Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 645 Smoke bomb


Suddenly, a light blue smoke filled the arena, drowning Gongsen and Gu Nana, the smoker, and disappeared.

At the same time, the huge No. [-] Stadium fell into a hustle and bustle like a rough sea.

"what happened?

what happened?

Is that smoke?

Why not diffuse?

My goodness.

Could it be that the smoker did the magic? "


What the magic is, I don't know.

However, I know Smokey's smoke bombs are powerful.

Once covered by smoke bombs, not only will you be dizzy, but you will also be blind.

And the smoker, as the master of the field of smoke bombs, was not affected at all.

So, Gu Nana was covered in smoke bombs, no one could save her, she was going to die. "

"I fucked up.

Smoke bombs cover such a large area?

Almost cover two-thirds of the arena, right?

Who can hide from this?

It can only be said that Gu Nana is unlucky.

If she hadn't met a smoker who could release smoke bombs, with her body skills, even Xiahou Bao and Dionysus wouldn't be able to catch up, right? "

"Ha ha.

Who said you can't catch up?

But I heard that Xia Houbao had chased Gu Nana long ago, right?


cough cough cough.


You said that the smoker and Gu Nana are both in the smoke now, and no one can see outside, the two of them...

You won't be doing some indescribable things in it, will you? "

"Ha ha.

There is this possibility.

Now there is no sound at all.

This shows what?

There must be something wrong. "

"No, no.

If there was a problem, the two of them would have to make some noise in the smoke, right?

But look now, why is there no movement?

What the hell is going on inside?


The smoker is so unreasonable.

What's the matter, let's come together.

You said it was inappropriate for him to do this in public? ! "

"Ha ha.

We were outside, and it was quiet inside, because the smoke bombs of the smokers blocked the sound.

I guess you haven't installed a soundproof wall in your house, have you?

In fact, the truth is almost the same.

It can only be said that smokers are very knowledgeable in the use of smoke.


I guess.

It's buzzing inside right now.

It's just a pity.

Can't go in and have a look. "

"Stop dreaming.

Still go in and take a look?

With the means of the smoker Gongsen, I'm afraid he can get in, but he can't get out.

You have a good brain, so let's think about it here.

In fact, there are some things, it’s interesting to think about them. "


in the smoke.

Gunana bent over and coughed violently.

Cigarettes in this era no longer have any toxic and harmful substances, and they are not choking.

But now she was in the smoke created by the smoker, but her nose was sore, her throat was itchy, and she couldn't help crying, coughing, and sneezing.

The most terrible thing is that I still have tinnitus and dizziness, dizziness, and lack of energy, and I can't walk.

She knew very well that the problem was the smoke, and she might have been poisoned.


Da da!

Da da da!

Light footsteps sounded quietly.

Gu Nana looked up with difficulty.

I saw that amidst the mist, it seemed that something was approaching.

"Smoker, you bastard." Gu Nana roared loudly.

But at the next moment, she was shocked to find that she couldn't even hear her own voice.


An indescribable chill instantly flooded his whole body, but beads of sweat the size of soybeans oozed from his forehead, silently rolling down.

"Okay," the smoker Gongsen's voice came over, filled with a strong sense of mockery, "now it's not in front of the public anymore.


No matter what we say or do now, the outside world can neither hear nor see.

Everything, only the two of us know.

Nana, do you like it? "

During the voice, the smoker Gongsen obviously moved a few steps closer, and the voice almost rang in her ears.


Gu Nana was so frightened that her back felt chills and her hair exploded.

It's just that she wanted to move, but her whole body was so weak that she couldn't move at all.

"Why? Why can't I speak?!" Gunana screamed like crazy.

"No, it's not that you can't talk," the smoker Gongsen's voice was a little erratic, "it's just that you can't hear your own voice.

Ha ha.

But it's fine.

You can say whatever you want.

I can hear your voice.

And, I promise, I won't give away what you said.

come on.


Now tell me, what do you want me to do? "


While speaking, the figure of the smoker Gongsen appeared less than half a meter away from Gu Nana. His criss-crossed teeth looked like clusters of sharp swords, shining with a cold and bloodthirsty light.

"I'm going to kill you." Gu Nana roared silently, "If you dare to humiliate me, Xia Hou will definitely not let you off, you damned fellow."

"Xiahou?" The smoker Gongsen smiled coldly, "You mean the guy who was pinned down and spanked by Ye?"

"I don't allow you to insult him like that." Gu Nana opened her mouth wide, looking furious, "Xiahou will kill you bastard."

"Hehe, Nana, have you ever thought about it," the smoker Gongsen sneered, "I've trapped you here for so long, even if I didn't touch you, Xiahou would still be thinking about it, wouldn't he?"

"You rubbish, you are a social gangster, you are not worthy of being a martial artist!" Gu Nana's face was pale, and blood was bleeding from her lips, "Despicable! Shameless! Indecent! It is simply Huawu's sorrow."

"You think too much." Gongsen the smoker jokingly smiled, and then stretched out a hand to touch the other's cheek, "However, you should think more about it. The leader, Gu Nana, has withered, and it is impossible for Beiwu to rise again."


At the moment when the smoker Komori's right hand touched the opponent's left cheek, an astonishing scene happened suddenly.

I saw his body suddenly shaking violently, like an ugly guy suddenly dancing awkwardly.

Immediately after the next moment, Gu Nana obviously fully recovered her ability to move, and then kicked her right foot straight at the opponent.


The smoke above the ring swayed for a while, and then collapsed, and the figures of the smoker Gongsen and Gu Nana suddenly emerged.

It's just that the former kept retreating, while the latter stood quietly, looking heroic and imposing.


There was an uproar at the scene.

"Mad, what happened? Is it over?"

"I'm going, I must have missed something?"

"It's a pity, it's a pity, it's boring, I didn't read it, I didn't see anything."


The smoker Gongsen's expression changed, he stopped in his tracks, and then rushed forward with a wave of the long blood-red tobacco stick in his hand.

Gu Nana's figure was fluttering, and just when she was about to pull back, she suddenly found that the blood-red long tobacco rod was already in front of her eyes.

In the end, before she had any further reaction, the long tobacco rod hit her shoulder, and the sound of bone cracking sounded immediately.

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