Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 607 Does Farting Count?

"My father said that troublesome people come out of poor mountains and rivers." Qin Zhong slapped his nose with his hand, and then took half a step back, "The poorer you are, the more narrow-minded you are, but no little girl will really fall for you of."

"Oh, that's it." Ye Chong couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth, "Then what else did your parents say?"


The referee of Ring No. 3 was a young woman in her 20s, who couldn't help but chuckled.

The competition supervisor not far from her was serious, and stretched out his hand to stroke the supervisor's badge hanging on his chest.

"Okay," the young female referee glanced at the surrounding situation, then jumped onto the ring and said:

"It's time, Qin Zhong and Ye Chong are invited to compete on stage."

Qin Zhong glared at Ye Chong fiercely, then whizzed and flew up the ring, looking extremely chic.

Ye Chong smiled, walked to the weapon rack, picked up a knife-like weapon, touched the ground with one foot, and jumped up.

In fact, this Modao-like weapon is really inferior to the Blade of the Starry Sky, but there is no way, it is the biggest knife on the weapon rack, and there is no other choice.

He also thought about not using a knife. After all, there are not too few weapons on the weapon rack. Some weapons such as axes and long sticks feel good in the hand.

It's just that he has long been used to using knives, and when he even thinks of Starry Sky Blade staying alone in the dormitory, he scratches his head and scratches his head, he really can't think about it.

Although this weapon like the Mo Dao cannot be compared with the Blade of the Starry Sky, it is still a knife after all, and holding it in your hand can relieve the pain of lovesickness a little.

The young female referee waved her hand down, announced "Start", and immediately jumped off the ring.

"Let's do it, Ye Chong." Qin Zhong swung the silver spear in his hand, "I'll give you a half-stroke today."

"Yo~" Ye Chong curled his lips, "Look at how you talk, this is it?

I am a troublemaker who came out of a poor country.

You are a noble person raised by your parents in martial arts.

But, why are you still so ignorant and let me half-way? "

"I can kill you with one move," Qin Zhonggao sneered, with a look of aloofness on his brows, "If you don't let you half-stroke, you have no chance to make a move."

"Stop." Ye Chong waved his hand, "I'm not saying that you made me do wrong moves, but that you made me do half moves wrong.

You said that you are a super expert trained by your parents in martial arts, but you only let me do half-moves, you are really extremely stingy.

Let me see three tricks, right? "

"My parents are right," Qin Zhong smiled coldly, "It really is the poor who despise their lives, and they are extremely shameless."


The young female referee didn't hold back, covered her mouth with a smile, and quickly lowered her head.


Ye Chong grinned and looked at the other party with a smirk.

Qin Zhong immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing.

Originally, he wanted to say "my father" just now, but he didn't expect to be taken three times and twice by the other party, and said "my father".


He looked at Ye Chong viciously, and said in a terribly low voice: "You'd better show some respect.

My father will soon become an existence beyond a martial arts general.

Show him any disrespect and you'll be in big trouble. "

"I don't intend to offend anyone." Ye Chong looked calm and shrugged, "However, let me remind you.

If anyone dares to offend me, be prepared to receive a thunderous blow from me.

This is what I understand as the dignity and glory of warriors. "

"Your glory and dignity?" Qin Zhong sneered, "Hey, even a small junior martial artist dares to talk about dignity and glory in front of me.

Have you ever defeated an intermediate martial arts fighter and an advanced martial arts fighter by chance, but you don't know your last name?

it is good.

I will let you see today, what is a real middle-level martial arts fighter, and what is true dignity and glory? ! "


Qin Zhong flicked the silver spear, and the air exploded suddenly.

"Wait!" Ye Chong raised his left hand upwards, "You seem to have said that you want me to make half moves, shouldn't I be the one to do it first?

But it's okay, I can just pretend that you farted just now. "

"Fuck!" Qin Zhong's expression was ferocious, and he stopped moving, "Okay, I'll let you half-stroke, let's do it!"

Ye Chong smiled slightly, turned his head to look at the female referee in the audience, and said, "If my knife is damaged, do I really need to pay for it?"

"Of course," the female referee nodded in surprise, "This is the rule of the Yangwu Conference.

However, if the damage is not serious, it can also be repaired, which does not cost much money. "

"Oh," Ye Chong smiled slightly, and raised the Mo knife, "Then let me ask, how much is this knife?"

"I don't know the exact amount." The young female referee frowned slightly, "However, the weapons on the weapon rack did not exceed 20."

"That knife should be around 11 yuan," the older game supervisor said suddenly, "They are all standard weapons.

After large-scale production, the cost has been reduced a lot.

I remember it cost more than 30 yuan. "

"Oh?" Ye Chong couldn't help but raise his mouth, and looked at Qin Zhong, "Okay, then I can rest assured."

"Bastard!" Qin Zhong's face was grim and furious, obviously feeling the insult from the other party, "Hurry up!"

"Both, the regular game time is 10 minutes," the young female referee reminded, "There are still 3 minutes left."

"It's okay." Ye Chong glanced at Qin Zhong who was furious, "Let him live for another 3 minutes. If he dies, he won't be able to live."


The female referee covered her mouth and let out a weird laugh.

"Bastard!" Qin Zhong flicked his silver gun, followed by a step forward, like a roaring beast, "I'm going to kill you!"

"Wait, didn't you ask me to do it halfway?" Ye Chong frowned and shouted, "Does your farting count?"

"Forget it!" Qin Zhong roared with his angry eyes wide open.


The female referee tightly covered her small mouth, but she couldn't stop the silver bell-like laughter at all.

"Since it counts, then do it first?" Ye Chong complained calmly, "Why do you talk like farting, does it count?"

"Forget it!" Qin Zhong roared angrily.

ha ha ha ~

The young female referee covered her mouth with her left hand and her stomach with her right hand, squatting on the ground with a wild smile.


The older game supervisor couldn't help grinning.


Qin Zhong cursed loudly, and then brandished a bright silver spear and went straight to Ye Chong's throat.

"Stop!" Ye Chong turned his body around, "Didn't you let me do a half-stroke?"

Qin Zhong couldn't help being stunned in his madness, his whole body trembled suddenly.


Ye Chong's body swayed, and he rushed towards the opponent like lightning. What was faster than his body was the Mo Dao in his hand.


Amidst the sound of the air bursting, the Mo Dao flashed and slashed the opponent's neck.

However, the moment it hit the body, the blade swished away, directly cutting off the opponent's right arm.

The action was unbelievably fast.

By the time Qin Zhong came to his senses, his right arm had been severed at the root, and he began to spurt blood crazily.


Qin Zhong screamed and his expression changed.

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