Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 663 Xiaomao can't live without Laopi

Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng's face changed, and his body suddenly leaned back, narrowly avoiding the attack from the knife point.

However, just as he was about to get up, the tip of the Demon Hunting Knife swirled towards him, and it was about to slice off his head.

At this critical moment, the golden magnum in the hand of Dionysus suddenly moved upwards, as fast as lightning and thunder, which was unimaginably fast.

There was a soft crack.

The tip of the Demon Hunting Knife was knocked and flew, and then it merged with the Demon Hunting Knife and fell downward.

At the same time, Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng did not stand up, and the golden magnum remained undiminished, and the sudden change happened at this moment.


The rain of wine arrows collapsed and scattered.

Wu Bashan stretched his left hand forward, and instantly grabbed the chest of Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng, and then lifted it upwards, his right hand accelerated continuously, and ruthlessly bombarded the target's abdomen.



Loud bangs and screams came out at the same time.

Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng flew into the air like a kite with a broken string, the spicy wine was floating in the sky, and the aroma of the wine filled the air, and he also crashed down under the ring.


In the huge No. [-] Stadium, chaos suddenly broke out like a pot exploded.

"Dionysus defeated?!"

"Oh my god, another veteran evildoer has been eliminated?"


Dionysus never recovered from his injuries.

He was just blocked by a master and forced himself to support himself.

Moreover, he used the wine sword and wine arrow rain to attack continuously, and coupled with the big wine bottle in his hand, he consumed a lot of energy and blood.

Even if the opponent doesn't attack, he can't last long.

and also.

Wubashan's attack rhythm was well grasped. Although he suffered a little injury, he completely took the initiative in the whole process.


In short, the failure of Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng is inevitable. "

"Mount Wuba is still amazing.

In fact, I think that although the strange knife in his hand is powerful, his real trump card should be his hands.

After Dionysus was grabbed by his chest just now, he didn't have the slightest resistance at all, which undoubtedly proved the strength of his palms. "

"It's normal to be strong.

After all, Mount Wuba has tempered the bones of his hands and upper limbs, which is very similar to the fat girl Sun Wukong.

Ha ha.

such a pity.

If Wu Bashan, a desolate warrior, and Sun Wukong, a fat girl, meet together, the battle will definitely be more interesting and exciting, right? "

"Yeah, unfortunately, Fat Girl was eliminated and has no chance."


With the end of the quarter-finals, the list of the semi-finals has also been completely determined.

Smoker Gongsen.

Michonne, a little girl with dreadlocks.

Wubashan, the desolate warrior.

Ye Chong, brother of bird man and ruthless man.

The appearance of this result should be unexpected to those on the rostrum.

Especially before the Martial Arts Tournament started, no one would have thought that among the top four players, there was only one veteran monster, and the other three were all unknown newcomers.

In fact, Wu Bashan, the desolate warrior, and Michonne, the little girl with dreadlocks, seemed to emerge from the ground.

No one knew of their existence before the game, let alone thought they could reach the semi-finals.

Ye Chong has a great reputation.

However, this reputation is all due to the bad name and notoriety brought by the cartoon villain commercials.

However, who would have thought that Birdman, who everyone wanted to step on, unexpectedly defeated Xiahou Bao, who was the most vocal in winning the championship.

And, from then on, he started the super bye mode, made it to the semi-finals all the way, and unswervingly maintained his bad reputation.

However, the cutting-edge accounted for more than half of the top four, this is not the point.

After all, martial arts is all about strength.

It doesn't really matter whether they are standing in the light like old monsters like Xia Houbao, Fat Girl, Smoker, and Dionysus, or wild fighters like the little girl with dreadlocks, Wubashan, etc., who are in the dark.

As long as the strength is reached, it is like a master.

If the strength is not enough, then no matter whether it is in the open or hiding in the dark, it is just an embellishment of the strong and cannot be on the stage.

But then again, for a powerful martial artist, even if he is currently unknown, as long as he is willing, he will find a chance to soar to the sky at any time.

Therefore, although the appearance of a dark horse or even a super dark horse will surprise, amaze, surprise or frighten people, these are all normal things.

Especially for those veterans on the rostrum who have been immersed in martial arts for a long time, it is very normal for new talents to overthrow the old ones, and it is even something they have done before.

However, the fact that academics and non-academics are evenly divided among the top four makes them a little uneasy.

Smokey Gongsen is from Huaxia Martial Arts Academy.

Birdman Ye Chong comes from Kyushu Martial Arts Academy.

Both of them belonged to the academic school, not to mention anything else, at least they had the name of the academic school.

The little girl with dreadlocks, Michonne, is a warrior from the Black Continent.

Wubashan is also a wild warrior.

Both of them are non-academic.

Two academics.

Two non-academics.

It's like a duel between the orthodox and the unorthodox.

Speaking of which, the reason why people on the rostrum pay attention to the battle between academics and non-academics is because this matter is closely related to themselves.

Because most of them are themselves the core management of the academic school, of course they hope to win the battle between orthodox and unorthodox.

Undoubtedly, this actually represents the existence meaning of Martial Arts Academy, Martial Arts Sect and Martial Arts Clan.

Without skin, there will be no hair attached.

If the Martial Arts Academy, Martial Arts Sect, and Martial Arts Clan have no meaning of existence, then where will they go?

Join the military?

To enter the relevant national institutions?

Become a wild warrior?

Or is it a casual warrior?

These are issues that must be dealt with rigorously.

In fact, regardless of the fact that the Martial Arts Academy is booming and popular, the possibility of being banned or dying in name is very high.

Because academics have disadvantages.

This is something both Quanwu and Guowu understand.

For example, in the past, there were so many martial arts sects and martial arts families in the martial arts world, which caused a lot of factions in the martial arts world, each with their own opinions, and no one obeyed the other.

This situation caused chaos in the martial arts world.

The war between factions has never stopped.

In particular, the seizure and occupation of cultivation resources, as well as destructive exploitation and use, have caused an extremely significant impact on the environment of the entire martial arts world.

As a result, with the passage of time, even the most basic aura resources have been exhausted.

These are all fatal.

It can even be said that the vitality of the martial arts world has been greatly injured.

It is precisely because of this reason that the calls for rectifying the martial arts sects and martial arts families in the martial arts world are getting louder and louder.

After an unknown period of struggle and hard work, the authority of the Martial Dao Sect and the Martial Dao Family was finally limited and restricted, and began to change to the development idea of ​​building a Martial Arts Academy.

At the same time, this also led to the gradual decline of the martial arts sect and the martial arts family.

no way.

The skin is gone, how can the hair live?

This is also one of the important reasons for the withering of martial arts talents for a period of time.

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