Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 647 Living is a Habit

At this moment, the huge No. [-] Stadium fell into chaos as if it had exploded.

"It's still Wuba Mountain that is amazing, with good body skills, fast speed, great strength, and the use of key strategies and tactics is perfect."

"Actually, the most powerful weapon in Mount Wuba is not the weapon, but his palms. The left palm seriously injured Ba Zhan's right foot, and the right palm chopped off the opponent's arm."

"It's a pity that Ba Zhan's blitzkrieg and critical strikes didn't come out, otherwise it wouldn't be so miserable. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for being inferior to others."

"There is no such thing as a pity in the battle of warriors. What depends on the result is the result. Otherwise, let Xiahou Bao fight Ye Chong again, and Xiahou will definitely not suffer from being dumb again, right?"

"That's right, the winner is the prince and the loser is Kou. Everything depends on strength and performance. It's useless to say anything else."

"Ba Zhan's right foot was seriously injured, his left arm was broken, and he was kicked in the chest. I don't know if he can survive?"

"Xuan, Ba Zhan's injury looks fatal, but don't forget, it was caused by Mount Wuba. It is absolutely fatal."

"I found that this martial arts promotion conference is really too cruel, and the more it goes on, the more cruel it is. Is this the original intention of holding the martial arts exchange conference?"


of course.

must be.

Very much so.

Especially now that we have entered the era of martial arts for all, this kind of live broadcast of actual combat on the whole network and Taiwan is very helpful for latecomers to understand martial arts.

If you haven't seen blood in advance and don't have the awareness of death and injury, then you don't know the importance of constantly sharpening yourself in the process of practicing martial arts.

or die.

or live.

In the current age when the human race is besieged by mutant beasts, if there is no awareness and understanding of this aspect, it will only be a life of mutant beasts. "

"Yeah, to put it bluntly, martial arts is the art of killing. For martial artists, this point should never be forgotten."


on the rostrum.

Zhang Mingyang pursed his lips tightly with a stern expression.

Especially when he saw the referee pick up the arm from the ring and pass it to the medical staff, the corners of his eyes twitched involuntarily.

To be honest, he knew very well in his heart that he was a little afraid of blood.

However, he had to force himself now to see more blood and see more casualties.

Otherwise, no matter how hard I try, I will scare myself to death in the battle of blood and fire in the end.

What's more, as the principal of Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy, he is not even a martial artist. Even though he has outstanding leadership skills, in the era of martial arts for all, I am afraid that there is not much time left for him.

So, he now has to force himself to go through all the things that have to go through.

There is only one purpose.

It is to shorten one's growth path, in order to meet the basic qualification requirements before the new rules and regulations of the National Martial Arts Department are issued.

Otherwise, his life is doomed to pass quietly in loss, leaving behind indelible regrets.

At this moment, Chu Xunhuan from the National Martial Arts Department, and Catherine and Blanco from the Global Martial Arts Federation were also discussing quietly.

"Mount Wuba is pretty good, with a strong overall strength." The big black man Blanco grinned, "Even if I fight him, I guess it will take a lot of effort."

"His left and right hand bones have been tempered, and he is very unique in the use of combat skills." Chu Xunhuan nodded, "After breaking through to a junior martial arts general in the future, his strength will increase sharply."

"Mr. Chu is right," Catherine smiled, and continued, "His trump card is in one pair of hands. As for the weapon in his hand, it is just an auxiliary means, or a cover-up, and it serves both hands."

"Actually, Ba Zhan is fine, but it's a pity that we met Wu Ba Zhan. Both of us have rich experience in actual combat, but Wu Ba Zhan's overall strength is slightly stronger." Chu Xunhuan shook his head, "It's a pity Ba Zhan.

Even if the broken arm is connected, without a few months of training, it will not be able to reach the current state.


And his right foot.

It doesn't look bad.

Otherwise, Pakistan Zhan's reaction at that time would not have been so strong.


If I'm not mistaken, he should be suffering from cold poison.

It's good to remove it in time.

If it is delayed, I am afraid that the right foot will not be kept. "

"Isn't Mount Wu a bit too ruthless?" Blanco scratched his head in black, "It seems that you have to be careful when you're with such a guy."

"Hehe," Catherine smiled sweetly, "I didn't expect that among the martial arts fighters, there are people that Mr. Blanc is afraid of. It's really interesting."

"It's not fear, it's vigilance, vigilance and caution," the big black man Blanco grinned, "If it's just fighting head-on, I have nothing to worry about at all."

"It can't be said that Mount Wuba is ruthless." Chu Xunhuan frowned slightly, and said slowly, "He is a desolate warrior, he has experienced too many things, and he has already formed the habit of living.

The arena is the battlefield.

Once you stand on it, either you die or I live.

If you save the benevolence of a woman, no one will appreciate you.

No one will sympathize with you.

It is you who are killing yourself.

In fact, to put it bluntly, living is a habit.

There is not so much right and wrong.

Otherwise, he might not even know how he died. "

Both Catherine and Blanco nodded slowly.

Ye Chong glanced at Wuba Mountain coldly, with a pensive look on his face.

He is no fool.

It's one thing to want to avenge Dunant.

Whether you can avenge him is another matter.

And after watching the duel between Wuba Mountain and Ba Zhan, he really had a headache.

Wuba Mountain's strength is too strong, obviously a bit beyond his initial imagination.

"His palms should have been tempered.

Call ~


Quenching is a process.

Can be tempered weapons.

It can also temper the body.

In fact, the refining process is similar.

In other words, after his palms were tempered, they looked like weapons of a warrior growing on his body.

However, to what extent he has been tempered now, I can't see.

But judging from their combat efficiency, it is absolutely impossible for them to be weapons of low-level warriors.

Ha ha.

Tempered bones.

Grinding and forging one's body like a weapon for a warrior, once successful, what kind of demeanor and strength should this be?


What other weapons do I need to bring? !

I have tempered my hands, I have tempered my arms, then they are my knives, guns, swords, halberds, axes, forks, and forks. No matter what kind of weapon I want, there is nothing wrong with it, just a thought.

I tempered my feet...

I tempered my legs...

I tempered my brain...

I tempered the sternum...

I tempered the ribs...

I tempered my internal organs...

I tempered...

Even just thinking about it makes people full of expectations.

If my body has really become a mobile arsenal, then what fear do I have?

Don't worry about attacking.

No worries about defense.

Attack, weapons are originally used to attack, so why worry about it?

Defense, the reason why a weapon is a weapon is that it is harder to destroy than the body, so it is still defensive?

Keep what?

It's not necessary at all.


Wubashan, I have to admit that you are an amazing guy, and you also make me full of infinite imagination for the future.

And longing. "

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