Ye Chong was upset and irritable. Looking left and right, he saw that there was really no good hiding place in the Central Garden except for the nuclear defense project.

The point is that the one chasing him is not a human at all, but an SS2 level beast with amazing destructive power, hiding in ordinary places is purely courting death.


A strange cry came from the No. [-] Stadium not far away, followed by the chirping of birds in the air, and then dispersed in all directions.

"not good.

The dead bird probably suspected that I had left the stadium and began to expand the search area.

The scene where I made up as a young woman and left was already discovered by the beasts in the sky.

I was holding hands with three other girls, and they didn't suspect me.

But now, we must have become the biggest suspects.

Because there were not many people leaving the First Stadium at that time, the four of us together were really too conspicuous.

Ma Dan.

At that time there was no way.

It would be best if you can wait until the live audience leaves.

But can't wait.

Or to be precise, I dare not wait.

With the method of SS2-level black monster bird, if I hide in the passage room, I will be found sooner or later.

At that time, I don't need it to do anything, and if I have a group of S3 beasts in a wheel battle, my vitality will soon be exhausted, and the final end will be to be divided and eaten, and I guess there will be no shit left.


Can not be done.

Once I listed the four of us as targets of suspicion, I entered the expert apartment, and they went to the No. [-] female dormitory. The beasts in the sky must have seen it clearly.

So, they were able to lock on to our position very quickly.

If I don't find a suitable place, I may not be able to run away. "

When he thought of this, Ye Chong's heart suddenly rose to his throat, and then he glanced at the sky, obviously a little anxious.


"swimming pool."

Ye Chong's eyes lit up, and he wanted to jump into the swimming pool in the central garden. However, the scene when he was chased and killed by SS1 pink-winged birds in the Biyuan community immediately appeared in his mind.

SS1-level pink-winged birds are not afraid of water, and SS2-level black monster birds have no reason to be afraid of water.


Can't wait any longer.

Go back to the room to avoid it first.

It's too dangerous here.

Once attacked by a black monster bird, it is estimated that there will be no chance to run. "

As soon as Ye Chong turned around, he wanted to go back to the expert's apartment.

Da da da!

There was a sound of rapid footsteps.

I saw a man in his 30s walking quickly. After seeing Ye Chong, he didn't speak, as if he hadn't seen him at all. After opening the gate of the nuclear defense project with a key, he turned around and left.

Ye Chong was stunned for a while, and couldn't help asking suddenly: "Who told you to do this?"

"Principal Zhang called me directly just now and told me to open the door of the nuclear defense project as soon as possible, without asking anything." After speaking, the man in his 30s glanced at the sky, and then hurried away, as if When he came, he had to go up three points fast, as if he was afraid of being targeted by a beast.

Hearing what the other party said, Ye Chong's heart suddenly felt hot, and then he entered the nuclear defense project in a flash, and closed the door from the inside.

It didn't take long before he entered the hall where the masked martial arts competition was held.

At this moment, it was pitch black inside, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as not being able to see your fingers. Indeed, there was not even a little light.

He quietly sensed the situation inside, and then closed the first door and the second door respectively.

It should be said that Ye Chong is very familiar with the hall where the masked martial arts competition is held.

He has been to almost every corner, even if he closes his eyes, he can quickly reach any place he wants to go.

Of course, now you can't see your fingers here, and there is no need to keep your eyes open.

Ye Chong quickly found a corner position next to the wall and sat down cross-legged.

One advantage of being in this position is that in case of danger, there are three options.

The first option is to jump up.

The second option is to fly left.

The third option is to fly to the right.

If it was really a SS2-level black monster attacking him, he would even have a fourth option - jumping close to the ground.

However, the most important reason why Ye Chong chose this place was not this, but the offense.

With his back against the corner and no worries behind him, he can go all out to attack forward.

Sometimes, people are really forced to the point of death, and they can only use the most powerful force to win the slim chance of survival.

Of course, no one wants to encounter such a thing.

Especially for Ye Chong now.

It should be said that his current body is not seriously injured, especially after allocating a point of energy and blood during the battle with the birds in the stadium, his physical statistics are not bad.

Full of energy.

Physically strong.

Half the bottle of blood dangled.

However, after a little meditation, it won't take long for the qi and blood to recover to almost the same level.

The only regret is that there are no weapons.

Speaking of which, the black javelin of the little girl with dreadlocks is really good.

However, before he decided to leave, he didn't take it away, but asked the 00 team to hand it over to the little girl.

For a warrior, a person's weapon is often engraved with his own mark, and if someone else uses it, the owner who does not have a weapon can always use it with ease.

It doesn't work to remove the mark on it.

One is that it is not good for the owner of the weapon, not to mention that it takes time to inscribe the mark again, and it has to be cultivated from scratch, and the effect is not as good as when the mark was engraved for the first time.

You know, things like imprints are quite important.

It is the hub where the pattern of the law of the weapon of the warrior communicates with the mind of the owner.

In a way, the better the mark, the more powerful the weapon.

The second is to remove the original owner's imprint, not just to remove it, it takes time and effort, not to mention, it also consumes resources.

In fact, there is another more important reason why Ye Chong did not choose to take away the black javelin.

Without a person's exclusive weapon by his side, it actually makes people lose their souls.

I always feel that something is wrong.

Always feel uncomfortable.

Ye Chong felt the same about this.

Whenever he thinks of Starry Sky Blade during the battle, he has a feeling of scratching his head, like a smoker who wants to smoke like crazy.

The little girl with dreadlocks, Michonne, saved his life for nothing but this, and Ye Chong couldn't take away her exclusive weapon.

"But what now?

Once the dead bird really finds this place, can I just escape?

The point is, can I really escape?


SS1-level pink-winged birds can crush me to death, let alone SS2-level black monster birds.

What should I do?

Before the big recovery period of the combat merit point column comes, I only have one combat merit point left to allocate.

And after the distribution of this merit point is over, I will enter a 24-hour recovery period.

Ha ha.

24 hours ah.

I'm so...

Can you really hold on for so long? "

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