Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 683 He Actually Tells the Truth


Ye Chong stabbed back with the black javelin in his hand, directly piercing through the head of a beast.

Immediately after the next moment, the black javelin drew back, took advantage of the momentum, and hit the neck of the second beast with a bang, and there was a sound of bone shattering.

At the same time, he poked forward with his left foot, and accelerated continuously, screaming, another beast rolled over, its wings trembled, and the wind blew loudly, which was astonishing.

At the same time, he was still thinking about something in his mind. When did he offend so many beasts, he felt really aggrieved.

But soon, he suddenly remembered something.

Pink-winged bird.

That's right.

It's a pink-winged bird.

Teacher Liu Yun of the Variation Biology Research Office of Kyushu Martial Arts Academy once entrusted him to catch a white-winged bird.

As a result, after overfulfilling the task, he was frantically chased by SS1 white-winged birds in Biyuan Community.

If there was no relationship between these two things, he would never believe anything.

Now, on the last day of the martial arts conference, he was surrounded and attacked by beasts.

When these things are associated, they should all have something to do with the pink-winged bird.

Other than that, he really didn't have much to do with these beasts.

"Damn it.

This should be the reason.

The last time I was in Biyuan Community, the SS1 pink-winged bird that always turned into a fig leaf didn't catch me.

Now that the dead bird has brought so many beasts at once, it seems that it is inevitable.


I don't know if this bird thing came today?


But don't worry.

According to what Chu Xunhuan and the others said, that SS2-level black monster bird would not attack me, nor would that SS1-level pink-winged bird come.

In other words, the level of the beast that attacked me today will not be higher than S3.



There is still a chance of life.

However, is the pink-winged bird so difficult to deal with?

Revenge is too strong, right? !

It can be said that no matter what the cost.

If I had known this earlier, I really shouldn't have agreed to Teacher Liu Yun.

Ha ha.

Teacher Liu Yun's expression was also very strange at the beginning, but I can think too much.

Unexpectedly, it would lead to today's disaster.

How to do?

None of the experts from the National Martial Arts Department or the Global Martial Arts Federation can help me, so how should I get out?

Is it only hard steel? ! "



The black javelin in Ye Chong's hand slashed down, blasting a beast the size of an ordinary pigeon into a pulp.

This was already the seventh beast he had killed.

Speaking of which, the attack rhythm of the beast is also very interesting.

The beast's first attack, when the little girl with dreadlocks was still around, they only dispatched an S3 beast.

In the second attack of the beasts, they dispatched two S3-level beasts, and the little girl with dreadlocks suffered injuries, which also made Ye Chong decide to send her away.

In the third attack of the beasts, they dispatched three S3 level beasts. He fought independently and killed all three beasts on the spot.

You know, the strength of S3 level beasts is very strong, almost close to the strength of the junior martial arts generals of the human race, stronger than the general SS1 level mutant beasts of the sea beast family and land beast family, and even close to the SS2 level mutant beasts.

For ordinary warrior-level fighters, if they are fighting alone, it would be good if they can kill an S3-level beast.

Even if this person is very strong, has rich experience in actual combat, is skilled in combat techniques, and has a strong physique, the consumption of vitality and blood cannot be tolerated in the case of continuous combat.

However, Ye Chong killed seven S3-level beasts in a row under the watchful eyes of everyone, and he was fighting to the death. In the eyes of everyone at the scene, this was simply unbelievable.

Under normal circumstances, it is normal for the big black guy Blanco of the Global Martial Arts Federation to be able to do this.

But the big black Blanco is a junior martial arts fighter, and what about Ye Chong?

That's right.

He is just a junior martial arts fighter, and there is a big gap between him and a junior martial arts general.

"My goodness.

This is an S3 level beast.

Ye Chong is also...isn't this too awesome?

It felt like he wasn't fighting an S3-level beast at all, but an S3-level land beast.



This kind of efficiency should be more like fighting an S2 land beast, right?

Ye Chong, that's simply too awesome. "


What is this?

Ye Chong was already awesome.

Remember that anime villain thing?

They showed their strength there at that time.

But what?

No one believed it.

Ha ha.

As a result, he was seriously injured, but lost to the little girl with dreadlocks and the awesome Wubashan, and easily won No.3.

You said, who is awesome if he is not awesome? !

I think that no matter what happens to Ye Chong, it is normal.

Because his strength lies there. "


Think back now.

What the animation villain said is not an exaggeration at all.

Ha ha.

He actually told the truth, but none of us took it seriously. "

"That's right.

Ye Chong really proved his strength.

There is no doubt about that.

However, it is very strange.

Although he is very capable, he is only a junior martial arts fighter after all, right?

Normally speaking, he should have exhausted all his energy and blood if he persisted until now.


He was still as fierce as a dragon and fierce as a tiger, fighting to the death without retreating, and he didn't feel any sign of lack of energy and blood. "



Zhang Mingyang lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and soon submerged himself in the thick smoke.

In his eyes quietly looking at the distant battlefield, the light flickered, colorful, filled with indescribable complex colors.

At the same time, the SS2-level black monster blinked anthropomorphically, his eyes full of disbelief.


Amidst the strange screams, five S3 level beasts rushed forward.

Chu Xunhuan and the others all changed their expressions, thinking to themselves, he probably couldn't hold on anymore.

At the same time, the huge No. [-] Stadium suddenly exploded like a pot, and all kinds of voices rang together.

"Ye Chong, come on!"

"Hold on, hold on!"

"Kill all these beasts!"

"What are you waiting for, why don't you save him?!"

"God, do you want to watch him get killed?"



Ye Chong was caught off guard, and his right shoulder was stabbed by the sharp beak of an S3 beast, and blood spattered immediately.

Amidst the sudden soaring exclamation at the scene, Ye Chong turned his body around, as if the leaves blown by the strong wind flew upwards in an instant, and then turned upside down in the air.

Ka Ka Ka!

For a moment, all the barriers below were smashed into pieces, and at least two beasts died immediately on the spot.

The other three smaller animals flew around in an instant, whining endlessly.


In the huge No. [-] Stadium, thunderous cheers and applause erupted in an instant.

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