Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 669 Her tears are flying

The little girl with dreadlocks turned around in horror, but it was too late.

Ye Chong patted the opponent's left shoulder with his left hand, and probed with his right hand.


The little girl with dreadlocks only had time to turn around in the air, and wanted to stay away from Ye Chong.

It's just that the latter followed closely like a maggot attached to the bone. The five fingers of his left hand were hooked on the opponent's shoulder in an instant, and his right hand followed the trend upwards, and suddenly got stuck in her throat.


The huge No. [-] Stadium suddenly became chaotic.

There were screams, exclamations, and whistles.

"What the hell.

what happened?

The little girl with dreadlocks is restrained? "


This is absolutely impossible!

How could something like this happen?

My goodness.

Is there something wrong? ! "


Why is that?

Isn't Ye Chong unable to circulate Qi and blood?

How could it be possible to catch Michonne, who has excellent agility?


It's just unbelievable. "

"He doesn't seem to use much energy and blood, does he?

His agility just now was an actual combat agility.

As for the willow stick's attack, it was a false move.

Then disturb the enemy with the left hand and control the enemy with the right. This is a tactic.

The essential……

The little girl with dreadlocks seems a little caught off guard, right?

I really don't know what happened? "


Ye Chong is still awesome.

In the case of being seriously injured, he was able to restrain the powerful little girl with dreadlocks and won the initiative in one fell swoop.

Based on this alone, it cannot but be extremely admirable.

It seems that those who entered the semi-finals have a few brushes.

The key is how do I feel...

What about the little girl with dreadlocks?

so poor.

I really want to hug her. "


At this moment, the rostrum was as if a pot had exploded.

The core figures of the academic school, who had been watching with cold eyes, all had their eyes lit up and excited.

"Accident, what an accident."

"Although Ye Chong is physically injured, his reaction ability in battle is still very good, and he is good at catching fighters."

"Hehe, Ye Chong's performance is a bit like Principal Yan Jinglei's. He is always unexpected and makes people overjoyed."

"Okay, if Ye Chong can successfully advance to the finals, then it means that we have completely suppressed the wild warriors and won the championship and runner-up.

This is a great victory for our academy.

Not bad.

very good. "


Zhang Mingyang lit a cigarette and took a deep puff. The smoke filled the air, and his eyes could be seen shining brightly.

"I picked the right guy.

Everything tells me that my choice is right.

Ye Chong is my partner.

He is also the person I can trust the most.

Well, fine, my mate.

As long as we join hands, this world belongs to you and me. "

Call ~

Zhang Mingyang suddenly raised his head amidst the smog, and lightly exhaled a smoke ring, followed by a deep breath. He seemed to be in a good mood and relaxed all over.

At this very moment, Chu Xunhuan from the National Martial Arts Department, Catherine and Blanco from the Global Martial Arts Federation gathered together, discussing a lot, and everyone's eyes were filled with surprise and excitement.

"Miqiongen is still young." Chu Xunhuan smiled, "It is inevitable to suffer in front of the scheming Ye Chong."

"Hehe, how old is he?" Catherine smiled, "It's too flattering to say he's sophisticated. I think he's better at deceiving little girls."

"However, this guy Ye Chong's tactics are good. They are interlocking and took the lead." Blanco smacked his lips, the big black man. Seeing him injured, still playing at his best."

"Well, I have to admit that Ye Chong still has great potential for development. I think I already have a mature idea about his use." Chu Xunhuan smiled and glanced at the other two, " By the way, you'd better not take his idea."

"..." Catherine lightly brushed her hair and smiled.

"..." Blanco, the big black man, also grinned.

Xia Houbao folded his arms and stared at the direction of the arena, his face was cloudy, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

However, judging from his originally calm but now rolling eyes, his heart should have been in a mess long ago.

If you get closer at this time, you will find that his fists are clenched tightly, as if he is about to make a move at any time.

At the same time, some strange sounds could be heard from his body, like trembling and trembling.

I just don't know if it's because of anger, excitement, pain, excitement, or endless regret.

Fat girl Sun Wukong was also looking at the ring.

The blood stains on her body were still wet, her eyes were squinted, her lips were tightly pressed, and she looked a bit eerie.

Especially the way she looked at Ye Chong was icy cold and full of disbelief.


Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng picked up the big golden wine bottle, took a big gulp of the wine, then wiped the corners of his mouth, and let out a long sigh.

I don't know if it was a loss, or a complete recovery from the extreme pain.

The homeless brother Jin Shiyi had a complex expression, with a smile that seemed to be not a smile on his face.

He looked at Ye Chong with a hint of curiosity and doubt.

However, judging from the corners of his mouth curled up, he seems to be quite satisfied with the status quo.

Lin Xiaomei, Lin Xiaonuan, Yang Ying, and Tao Xiangru from Team 00 held hands, swayed their bodies slightly, and looked towards the ring.

One by one, they were chattering excitedly, as if they were afraid that the people around would not know that they were shouting, cheering and cheering for Ye Chong.

"Oh my god, this is just amazing."

"Hehe, the captain has reached the final."

"I knew the captain was the best."

"Hee hee, maybe the captain can win the championship."

"It's not that it's okay?

I think the captain will definitely win the championship.

team leader!

Come on!

I love you to death! "


Silver bell-like laughter spread around, attracting countless malicious looks.

At this moment, Ye Chong put his left hand on the left shoulder of the little girl with dreadlocks, and put a little force on her neck with his right hand:


you don't move.

I never bullied women.

However, my hands are slippery.

just in case……"

Before he finished speaking, the little girl with dreadlocks burst into tears instantly, and said in a low voice, "You bully me, men don't have a good thing."


Ye Chong coughed, a little dazed and embarrassed, and thought:

"Did I bully her?

Have it?


How could I be that kind of person?

It's not Wen Shangwu.

hey-hey. "

However, thinking about it, talking about it, Ye Chong frowned and said: "Don't cry, as a warrior, pay attention to your image...

What about that, or you can cry a little bit.

Look at it, so many people are watching it.

In broad daylight, my hands really didn't move. "

"I can't lose." The little girl with dreadlocks had tears in her eyes, and she looked extremely wronged. "If I lose... I will die, everyone will die, woohoo~"

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