High cool.

Ye Chong could hear clearly that Wang Shina was calling that name.


He looked up.

That's right.

It was indeed Gao Shuang's name that appeared on the big screen.

However, he doesn't know whether this Gao Shuang is the same person as the Gao Shuang in his heart.

What he knew was that his blood started to boil the moment he heard the name.

"Cold and delicate, witty and humorous, straightforward and straightforward, not afraid of life and death, is that really you? The real man of the 00 team."

Then came the next moment.

On the rostrum, Catherine took her hand away from the second button of the machine in front of her.

Soon, Wang Shina said: "The No.15 contestant in ring 2 is - Ye Chong."


Ye Chong's head was a little dazed.

I saw the words on the big screen:

Ring 15 - Gao Shuang vs Ye Chong


He quickly turned his head and looked in the direction of ring 15.

Speaking of which, the No. 3 ring is not too far away from there. Although there are several rings separated, the gap between the rings is relatively large, and the situation there can be clearly seen from the current position.


There were no slender figures there.

There were only three people standing there.

One is a referee with a card.

One is a supervisor with a sign.

The other is short and fat.

It was obvious at a glance that the winner of the second knockout round was standing by.

Swish swish!

Ye Chong swept into the distance again, but also didn't see what he wanted to see.

The first stadium is too big.

The competition venues of the second stadium and the third stadium are basically football fields plus a plastic runway, while the first stadium is a compound multi-functional stadium. The central competition venue is larger than the combined competition venues of the second and third stadiums , but also on several laps.

Speaking of which, before the environment changed, you had to use binoculars when entering the No. [-] Stadium to watch the game.

There is also a large screen to cooperate.

Otherwise, you can't see the game clearly while sitting in the stands.

After the environmental change, the mutation and evolution that occurred in the human race was great, and the vision improved rapidly, so the use of telescopes in the first stadium was no longer meaningful.

However, at this moment, there are hundreds of arenas arranged in the center of the venue, blocking each other.

This is no obstacle to those who watch the game from the stands.

However, for Ye Chong who was standing on the flat ground, it was difficult to see all the scenes on the ring clearly.

"What?" Liang Li's expression returned to normal, "Did you find someone you know?"

"It should still be raw." Ye Chong smiled, "If you don't even eat fragrant meat, I don't think you should worry about it."

"Ye Chong, you really look like pimples." Liang Li brushed her hair lightly and smiled sweetly, "Hehe, it feels like you are his dad."

"Dad?" Ye Chong couldn't help but twitched his mouth, and looked at him with a smile, "I really want to know who is the mommy with acne? How did we create such an outstanding son?"

"Of course his mommy is me, and it's not true." Liang Li blushed, "I wonder if Acne will let you ride on him?"


During the chat, I heard Wang Shina on the rostrum announce:

"The list of all the matchups for the third knockout round of the Martial Arts Conference has been drawn.

All contestants are requested to go to the corresponding arena to participate in the knockout competition as soon as possible.

If you didn't hear the match situation clearly just now, please confirm it on the big screen in time.

Please pay attention to the time. After 5 minutes, the third round will officially start.

If you need help and emergency rescue, please contact the referee nearby. "

After Wang Shina finished broadcasting, Liang Li from Ring No. 3 looked at Ye Chong with a smile:

"You are ring 15, now you can go find your old friend."

"What is an old friend?" Ye Chong couldn't help but twitched his mouth, and then smiled, "However, I really hope that guy is here."

Ye Chong was very fast, and it didn't take long for him to arrive at No. 15 ring. After greeting the match supervisor and referee, he began to wait quietly.

At this moment, there is a constant flow of people between hundreds of arenas.

After the second round of elimination, half of the 200 contestants were eliminated, and the remaining 100 people participated in the third round of elimination.

Originally, compared with the huge playing field, the number 100 is really nothing.

But now things are different.

At this moment, there are still many staff members of the Wu Yang Conference present.

They're tearing down the ring.

There are 100 people in the third knockout round, two-two duels, that is, 50 games, only 50 arenas are enough.

In order to ensure the effect of the competition, the remaining rings 51 to 100 are being removed.

In this way, it seems that there are more people in the field, but in the final analysis, it does not affect the progress of the game.

After all, these arenas are arranged according to number, the demolished arena is on the south side, and the remaining arenas are on the north side.

In fact, the operation speed of this one-button smart platform is also very fast, and one button can solve the problem of loading and unloading.

Seeing the flow of people going back and forth, and seeing the arenas in the distance turning into carts and being pulled away as if by magic, he felt inexplicably in a trance.

Did you hear me wrong just now?

Or is it blinding?

Or is it just a dream?

That guy who looks like the female volleyball player Sabina, is he here, or is he here, or is he here, here, here, here?

What the hell do you know?

Some people really want to see what kind of bear you are, a man who is more sultry than Super Little Miss, and you are now?

"Captain, where's your big black umbrella?" A voice came from behind abruptly.

What the hell!

Ye Chong looked back and saw Gao Shuang standing three meters away, arms folded, grinning. At first glance, he looked like a blooming peony.

"You'd better not laugh," Ye Chong couldn't help but twitched his mouth, looked at the other party, then shook his head, "And I'll give you a suggestion.


Still go for a facelift.

Otherwise, no one will feel safe with you.

Ha ha.

Too dangerous. "

Ye Chong said so, but was startled in his heart.

Didn't expect this guy Gao Shuang to be so good?

He didn't even notice that the other party came to him unknowingly.

"Captain, look at my face, it's so angry that people complain about it," Gao Shuang smiled enchantingly, "All the birds in the sky are shitting on my head.

What else needs to be done?

No matter how hard it is, it will really sink the fish and drop the wild goose, and the moon will be ashamed. "

While talking about this, the referee not far away came over and said:

"Both of you, the third round of the knockout round on stage 15 is about to start, so go on stage and prepare for the competition."

Ye Chong and Gao Shuang agreed together, and then flew onto the stage, neither of them even holding weapons.

After the referee announced the start, when they hurriedly flew off the stage, they sat on the same floor by coincidence, very happy.

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