Wu Bashan glanced at Du Nan who was leaving in a hurry, and then at Ye Chong who was looking over, a faint sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The latter's face was calm and his eyes were empty, as if what he saw and heard was illusory and fragmented.

Even Wubashan, who is tall and strong, is a bit unhuman in his eyes, but a pool of minced meat that is about to decompose.

Ye Chong knew very well that Mount Wuba was full of hostility.

Not only for Dunant, but also for him.

Although I don't know why this is so, I can probably guess one or two.

The first reason is that Dunan's physical condition is very similar to his. Wu Bashan felt a huge threat, so he moved to kill.

The second reason is the animation villain incident before the Martial Arts Conference. Wu Bashan had an opinion on Ye Chong, which involved Du Nan.

The third reason is probably that before the start of the sixth round of the knockout round, Wu Bashan regarded Dunan as a sacrifice for the massacre.

If there was any other reason, he didn't know.

That's all Ye Chong can think of now.

However, enough is enough.

These reasons are enough to make Mount Wuba a trip to the Paradise of Elysium.

"If the target of Mount Wuba's attack today is not Dunan, but other people, it is estimated that under the rapid permeation of the cold poison, they will die if they can't persist for a while.



It is better for him to reveal his strength now than to reveal it in the future.

It is better for him to expose his strength on others than on himself.

However, in any case, there must be an explanation for Wuba Mountain's use of cold poison on Dunan.

Not to mention anything else, he laughed so pee just now, it annoys me. "

Ye Chong couldn't bear it anymore, he couldn't help but look at Wuba Mountain, which looked like a small hill, and a picture appeared in his mind.


Landslides and fissures.

It fell apart.

Wuba Mountain dissipated in smoke and disappeared.

When he thought of this, he couldn't hold back all of a sudden, and grinned, causing all the people next to him who had reached the sixth knockout round to look over.

It is estimated that at this time, everyone suddenly remembered that the sixth round was not the top twelve, but thirteen people.

Ye Chong lowered his head and laughed, leaning on the willow stick on the ground, and turned up his bandaged right calf, as if he didn't know anything.

Soon, under the auspices of Wang Shina, the draw for the sixth knockout round of the Yangwu Conference began smoothly.

A total of thirteen people entered the sixth knockout round, and they had to play six games.

According to the latest lottery rules, starting from the sixth knockout round, the selection of matches will be cancelled, and the opponents of each match will be directly drawn.

Then, the game starts immediately.

Afterwards, draw the opponents of the next game, and continue the game.

And so on.

Wang Shina's explanation is that this will make the game more exciting and interesting.

In fact, the crazy reaction shown by the audience did prove this point.

However, Ye Chong curled his lips and said in his heart, he's pretty good at playing, just don't be tricky, and if you get me with a guy like Xia Houbao, whoever smokes is not a human being.

After the cancellation of the drawing of competitions, Chu Xunhuan of the National Martial Arts Department gave up the right to draw lots, and Catherine and Blanco of the Global Martial Arts Federation were in charge of all the draws for both sides.

In fact, there are many powerful figures such as the principal of the martial arts academy, the head and elders of the martial arts sect, the patriarchs and elders of the martial arts family, heavyweight military fighters and government officials of the military, etc. They are intended to be guests of the lottery.

no way.

It is easy to have contradictions.

None of these people are fuel-efficient lamps.

Everyone seems to be friendly and peaceful, but in fact they want to fight for everything in their hearts and want to get ahead of everything.

Giving this and not giving that is purely laying mines.

It is even more impossible to take care of all of them. How can it be a mess?

What's more, the martial arts conference is a killing field between life and death. If it is not serious, it is disrespectful to martial arts.

Therefore, it is acceptable to let people from the high-ranking National Martial Arts Department and the Global Martial Arts Federation do this, no matter who it is.

At least there is no contradiction.

Want to compare?

How to climb?

Not on one level at all.

In the first match that was drawn, the opponents were Dionysus and Luo Yin.

As soon as this confrontation situation came out, it immediately caused a sensation on the scene.

In fact, if Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng was not injured, it is estimated that both the audience and the guests on the rostrum would think that Dionysus is the winner.

However, Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng was seriously injured by Mo Jinghong from Dongshan Martial Arts Academy. Even if he survived, he lost half his life. It was hard to say whether he could really participate in the competition, let alone win.

Therefore, almost everyone thought that Luo Yin would win easily, and even other contestants cast envious eyes on Luo Yin.

Think about it too.

Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng's injury was not serious, everyone saw it.

If it is not heavy, it is impossible for Dionysus to collapse helplessly in full view.

and also.

Not long after the fifth knockout round, Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng was seriously injured. Even if he survived, he couldn't recover from his injuries in such a short period of time.

Saying Half-Life is probably all about being polite.

It is estimated that only one breath is the most accurate.

Therefore, now is the best chance to defeat or even kill Dionysus.

Once successful, it is called success.

Not to mention being able to enter the next round with your head held high, your reputation will skyrocket.

Of course, defeat is defeat, and no one really dared to kill Dionysus.

Who dares to kill the leader of the Imperial Martial Arts Academy, one of the three super martial arts academies?

To kill Dionysus is to kill oneself.

Putting Diwu's image and honor aside, just the connections behind Dionysus Lu Xiaofeng can easily crush a murderer to death.

It was the same reason that Ye Chong didn't dare to kill when he confronted Xiahou violently.

In fact, now Ye Chong is a little envious of this guy named Luo Yin.

In the fifth knockout round, he easily defeated the coquettish Li Xian.

In the sixth round of the knockout round, they met Dionysus, who was seriously injured and difficult to fight.

To be honest, this guy is so lucky, it is definitely better than being neglected when he has a bye.

Just when everyone was looking forward to it, a person stepped down from the large medical vehicle on the north side.

This person was holding a large golden wine bottle in his hand, and was pouring wine into his mouth as he walked, but he walked slowly, a bit like an old man recovering from a long illness.


There was an uproar at the scene.

"The god of wine is not dead?!"


Who said that Dionysus is dead? !

Is it a fart to be slightly injured?

For Dionysus, there is nothing wrong with taking a sip of wine. "

"Just now I saw a lot of teachers from Emperor Wu entered the medical vehicle. I thought Dionysus was really dead. Now it seems that they should have worked together to rescue him, right? Otherwise, Dionysus wouldn't have recovered so quickly. "


Look at his face, his walking posture, especially his speed.

There is no doubt that Dionysus is holding on now, and at most he has half his life left. "


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