masked martial arts tournament was held. It didn't take long for him to rush to the inner door of the hall. When he pushed it with his hand, he found a hole near the keyhole, which was round and round in diameter. About ten centimeters or so.

He immediately understood that the SS2-level black strange bird probably came in from here.

Of course, he also understood one more thing.

That guy can get out of here in a while, and it will kill him.


Ye Chong felt dizzy for a while, and immediately accelerated his escape speed.

Especially when he discovered that there was a hole in the middle of the outer door of the hall, the speed was as fast as lightning and thunder, which was incredible.


In panic and confusion, he wanted to fly away, but his head hit the door lintel all of a sudden, the pain made him groan, and tears were about to flow down.

However, the movement of his feet didn't stop at all, and he rushed out of the gate of the nuclear defense project very quickly.


it's dark?

Ye Chong looked up, and immediately found that the night was thick, and there seemed to be many big birds flying back and forth in the sky, circling non-stop.

"The expert's apartment can't stay any longer.

There are beasts patrolling the sky above, and SS2-level black monster birds chasing them below, what a trap.

If you don't run, it will be too late. "



quack quack!

Suddenly, there was a burst of animal cries in the night sky.

Ye Chong squinted his eyes, his body flickered, and he rushed out from the west exit of the central garden.

The central garden is the middle area enclosed by the four buildings in the southeast, north and west of the expert apartment, and the west exit is where the lobby is located.


As soon as Ye Chong entered the lobby, his head was a little dazed.

There are quite a few people in the room, probably not a hundred, but seventy or eighty.

He was very fast, rushed in suddenly, and all the people inside looked over, and there was a burst of exclamation immediately.


There are animals chasing after him.

Don't run, man.

Let the girl run first.


Here come the beasts. "

When Ye Chong yelled so loudly, there was a sudden chaos at the scene.


Everyone ran in all directions like crazy, one by one faster than rabbits, and the men were much faster than the women.

Ye Chong blinked, thinking, did I call it wrong just now?

But at the next moment, he put his head in his hands and rushed into the crowd, trotting all the way and disappeared.

At the same time, more than a dozen people entered the central garden area through the entrance and exit of the east building.

The leader is none other than Chu Xunhuan, a senior martial arts general of the National Martial Arts Department.

On his left is Catherine, an intermediate martial arts general of the Global Martial Arts Federation, and on his right is Blanco, a junior martial arts general of the Global Martial Arts Federation.

Behind them, there are about twelve or three people, and if you look around, you can tell that they are all martial arts generals.

After a group of people entered the central garden area, they began to search, all of them looked very cautious.

"Mr. Chu, isn't that SS2-level beast already gone?" The big black guy frowned, "We have searched the passageways of the stands and all the rooms of the expert's apartment, but we haven't found it yet. Shadow, where else can I go?"

"The SS2 beast disappeared while chasing Ye Chong." Catherine lightly brushed her hair and frowned slightly. "So, if we want to find out its whereabouts, the first person we need to find is Ye Chong."

"No, Catherine," the big black man Blanco grinned, "I think you're making a mistake about cause and effect when you say that.

Ha ha.

Mr. Chu said that it is precisely because we want to find Ye Chong that we need to find that beast first, right?

Or in other words, we decided to find the beast that chased and killed Ye Chong because we couldn't find Ye Chong at all.


I seem to be a little confused.

However, I am sure that as long as you find either the beast or Ye Chong, you will find the other.

I'm sure the two of them must be together. "

"Branko, I think your conviction is probably arbitrary." Catherine followed up with a smile, "We are well aware of the strength gap between Ye Chong and SS2 Blackbird.

So much time has passed, if they were really together, I'm afraid it's all over, right?

So, what was the result?

Ye Chong killed the SS2 beast?

Ha ha.

Do you believe?

Anyway, I don't believe it.


If it is said that the black bird has killed Ye Chong, I think, except for emotional factors, everyone should believe it.

But here comes the problem.

If it has killed Ye Chong, what about it?

We can tell from the situation in the sky that all the beasts are looking forward to the appearance of their leader.

Because they require a new command.

Ha ha.

Don't look at them as birds, but if they continue to fly like this, they will definitely collapse.

However, the result?

No one knows where the SS2 beast went.

So, I prefer to believe now that they may not have really discovered each other, but one is hiding, and the other, like us, is searching for the whereabouts of the target.

Ha ha.

Maybe that would make sense why none of them showed up. "

"This matter is indeed a bit strange." Chu Xunhuan frowned slightly, "One person and one bird have been missing for such a long time, and the beasts in the sky are still hovering over the Yangwu campus, which shows one thing.

That SS2 beast must not have left Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy.

The eyes of the beasts are sharp. If the blackbirds leave, they can hide it from us, but they cannot, and there is no need to hide it.

After all, letting so many beasts stay in the human race area for a long time is not the case.

The key point is that the beasts fly in the air, consume energy and blood, and also need to replenish food. The current situation is not quite right.


The beasts in the air were a little messed up just now, maybe it's because they couldn't hold on anymore?


Miss Catherine, Mr. Blanco, I think what we can do now is to continue to increase our search efforts.


That guy Ye Chong has participated in the masked martial arts competition and knows the existence of nuclear defense projects.

If there is still no clue in there, we expand the target beyond the campus.

I don’t know if Zhang Mingyang and Li Xiaolong have any latest feedback on the Sky Eye system? "

"No." Catherine flicked her blond hair lightly, "Zhang Mingyang's answer is that the monitoring inside and outside the Yangwu Academy showed that the place where Ye Chong finally disappeared was the expert's apartment.

The speed of that SS2 beast was too fast, and the last shot left was to rush out of the passageway of the stands, and the direction should also be the expert apartment.

As for the Sheriff's Office?

Li Xiaolong's feedback was that no SS2 beast or Ye Chong was found in the entire Yangcheng.

According to his judgment, both the black strange bird and Ye Chong should still be on campus. "

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