Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 649 Orthodox vs. Unorthodox

Zhang Mingyang frowned.

If there is a problem, the human eye can distinguish it.

It's just that the big black Blanco, who came from Quanwu, lacks experience in rescuing the field.

In fact, there is no way to save it.

Who is it?

Can't choose.

Randomly pick one?

I'm afraid that will cause more confusion.

It is estimated that doing so will exactly fulfill the wish of the person who caused the failure of the lottery link.

That's right.

Not a technical glitch, but a human glitch.

Zhang Mingyang's heart is like a bright mirror.


His eyes fell on a stocky man in his 40s.

At this moment, the other party happened to look over, and after making eye contact with Zhang Mingyang, a humble smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Wang Dahua.

The vice principal of Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy.

The purpose of the person who has been giving him Zhang Mingyang problems all the time is to replace him as Yang Wu's number one.

However, although Zhang Mingyang was like a bright mirror in his heart, he had nothing to do with Wang Dahua.

The other party is a high-level martial arts fighter, and he is not even a martial artist. He is not suitable in terms of individual strength. If there is a physical conflict, he must be the one who suffers.

As for qualifications, Wang Dahua obviously has an advantage over him in terms of martial arts major.

These are indisputable facts.

He Zhang Mingyang is not stupid, of course he won't do stupid things.

However, this by no means means cowardice and retreat.

"If you want people to perish, you must first make them crazy."

What Zhang Mingyang has to do now is to accumulate the capital of Thunder Strike.

This capital includes not only his personal capital, but also timing and external capital.

As for what are these capitals?

Of course he already had a score in his heart.

"Go crazy."

"It's the death bell."

During this period of time, there seemed to be a voice always shouting in Zhang Mingyang's head, which often quieted him down in his rage.


Zhang Mingyang lit a cigarette, then took a deep breath, and soon submerged himself in the thick smoke.

The draw glitch was an accident.

To others, the so-called accident is an unexpected event that catches people off guard.

But for him, Zhang Mingyang, the accident was just a part of the emergency response.

Everything is under control.

There is no need to panic at all.

In fact, accidents are the best way to help him discover mosquitoes, flies and tigers.

Soon, Wang Shina even talked and laughed to get rid of the influence of the lottery failure.

She even took the opportunity to tell a joke about a beautiful woman and a young monk, which caused the audience to burst into laughter.

Of course, there are also people who are humbly laughing, or in other words, laughing on the surface.

Buried in the smoke, Zhang Mingyang didn't smile, but just smiled at the person who laughed awkwardly.

However, there was a kind of smile in his heart, which was meaningful.

No. 1 drawn in the fourth match of the sixth knockout round - Jinshiyi, there is no problem, of course there is no need to re-draw.

The second person who was successfully drawn was Lin Yuanba.

As soon as this result came out, the huge No. [-] Stadium once again turned into a sea of ​​noise.

"I've been looking forward to the homeless Jin Shiyi's match.

He is the most handsome and handsome martial arts fighter I have ever seen.

I really hope that he can successfully defeat Lin Yuanba and advance to the next round.

Ha ha.

Without him, the knockout rounds are boring to watch. "

“I think there are a lot of things to watch in this game.

First, this is a title match.

It is said on the Internet that Lin Yuanba is as famous as Fat Girl and Smoker, but many people are not convinced.

If he can prove his strength in this powerful dialogue, no one will gossip behind his back.

Second, there are many debates in the martial arts world about casual warriors, wild warriors, and academic warriors.

Some said that the warriors cultivated by the academy are domestic pigs raised in captivity, which are not aggressive, and the final result is to become meat.

For example, it will become the supreme delicacy of mutant beasts—life.

And what about the wild warriors?

Many people think they are wild boars.

Not only with long fangs, but also full of aggressiveness.

In fact it is.

Basically, when wild warriors of the same realm meet academic warriors, the former usually crushes the latter.

It's like wild boars can easily kill domestic pigs.

As for the scattered warriors?

Many people think that they are a group between the wild warriors and the academic warriors. They have both academic theories and the killing experience of the wild warriors.

Of course, there are many people who hold different opinions.

For example, there is a widely circulated saying that wild warriors and casual warriors are all people who cannot become academic warriors and are eliminated.

In short, the public says that the public is right, and the woman says that the woman is right.

Therefore, the battle between Jin Shiyi, a casual warrior, and Yuanba, a mountain warrior, is a duel between the orthodox and the unorthodox, which is of great significance.


I think it is likely to be related to the training method of future warriors.

Is it the theory?

Or is it based on actual combat?

Or link theory with practice?

Third, this is a battle for the top seven seats in the seventh knockout round.

Whether Jin Shiyi entered the top seven or Lin Yuanba successfully advanced, it meant that they would become one of the most powerful Seven Warriors.

This title carries a lot of weight.

I even think that these seven people will enter the top ten of the future Yangwu ranking list without any accident.

Ha ha.

It is simply an opportunity to step up to the sky. "

"Hearing what you said, this game is really exciting."

"Ha ha.

Jin Shiyi is unrestrained and unrestrained, with amazing strength.

Lin Yuanba is the iconic figure of Yamatake.

Needless to say, it will be very exciting. "


As soon as Jin Shiyi and Lin Yuanba came to power, they chose to attack.

In terms of speed, strength and combat skills, the two can be said to be evenly matched.

But what was surprising was that Lin Yuanba, who was always known for his physical skills, looked clumsy and flustered in front of Jin Shiyi at this moment.

As soon as the battle between the two started, Ye Chong was immediately attracted.

It won't work if you don't attract it.

There is a strange feeling lingering in my heart, which is difficult to dissipate.

There is no doubt that Lin Yuanba's agility is indeed good, but he has not yet reached the stage of martial arts agility, but in actual combat agility, his performance is almost perfect.

Jin Shiyi's agility has obviously surpassed the stage of actual combat agility. Judging from the situation shown, it looks a bit like flying skills, but it is not so after careful consideration.

The martial arts skills of Ye Chong and the little girl with dreadlocks Michonne are both flying skills, while Jin Shiyi's martial arts skills are similar to flying skills in terms of staying in the air, but in terms of movement, the difference is quite different. big.

too fast.

From one point to another, it can be described in the blink of an eye.


Jin Shiyi patted Lin Yuanba's right shoulder with his left hand.

The latter turned around quickly, only to find that there was nothing behind him.

Immediately after the next moment, he suddenly turned around again and looked forward.

However, it was still empty and there was no one there.

At this moment, his right shoulder was tapped again.

This time Lin Yuanba didn't dare to look back, but sped forward like crazy.

However, what people didn't expect was that a big foot flew towards him and kicked him directly under the ring.


There was an uproar at the scene.

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