The audience watched lively, while Ye Chong saw the way.

He didn't think it was funny, but nodded secretly.

That's right.

Just kick.

With an incredible posture, from an incredible angle, he kicked an incredible kick.

The speed was unbelievably fast, and Li Xian, who was kicked into the air, also showed an unbelievable expression in the air.


The huge No. [-] Stadium suddenly burst into laughter.

At the same time, all the staff of Qing Yunzong immediately petrified.

That kind of appearance is like falling from a warm and comfortable stove into a bitingly cold ice cave.

"Luo Yin?

This is a guy who knows how to endure.

Or rather, he looked pragmatic.

From the beginning, he knew what to do.

On the other hand, Li Xian is really too fancy.

Ha ha.

It seemed that he was afraid that others would not know what skills he had.


Did he want to intimidate the opponent by showing off his combat skills?


To put it bluntly, he is also a guy who doesn't know the essence of martial arts.

Little do they know that although the essence of martial arts is directed at the Dao, when it is manifested in reality, it is actually the art of killing.

The simpler and crisper it is, the more powerful it is.

The more gaudy it is, the more deadly it is.

However, it is not to kill others, but to kill oneself.


Luo Yin is from Modu Martial Arts Academy, plus Du Nan, there are already at least two people from Mowu.


Ha ha.

It seems that Mowu is very brilliant this time.

I just don't know if Du Nan will bring surprises and successfully enter the next round?


His opponent is...

Mount Wuba.


Really looking forward to seeing this fat man's performance. "

Ye Chong couldn't help but smiled, and quietly glanced at Du Nan in the distance.

At this moment, the guy was sitting cross-legged on the ground, meditating and resting quietly.

on the rostrum.

Zhang Mingyang was standing and chatting with a group of principals of the martial arts academy.

Naturally, the topic of discussion still revolved around the just-concluded game.

"Li Xian's foundation is still good.

From the perspective of the process, there are many skills mastered.

This shows that his learning ability and comprehension ability are very good.

Unfortunately, his combination ability is too poor.

Ha ha.

The level of force is not based on the accumulation of skills, but needs to be adapted to local conditions and flexibly use every ability you have mastered.

such a pity.

Still too little combat. "

"I see, Li Xian just wants to scare the opponent away with his dazzling skills.

too simple.

Luo Yin's ability to enter the fifth round of the knockout round was not out of fright, but because he fought a bloody way to advance.

In fact, if Li Xian hadn't been afraid when Luo Yin counterattacked just now, but instead fought to get injured and increased the attack speed, especially the strength of the surge of energy and blood, the opponent would probably not have succeeded easily.

Ha ha.

Even if he was afraid of being injured and retreated in time, he would not be restrained by one move.

In my opinion, his agility skills have basically reached the stage of martial arts.

Especially his agility and speed should be above the opponent's agility.

However, it is such a result now, which is a bit unreasonable. "

"Look at the people of Qingyun Sect, they seem to be unable to hold back their faces.

Li Xian is their only hope for this martial arts conference, and it is estimated that they have spent a lot of effort on him.

But the problem is that actual combat cannot be learned by teaching, it has to be fought, especially the battle of life and death.

On the other hand, Luo Yin, although he is relatively lacking in combat skills and other aspects, is rich in actual combat experience.

During the opponent's attack, Luo Yin intentionally exposed several flaws, but Li Xian got in all of them.

Ha ha.

In terms of actual combat experience, this game can be regarded as a disparity between strength and weakness.

Luo Yin is invincible, Li Xian is invincible, this kind of thing is impossible. "


If Li Xian could save a little time for practicing so many combat skills and use it to improve his actual combat experience and sharpen his skills in actual combat, then he would never be as confused as he is now.

In fact, it's not bad to set aside some more time to improve your cultivation.

With his aptitude to practice martial arts, his progress should be very fast.

Although the difference between high-level martial arts fighters and intermediate martial arts fighters is only a small realm, and they have not crossed a large realm, the difference in the improvement of the body is not small.

In short, Li Xian is a bit pity. "

"Ha ha.

In my opinion, these skills displayed by Li Xian are not all.

If he guessed correctly, his method of pressing the bottom of the box should not have been used.

Don't say anything else, just look at the faces of the Qing Yunzong's senior officials.





Actually nothing.

I believe Li Xian will grow up.

At that time, a genius with countless skills may have an unimaginable impact on the rising stars of the entire martial arts world. "


If Li Xian doesn't change his way of thinking and accumulate experience in actual combat as soon as possible, he may experience continuous frustration amid setbacks.

Once a habit is formed, I am afraid that this rising star will fall.

I hope that the old fellows of Qingyun Sect will not rush for quick success, it is better to let him out, and to comprehend real fighting skills in the battle with mutant beasts. "


Zhang Mingyang looked at the crowd with a smile, and from time to time, would interject a few words.

It's just that when he interrupted, it was more like joking, basically it was not nutritious, at least in terms of martial arts, it seemed superficial and indifferent.

At the same time, the powerful aura inadvertently exuded from everyone would make him feel a strong sense of oppression.

This made him feel a little small and embarrassed.

But he could only keep all this in his heart.

no way.

Although his realm in martial arts is low, he is still the head of a school after all.

This identity requires him not to just be himself, let alone show the slightest cowardice.

The key point is that he is still a landlord and the highest person in charge of the organizing committee of the Yangwu Conference.

It is his duty and what he has to do to make the guests who come to the meeting, especially the principals of the major martial arts schools, have a good feeling.

Zhang Mingyang has a steelyard in his heart, and he also has his own goals.

He wanted to make the Yangwu Conference a success.

The name of Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy should also be deeply imprinted on the body of Yangwu Conference.

What's more, Zhang Mingyang's name should be bound forever with Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy and Yangwu Conference.

However, the pressure is really too much.

Most of the principals of the major martial arts colleges are warriors at the level of martial arts warriors, and a small number of them have reached the realm of martial arts fighters.

But what about him?

Not a warrior yet.

It made him feel awkward and powerless, but he wanted to hide it all.

The issue is……

Many things in the mind can be hidden, but the data on the body cannot be concealed at all.

Almost every headmaster of the Martial Arts Academy looked at him with a look of understanding.

All of these make Zhang Mingyang's smile more mechanical and professional. Only in this way can he slightly suppress the irresistible strong desire in his heart.

"I believe that I will be able to fly into the sky, and finally stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun." Zhang Mingyang's eyes are becoming more and more determined.

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