Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 688 Humanism Training Fee

The National Martial Arts Department is a specialized agency that governs warriors. As a member of the National Martial Arts Department, Chu Xunhuan is naturally very clear about some things.

"The qi and blood of a junior martial artist should not exceed 200.

But what about Ye Chong?

After launching a series of attacks, even if the energy and blood flow is very efficient, at least hundreds of energy and blood should be consumed.

Coupled with the previous battle...

The loss should not be too small.

How did this guy do it? "

Chu Xunhuan stared closely at the figure that was moving like a butterfly among the animals, and he couldn't help but have a look of doubt on his face.

Although the physical skills in actual combat basically do not consume any energy and blood, and are mainly completed by the basic strength of the body, this does not mean that after the body's energy and blood are exhausted, it is still possible to perform body skills so calmly.

At this time, Chu Xunhuan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he nodded with a smile.

I saw Ye Chong suddenly put his hand into his bosom while flickering around, took out something from his underwear pocket, and put it into his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the mouth wriggled wantonly and chewed a few times, it looked like he was eating something.

"Mr. Chu, did you see it?" Catherine whispered, "He should be eating something that replenishes qi and blood, but his movements are very secretive, so it's hard to tell whether it's a pill or a blood-replenishing substance like Millet Spatholobus."

"Haha, I thought he was eating chewing gum." Blanco, the big black man, also said in a barely audible voice, "No wonder this guy has no scruples, so he has good things on him."

"Yeah, Ye Chong is really an interesting guy." Chu Xunhuan nodded with a smile, then glanced sideways at the SS2-level black monster bird, and said in a low voice, "However, no matter what he eats, it's worth nothing." It’s not low, this time it’s a waste of money, it’s better to find a way to compensate him in the future.”

"Yes, what he did this time is a vivid teaching material for the live audience, as well as the hundreds of millions of viewers behind the TV and live broadcast platforms." Catherine chuckled lightly, "In the era of martial arts for all, this significance is extraordinary , can inspire the self-esteem of the human race who share the same hatred, for this reason, even if he is paid a humanist training fee, it should be."

"Hey, it's really impressive that Ye Chong has changed from being criticized by thousands of people to admired by thousands of people." Blanco, the big black man, grinned, "I have to admit that our human race really needs such a glorious image."


The three of them spoke in a low voice, and they used directional sound transmission, so they were not afraid of hearing the SS2-level black monster bird.

At the same time, Ye Chong continued to rush outward while chewing.

In fact, he really wanted to spit out the xylitol in his mouth now, but he held back.

no way.

Not long ago, he had just used his combat merit points to restore his blood. He was really worried that the martial artists at the scene would find something abnormal, so he could only cover it up by eating.

As for whether anyone believed it, that was none of his business.

What he is doing now at least leaves room for the imagination of those who are interested, and the possibility of explaining himself.


Seeing that Ye Chong was about to rush out of the encirclement of beasts like a dancing butterfly, the SS2-level black monster screamed again.


Immediately, all the animals rolled towards Ye Chong again, the wind was strong, and the sound of strange screams kept ringing.

At the same time, there was a scream in the sky, and another group of beasts flew down, rumbling and rumbling, drowning all the beasts and Ye Chong below.

At this critical moment, the corners of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, his body turned around, and he shot straight towards the west side like a sharp arrow, like lightning and thunder, with an incredible speed.

Immediately afterwards, he passed between the three huge S3 beasts, but the three big beasts reacted and flapped their huge wings one after another. The animals that are chasing.



Swish swish!

Ye Chong, who had finally rushed out of the encirclement, really didn't dare to neglect, and rushed forward like a rabbit fleeing for his life.

The direction of the key rush is a bit interesting, it is the contestant team of the Yangwu Conference.

Those people standing on the spot now are all martial arts fighter-level masters.

Especially Xia Houbao, Fat Girl Sun Wukong, Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng, etc. are even more evildoers.

Ye Chong's speed was so fast that he shot into the crowd in the blink of an eye.


Suddenly, the huge No. [-] Stadium felt like a pot had exploded, turning into a mess.

The contestants are in disarray.

No mess.

Ye Chong, the beast's target, rushed in, followed by a bunch of beasts. The key point is that there are countless beasts rushing down in the sky, can it be chaotic?

Impossible not to mess up.

The birds followed suit.

No mess.

They were ordered to besiege and kill Ye Chong, but now that the man has run away, how can this work?

Whether it is a disobedience to an order or a failure to execute an order, the only result is death.

How can they not be messed up? !

The body is chaotic, and the mind is also chaotic. All of this is because the person who started the chaos must be brought to justice at all costs.

Otherwise, these beasts would not be beasts, but would turn into feces.

As for whether it will become human feces or bird feces in the future, I don't know now. We have to see who eats it in the end.

The audience at the scene was also chaotic.

In fact, it is inappropriate to say that they are chaotic, they should be called crazy.

All the people stood up, shouting excitedly, cheering, and applauding.

Almost everyone was excited and ecstatic that Ye Chong could break out of the encirclement smoothly.

The rostrum is also chaotic.

The top academicians who stayed on the stage were all excited about the miracle Ye Chong had created.

Many of them rushed down from the rostrum with their weapons in hand. It seemed that they were full of fighting enthusiasm, passion and pride.

However, there are also many academics who are excited, but also have a deep worry on their faces.

Ye Chong led the S3 beast into the team of the contestants. They knew very well what this meant.

Most likely, the killing was about to begin.

Chu Xunhuan and the others were also in a mess. They were excited, excited, angry, and even more funny.

Especially Chu Xunhuan.

He knew in his heart what Ye Chong's purpose was.

From Ye Chong's personal point of view, this is a good means of self-protection, allowing the contestants to block guns for himself, dragging them all into the water, and winning the opportunity for him to escape while taking advantage of the chaos.

But considering the interests of the human race, this guy is too bad.

The contestants are all the hope of the future of the human race, either monsters or elites.

If these people suffer heavy casualties, it will definitely be a big loss for the human race.

However, Chu Xunhuan also understood in his heart that there was indeed nothing wrong with Ye Chong doing this.

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