After Ye Chong put away the little villain, he casually took out a military flashlight from his bag.


A beam of light shot directly at the place where the red light was lit just now.

He also figured it out in his heart.

Now that he has been discovered by the mutated seal, what should he do?

It is useless to be nervous and cautious.

Those crazy guys will never give up on them.

Before participating in the trial, Zhang Mingyang specifically mentioned:

The mutated sea beast has no resistance to the smell of the human body, as long as it smells it, it will not be able to eat it, and will never let it go.


Seeing the scene in the darkness ahead, Ye Chong couldn't help frowning.

It is really the same as I thought before, it is the light of the power indicator light.

Da da da!

Ye Chong took a few steps forward and came to a large iron cabinet with a red light on.

"It's a backup power box, but it's a pity that it doesn't seem to have much power, 17%, and I don't know how long it will last?"

He pressed directly on the green power switch.


The sound of power on is heard.

Swish swish!

After flickering a few times, the lights on the roof finally stabilized, and the entire space was bright with snow.

Interestingly, the sound of the mutated seal hitting the safety door also stopped suddenly, probably because it was confused by the sudden lighting.

Da da da!

Amidst the sound of chaotic footsteps, Lin Xiaomei walked quickly with everyone.


There was an uncontrollable scream.

Ye Chong looked back at the crowd and the huge blue, yellow and black snake body on the ground, and couldn't help frowning.

"Captain, you...didn't you're already dead?" Lin Xiaonuan asked in a daze, "Why..."

"Why aren't you dead yet, are you?" Ye Chong gave Lin Xiaonuan a cold look, and then at Tao Xiangru, "It's almost the same, I was pissed to death just now, and I came back to life because I couldn't feel relieved, yes Didn't it disappoint you?"

"Hehe, Captain, did you kill this mutated siren snake?" A blush of excitement appeared on Lin Xiaomei's originally icy pretty face, and she looked at Ye Chong with a deep sense of disbelief. "My God, how is this possible? This is an S1 monster."

"Huh?" Ye Chong was slightly taken aback, "Mutated sea monster snake? Isn't it just a mutant sea snake? What does an S1 monster mean?"

Da da da!

Lin Xiaomei walked around the three-color serpent on the ground, then looked at Ye Chong excitedly, and said with a tender smile, "Congratulations to the captain! I didn't expect the captain to be so powerful that he killed an S1-level monster on his own." beast."

"Hehe, before the new era, the Siren Snake was a demon that roamed the deep sea and ocean. It was very rare, ferocious and cruel. It often attacked all kinds of ships. The faces of sailors changed when they heard about it, and they were afraid to avoid it."

"After the new era, mutant sea monster snakes are even more rare to see, and every time they appear, they will set off a bloody storm, causing great harm to humans and even other mutant beasts. This mutant beast is equivalent to a human junior martial arts fighter. "


In the huge space, there was an exclamation immediately.

"Impossible? The strength of this big snake is equivalent to that of a human fighter? is it possible?"

"Oh my god, Captain, you are too powerful! How did you manage to slay a warrior-level monster?"

"This is impossible! The captain is not even a one-star quasi-martial artist, how could he kill a warrior-level monster that is much stronger than a four-star quasi-martial artist?"

"The captain has made a fortune! I remember that the promotional materials said that the S1 level monsters are full of treasures. If they can be transported back, they can be exchanged for a lot of small money."


Of course, Ye Chong knew about the mutated beast level system standard released by the Global Martial Arts Federation before he came to participate in the trial, but what he didn't expect was that the strange snake that attacked him was actually an S1 level monster.

What a surprise.

No wonder he almost died just now.



Bang bang bang!

There was another rumbling sound from the safety door, and it sounded obviously more violent than before.

"Okay, it's a little broken sea snake. When I was fighting with it, it was injured. Its head was full of blood. I don't know what happened?" When Ye Chong was speaking, he came to the mutated sea monster snake and kicked it. With a kick, he continued:

"Don't be surprised, the mutant beasts outside are very cruel, and they are trying to come in and eat you! If you don't want to die, then hurry up and look for a place to defend while there is still light. hurry up!"

"Yes, Captain." Everyone agreed and turned to leave.

"Captain, the most valuable part of the mutated siren snake is its guts," Lin Xiaomei said with a smile as she brushed her hair lightly before pulling Lin Xiaonuan away, "Of course, its eyes are also very useful. A lot of money."

Ye Chong nodded and said:

"The space here is relatively large. There may be other mutant beasts. Go and check it out carefully, so there won't be any problems."

Lin Xiaomei agreed and turned around and left.

Ye Chong first pulled out the dagger from the mouth of the mutated siren snake, then pulled out a pair of green snake eyes, and put it into the backpack.


The Dark Night Saber lifted up from the hole in the abdomen of the mutated Siren Snake, and the stench immediately permeated.

I go!

Ye Chong cursed secretly.

I saw that there were still some undigested things in the huge belly.

What can be recognized at a glance are some clothes, shoes and hair.


Immediately after the next moment, his throat tickled, so he couldn't spit it out.

what is that?

human feet?

"It's no wonder that the combat effectiveness of the mutated Siren Snake is worse than that of a warrior as expected. It turns out that there is so much food waiting to be digested in its stomach." Ye Chong narrowed his eyes and shook his head, "This must have affected its actions. Ability, otherwise, who will live and who will die today is really not sure."


He let out a long breath, and couldn't help but feel scared for a while.

It seems that in the coming days, it is better to be more careful.

Swish swish!

Ye Chong used his dagger to cut through the belly of the mutated siren snake, and soon found the gall, and put it away.

He also couldn't help being surprised.

Although it is unclear how much this snake gall is worth, at least it can prove that he leapfrogged and killed an S1 monster.

This is a good thing with a lot of bonus points.

In case any player accidentally gets cold, he can also make up some points.

Da da da!

Sun Mengmeng trotted over, and when she came to Ye Chong, she collected herself and said, "Captain, there is a situation over there."

"What's the situation?" Ye Chong frowned, and walked towards Sun Mengmeng's direction with a knife in his hand, "What kind of monster is it?"

"People." Sun Mengmeng followed two steps.

"What?" Ye Chong was slightly taken aback, "Who is it?"

"It's people, Captain." Sun Mengmeng pointed to the front, "Deputy Captain Xiaomei led us to open a closed room, and there were people inside."

"What?" Ye Chong blinked, "What did you just say?"

"Human, Captain." Sun Mengmeng was a little confused.

"I'm asking you, what did you call Lin Xiaomei just now?" Ye Chong squinted at Sun Mengmeng.

"Deputy...deputy captain?" Sun Mengmeng replied in a low voice.

Hemp egg!

Ye Chong didn't speak, but cursed inwardly, and walked forward quickly.

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