Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 68 Accumulating in the Killing

Along the way, Ye Chong avoided attacks from all directions with the shortest steps.

Sometimes it is one step to the left, one step to the right, one step forward, one step back, even twisting the waist and lifting the buttocks, jumping up and down, which is very funny from a distance.

However, I have to admit that this is the most economical and practical footwork, and it is also a new realm of bodywork.

"When I was outside the protective fence of the financial room just now, although my movements were chic and easy, like a butterfly dancing, but compared to now, it was obviously worse, and even a little flashy."

When thinking of this, Ye Chong couldn't help but twitched his mouth and shook his head.

"Otherwise, what should I do? I can't dance awkwardly in front of them, can I? Then I am still the captain?"


With a backhand knife, Ye Chong split the head of the sneaking mutant seal, and then the blade turned around, stabbing the chest of a mutant seal in the front left, and then he drew the knife across the neck of the other mutant seal, causing blood to flow immediately. Spray wildly, drifting down.

Immediately after the next moment, the Dark Night War Knife turned around and pierced fiercely into the body of a mutated seal that was flying towards it. With a flick of the blade, blood was splashed, and the mutated seal faced the three mutated seals rushing towards it head-on. The seals collided with each other, and there was a frightening sound of chirping.

"My saber technique is still not coherent, and I still can't master it well, flow through the clouds, and kill the enemy with just a few gestures."

"Especially when combining the saber technique with the body technique, it seems extremely jerky and sluggish. Either move the body technique and forget the sword technique, or use the knife technique but forget the movement technique."

Ye Chong frowned, looking helpless.

"One of the reasons for this phenomenon is that it took me a lot of energy to kill the mutated sea monster snake. I am still a little exhausted and lack of energy."

"Another reason, I can't blame others, it's purely caused by my lack of actual combat."

Of course he understood.

Practice makes perfect!

Whether it is in martial arts skills, martial arts skills, or life affairs such as cultural learning, it is an absolute truth and supreme law that cannot be broken.

Only when you know something thoroughly in your heart, so that you can get it at your fingertips, can it be ever-changing and become a means of winning.

If you have a whole body of theory, experience and knowledge, but you can't practice it effectively, it will undoubtedly be nothing in the end.


Ye Chong stared at the mutated seal that was rushing wildly with piercing eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

kill kill kill!

Only in the endless killing can I accumulate my combat capital and qualifications, and can I finally present the exercises I have learned perfectly.

Boom boom boom!

Ye Chong walked forward steadily.


With a flick of the Night Saber to the left, a mutated seal was split in half from the jaw to the head.

When the handle of the knife was pulled back and stabbed, a large hole appeared in the chest of a mutated seal.

The blade cut half a circle and stuck back against the left side of the body, and a mutated seal fell to the ground.

Swish swish!

Three sword flowers suddenly appeared, and the three mutated seals in front of them were each stabbed on the forehead, like a fountain of blood.


Ye Chong stopped and stopped, stopping to think about it from time to time. By the way, he took out the eyes of the nearby mutated seal and put them in the outer membrane bag of the backpack. Whenever there are mutated seals without eyes, they will naturally rush over. solve.


He rushed out from the safety door, first went all the way up, climbed up to the roof platform again, killed a giant four-legged snake lizard, closed his eyes, and then re-bolted the corridor door on the top of the building, and then went all the way down.


When he came to the entrance of the gate on the first floor, Ye Chong pressed the call button on the military multifunctional watch.

He didn't expect this distance to be connected. He didn't have any hope at first.

The communication function on the military multifunctional watch also relies on wireless signals to transmit information. When the parameters in the air change, it will squeak and rattle when the distance is a little farther, which is useless.

"Xiaomei, I have reached the bottom of the building. The mutated sea beasts upstairs are almost all mutated seals. Among them are a few mutated elephant seals. The mutated siren snake was just an accident." When Ye Chong said this, he paused. Then said:

"Beasts have a strong sense of domain. I think mutant sea beasts are no exception. Therefore, there should be no large-scale invasion of this building by other mutant sea beasts in a short period of time."

"However, it's better to be careful!"

"After cleaning up the remaining mutated seals and trophies outside the financial room, you can pile up their corpses at the security gate, which can be regarded as the first line of defense. This can also appropriately increase your space for activities."

"Of course, these are useless in front of S1 monsters, so be careful."

"Okay, Captain, I understand." Lin Xiaomei's voice came over.

"Also, if I haven't come back by the appointed time, then you will take everyone away," Ye Chong sighed, "Be careful to clean up the roof platform in advance, so as not to delay the 00 team going home."

"Captain..." Lin Xiaomei hesitated to speak, and then sighed, "Captain, please rest assured! I promise to complete the task!"


Ye Chong turned off the call without hesitation.

Then he sank silently into the darkness and disappeared.

After half an hour.

In the abandoned movie theater less than 500 meters away from the mutated seal lair, Ye Chong stood quietly in the center of the stage.

All around are blood-red eyes, strange rustling noises, and a stench.

Can mantis shrimp survive out of sea water?

No doubt, no.

However, the evolved and mutated Mantis Shrimp can.

Moreover, each of them is alive and well, full of bullshit.

At this moment, Ye Chong was surrounded by these monsters that suddenly appeared in the center of the stage.


A three-meter-long thunderbolt mantis shrimp bounced off the ground and flew towards Ye Chong.

The latter slapped the Dark Night Saber in his hand.

Stab it!

A light blue electric arc swirled around and flew upwards along the blade.

At the same time that the thunderbolt mantis shrimp was sent flying, a light blue electric arc wrapped around Ye Chong's arms.


A sore, numb and tingling feeling rushed all over his body, and Ye Chong trembled, so he couldn't let go of the Dark Night Saber.

"What a strong current!" Ye Chong frowned, "The instantaneous voltage should be 3 volts, right?"


The mutated Thunderbolt Mantis Shrimp, which was shot flying, quickly crawled over from the edge of the stage, and began to accumulate energy to prepare to attack again.

"Didn't you kill it?" Ye Chong narrowed his eyes, "Is a mutant sea clan that is not even an S1 monster so difficult to deal with?!"


He slashed down with a knife in both hands.


It's like metal colliding together.


Unexpectedly, the outer skin of crustaceans has evolved so powerfully!

Seeing the mutated Mantis Shrimp rushing towards him again, and the countless red eyes below the stage radiating a strange light, Ye Chong felt a little uneasy.


no problem.

It doesn't make any sense to him who is actively looking for killing and fighting now.

"Damn! You're playing hard, aren't you?!" Ye Chong raised the corner of his mouth, "Then let's play!"

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