Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 623 Quanwu Liaison Office

imperial capital.

In a completely enclosed fortress-like building.

A dozen men and women with high noses and deep eyes sat at the conference table.

Everyone looked very serious.

Sitting on the main seat was a middle-aged man with white beard and hair.

At this moment he had a thick cigar in his mouth.

Thick smoke filled all directions, lingering in every corner.

"All right.


Now it seems that almost every country is facing the same problem.

And, I firmly believe that the problem is getting worse.


damn it.

Let's take this as an example.

Xuanwu is one of the most powerful empires on the mainland, but now it is in constant crisis and besieged on all sides.

I believe that you have all seen the news from the intelligence agencies.

In fact, even if you only read the news, you can understand the same.

The sea beasts in the East China Sea have won victories in the last few landing operations.

It is no exaggeration to say that they have taken most of the sea and land of Ying Island for themselves.

The people of Yingdao have regressed step by step to the point of no return.

However, there is no way.

We lack transportation, and we simply cannot transport people out.

Not in the air.

That is the world of beasts, and the air supremacy is firmly in their hands.

Not at sea.

Whether it is on the surface of the sea or under the surface of the sea, it belongs to the domain of sea beasts.


damn it.

I heard that the east coast of Xuanwu's homeland has also begun to suffer more and more attacks, and the loss of the Dadonghai Coastal Guard is very serious.

Undoubtedly, if this trend continues, it won't be long before the sea beasts will land and launch the most ferocious attack on the mainland.

As for Ying Island?


damn it.

The population of [-] million dropped sharply by [-] million, and the remaining people were squeezed into a small area like lambs in a pen.

If the main island of Yingdao did not have a powerful special operations corps stationed there, it would probably be over long ago.

And the West.

There are many mountains and trees, and all kinds of mutant beasts emerge in endlessly.

The most terrible thing is that some legendary monsters have been revived, and some guys have mutated, even reaching the perfect degree of mutation.

These have greatly improved the strength of the mutant beasts, which can be said to be very unfavorable to our human race.

In addition, in the area of ​​Shannan, especially in Nanyang, the reptile group among land beasts has developed rapidly, and has grown to an unacceptable level.



damn it.

poison gas.


poison body.

These are the most terrifying threats and dangers to the human race.

However, for Nanyang, the biggest threat is not because of the poison, but the devouring ability of the reptiles of the land beasts.

too frightening.


I hate those cold-blooded big guys the most.

Especially the mutant anaconda and the mutant python.

They are definitely demons from hell.

However, I have to admit that compared with the monsters in Northern Xinjiang, those guys are already very gentle.


damn it.

I'd rather be swallowed by a big snake than live to be chewed up by the monsters in Northern Xinjiang.


Have we forgotten something?



The current beasts are like powerful multifunctional fighters from the sky, not only fast, good in stealth, but also powerful.

I believe that now that our human race's technological power is restricted by the environment, they can easily break through any human race's airspace.

But the most painful thing is that we have no way to detect them in advance, nor can we respond in time, let alone have the ability to fight back.

Unfortunately, they're not the most frightening of them all.


I am now formally reminding you that perhaps the most direct and horrific blows to our human social life are those who live in the sewers and in the parks.

That's right.

Insect beast.

There are also small land beasts.

But I heard that a while ago near Shichahai and Dashilan, the human race suffered a joint attack from insect beasts and small land beasts. The scene was horrible and the casualties were very heavy.


damn it.

It makes me sleep with one eye open at night.



Stop whining.

However, as the liaison organization of the Global Martial Arts Federation in Xuanwu, we must not pretend to be confused about these things that happened.

After all, Xuanwu is the bridgehead for our human race to fight against the invasion of the orc race.

Once this strategic location is lost, the human race can only retreat to the dead zone, which is really a dead end, hopeless. "

After the middle-aged man with white beard and hair finished speaking, he put his thick cigar on the ashtray, and took a sip of the red wine beside him.

At this time, an old man in front of the right front of the middle-aged man with white beard and hair said:

"Shawn, don't worry.

We all know that Xuanwu is of great strategic significance here.

It is the fortress that guards the base camp of the human race, and it must not be lost.

Otherwise, the huge sea beasts would be united with the land beasts in the west, north, and south. Coupled with the coordination of the beasts, the human race would have no way of resisting this trinity attack group of sea, land and air, and could only retreat steadily.

Also, like you said, there is one thing we have to admit.

In addition to the huge number of sea beasts, the increasingly larger land beasts, and the faster-growing beasts, there are also threats from the insects and beasts.

Don't forget, these guys not only have powerful combat troops in the wild, but also have an immeasurable underground force below our human living area.

In particular, the East Wing Super City, South Wing Super City, West Wing Super City, North Wing Super City, and Central Wing Super City have dense underground pipe networks extending in all directions, which is simply an underground world belonging to the insects and beasts.

Once the war breaks out, maybe these guys who have been hiding underground for a long time will suddenly emerge and become the key force to determine the outcome of the war, and even the people will have no chance to escape. "

"If something like that really happened," a red-haired woman in her 40s interjected, "Xuanwu cannot be saved.

The countries in the west can't keep it either.

Sean, I remember that you have also seen the power of the worms and beasts with your own eyes.


They are a bunch of all-pervasive guys.

Where the insects and beasts pass, nothing can survive except themselves. "

"Didn't it mean that the poison gas bomb test developed by our Global Martial Arts Federation is not bad?" The man in his 30s next to the red-haired woman frowned, "Why didn't it be put into use as soon as possible?

Is it...

Are you going through any approval process?

I think that the worms and beasts are a confidant's trouble after all, and it's better to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Now that the world is in a state of turmoil and crises continue, the people are looking forward to the full force. "

Hearing what the other party said, everyone around the long conference table nodded slowly.

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