"Zhang Mingyang of Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy, not even a martial artist, can hold the martial arts conference into such a practical martial arts exchange conference," Yan Jinglei nodded amidst the smog, "From this point of view, it also shows that he is a Capable guy."

"Yes, principal, Zhang Mingyang has good vision and ability, but it's a pity that he is short in martial arts. Otherwise, the possibility of raising the national martial arts department is still very high." Bao Sihai grinned, "But speaking of it , This year's Yangwu Conference is really interesting.

As of the sixth knockout round, the Martial Arts Academy has advanced eight people in total.

Among them, there are five people from the three major martial arts colleges, one person each from Shannan Martial Arts College, Modu Martial Arts College and Beijiang Martial Arts College.

Among the other five people, there are three wild warriors, Wu Bashan, Ba Zhan, and Michonne, and two scattered warriors, Jin Shiyi and Wang Baoqiang.

We all know that the eight people in the Martial Arts Academy are either mission-crazy or combat-crazy, and they are all guys who pursue actual combat.

As for the wild warriors and loose warriors?

Not to mention that.

There is no doubt that they are combat experts who have gone through countless battles.

Judging from the rules of the Yangwu Conference that obviously emphasize actual combat, it would be unreasonable for these people not to make their mark at the Yangwu Conference. "

"Yeah," Yan Jinglei nodded, then raised his eyebrows, his expression became extremely serious, "Old Bao, I don't ask for other departments in Jiuwu, but the martial arts department must have more missions and fights.

It is imperative that students understand the essence of martial arts in actual combat and grow up in actual combat.

Otherwise, they were really recruited to the wilderness fortress, and they were not soldiers, but meat—the meat sent to the mouth of mutant beasts. "

"Understood, principal." Bao Sihai nodded sternly.

"By the way, hehe, judging from the battle between Ye Chong and Xia Houbao, this guy is not as simple as it seems." Yan Jinglei folded his arms and smiled slightly, "I have a feeling that even if Long Feifei is right now There is no chance of winning against him."

"Long Feifei is a high-level martial arts fighter, and his cultivation level is much higher than Ye Chong's." Bao Sihai nodded, "However, since he can defeat Xia Houbao, it shouldn't be a big problem to defeat Long Feifei.

It's just that his right calf is seriously injured now, and he entered the sixth knockout round as a bye.

If he really encounters Long Feifei at this time, he probably has no chance of winning.

Ha ha.

I do wish the headmaster was there.

Then the principal can take action to heal Ye Chong, and maybe he won't stop at the sixth round. "

"Hehe, you didn't understand what I meant." Yan Jinglei smiled slightly, and put the cigarette butt out in the ashtray, "I'm actually talking about the uninjured Long Feifei, and the injured Ye Chong, there is no chance of winning. "

"What?!" Bao Sihai was slightly stunned, "This...how is it possible? Ye Chong's right calf is the most serious comminuted fracture, and in terms of blood circulation..."

"Yes, with Xia Houbao's strength, Ye Chong's right calf has not turned into a fleshy paste, so it is considered light." Yan Jinglei squinted at the computer screen, "It is inevitable that his blood flow is limited, but Even so, it would be difficult for Long Feifei to win in front of him."

"Principal is so optimistic about Ye Chong?" Bao Sihai's face suddenly brightened, "Could it be that the principal is saying...his injury has been controlled or improved?"

"No, that's not what I mean. I'm so far away. Of course I don't know how his injury is now?" Yan Jinglei said slowly, "I'm just saying that if Ye Chong ends his battle with Xiahou Bao After that, he will fight Long Feifei, and he will surely win in the end."

"This..." A look of disbelief appeared in Bao Sihai's eyes.

He knew very well in his heart that the same comminuted fracture of his right calf was different for martial arts practitioners and martial arts practitioners.

Let's not talk about anything else, just talk about the impact on combat.

People in martial arts generally use external force or internal force.

External force is the basic force of musculoskeletal condensation.

Inner force is the energy produced by practicing inner skills.

The comminuted fracture of the right calf, as long as the pain can be tolerated, will not really affect the basic strength or internal strength of other parts such as the hands.

People in martial arts also use basic strength, and some who have learned martial arts before know how to use internal strength.

However, whether it is basic strength or internal strength, it is incomparable to the power of qi and blood pursued by people in martial arts.


Just compare it.

For an ordinary junior martial arts fighter, using external force, that is, basic force to attack, a punch with a force of 300 kilograms is not bad.

If he has learned the internal force in martial arts, and uses internal force to attack, and can hit more than 500 kilograms, it is basically okay.

But if you use the power of qi and blood to attack, it is normal to casually weigh thousands of kilograms or even thousands of kilograms, the key depends on the ability of qi and blood to circulate.

The problem is that once there is a problem with the circulation of qi and blood, it will have a huge impact on the surging power of qi and blood.

At the same time, the body data will be greatly involved.

Ye Chong is in this situation now.

His current injury to his right calf will not affect the basic strength of other parts of his body.

He is not afraid of pain.

However, the circulation of qi and blood has been greatly affected, which makes it difficult to effectively display the power of qi and blood.

If it is a skin trauma, a flesh injury, a penetrating injury or even a broken body injury, etc., these are all easy to say, the most important thing is to seal the blood circulation of the injured part.

However, the situation of his comminuted fracture of the right calf is different now. If the qi and blood circulation acupuncture points of the relevant parts are forcibly sealed, so that the injured part cannot be washed by qi and blood, then necrosis will occur, just like the right calf is separated from the body. Like broken.

For warriors, of course no one is willing to do this.

They would rather endure the pain and wait for a chance to get better than lose their right calf forever.

That's called castration.

For the future, it means darkness.

Therefore, when Yan Jinglei said that Ye Chong, who was seriously injured, could defeat Long Feifei, who was not injured, Bao Sihai didn't believe it.

How difficult is it for Ye Chong, who can't recover from his injuries in a short period of time, to defeat a high-level martial arts fighter when he can't continue to use the power of qi and blood?

"Hehe, I'm just talking casually, don't think too much about it." Yan Jinglei smiled slightly, "Recently, there are quite a few people who have advanced to the rank of Nine Martial Arts.

This is a good thing.

Especially for those quasi-warriors who break through to become warriors, it is a wise choice.

and also.

The continuous changes in the spiritual recovery environment made the cultivation speed much faster.

Many junior martial arts fighters have successfully grown into intermediate martial arts fighters, and a few more people have broken through from intermediate martial arts fighters to advanced martial arts fighters.

However, it should be noted that further changes in the environment are not only beneficial to the human race, but also promote the mutation and evolution of the orc race.

In fact, our time for peace is running out. "


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