
Wang Zhenshan on the ring 100 swallowed a big mouthful of saliva.

His complexion had turned extremely pale at some point.

Undoubtedly, the tragic situation in the No. 99 ring had a strong impact on him.

Not only hearing, but also vision, and the one that has the greatest influence on him is taste.

Not long after the first knockout round started, the bloody smell wafting from the surrounding arenas, including No. 99, already made his stomach feel a little overwhelmed, making him extremely uncomfortable.

Ye Chong glanced at the other party with a smile, did not speak, but picked up the big knife in his hand, stroked the edge, and pointed at the other party lightly, with a smile that was not a smile on the corner of his mouth.

The referee announced "start" in a low voice, and then jumped off the ring.

Ye Chong's body was like a rock, standing still, his mind was full of the shadow of the little girl with dreadlocks, as if he had already transformed into her at this moment.

"Although she is young, her strength is unpredictable and she has rich experience in battle.

Speaking of which, her battle with a tall, tall, white man today was a lesson for me.

When the enemy moves, I stay still.

When the enemy is still, we move.

Use the brakes.

Use static to control static.

Movement and stillness conversion, all by one heart.

Take the initiative and wait for the opportunity to move.


Today I will take the test knife in front of me. "

Ye Chong thought so, his eyes were half-closed, he looked like he was asleep, and he didn't seem to wake up.

In fact, he was a little mentally ill.

Using Ye Zhi's Absence Slash, 50 points of mental power were drawn out all of a sudden. What he wants to do most now is to squint for a while.

The best way to restore energy, besides meditating and practicing, is to sleep.

The more sound you sleep, the faster you will recover.

Of course, for him, there is also a unique way - to improve the spirit through the distribution of combat merit points.

But the problem is, he definitely can't do that now.

As his strongest background and life-saving means, the distribution of combat merit points can only be used at the most critical time.

Therefore, the only way he can replenish his energy now is to doze off.

After all, starting from the first knockout round, as long as they are not eliminated, the match will be round after round.

In fact, this is not much different from the wheel war.

Therefore, try to let the body recover as much as possible, just recover one more point.

Anyway, according to the rules, the regular time for each game in the knockout stage is 10 minutes.

If there is no winner within 10 minutes, the referee will decide who wins.

If the referee can't make a judgment, then add 5 minutes of overtime, and then the referee will make a joint judgment with the game supervisor.

However, this situation generally does not occur.

After all, as long as you start a fight, it's like boxing. Even if you don't knock down the opponent, there will be points to judge the outcome.

All in all, there is plenty of time now, Ye Chong has made up his mind and is going to use the rules of the game to take a break.

But what's interesting is that Wang Zhenshan didn't move.

What he used was a big black iron hammer with a long handle and the head of the hammer was like a big lantern, which looked very heavy.

At this moment, he was leaning on the ground with a big hammer, looking at Ye Chong calmly, but it was difficult to hide the suspicion in his eyes.

If he didn't guess wrong, he should also have thought of the scene that happened in the No. 99 ring just now.

Afraid that he would take the initiative to attack, not to mention wasted energy, and let the other party wait for the opportunity to move, and kill him.

At this moment, the people around ring 100, including the game supervisor and referee, were all looking at Ye Chong and Wang Zhenshan in bewilderment.

They all have grass mud horses spitting and galloping past in their hearts.

"What's wrong with these two people, why don't you let them bask in the sun?"

"The two of them stared at each other with big eyes. Is this a competition to hold the dead body for a long time?"

"Fuck, rubbish, since you don't dare to fight, why do you still enter the knockout round, shame on you."


The game supervisors and referees were also particularly confused and helpless.

There are rules.

Even if the two people on the ring really sat down and chatted, it wouldn't be a foul.

"I'm in poor physical condition now." Ye Chong glanced at Wang Zhenshan, "You'd better do it quickly and fail early, so as not to affect my rest."

"Why don't you do it?" Wang Zhenshan blinked in confusion.

"You're handsome, so it's better to do it first." Ye Chong also blinked, "Once I do it, I'm afraid you won't have a chance to do it."

"..." Wang Zhenshan swallowed, and touched his own face along the way, "Actually, you look okay..."

"Okay, I know, you can do it quickly?" Ye Chong half-closed his eyes and made a casual gesture of invitation, "If you don't do it again, the referee and supervisor will be unhappy, and maybe you will be sentenced to failure in the end."

"We didn't violate the rules of the game," Wang Zhenshan glanced at the supervisors and referees in the audience, "If you want to do it, you do it, hehe, I won't be fooled."

"You're stupid!" Ye Chong's mouth curled up, "If you don't do it again, then I will do it?"

"Okay..." Wang Zhenshan nodded.


Ye Chong didn't wait for the other party to finish speaking, and the big knife in his hand slashed like the wind.

Wang Zhenshan was so frightened that he yelled, and stepped back with a big hammer in his hand, a little embarrassed.


Ye Chong's body swayed, his castration was faster than the speed of a knife, he lifted his right foot, and kicked the opponent's stomach with a bang.

Wang Zhenshan only had time to defend with his eyes, and then watched his body fly into the air, before he even had time to hold the big hammer, he fell off the ring.


There was a burst of laughter in the huge No. [-] Stadium.

I don't know if it was the wonderful scene in the laughing ring No. 100, or in another ring where there was a scene of laughing to death.

However, ring 100 and the contestants on the edge of the nearby ring immediately burst into laughter, as if pigs were squawking.

"Damn it, I laughed so hard, what's going on? Are you still letting people live?"

"Ye Chong is a cunning guy. It feels like another Wen Shangwu who cheated others' trust and then led them into the pit. Haha, everyone should be careful in the future."

"Captain, giggling, it's too bad for you, ouch, it hurts."


Ye Chong couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.

The experience of the little girl with dreadlocks must be learned, and the experience of Wen Shangwu must also be learned.

As long as it is a good experience, we must learn from it.

Everything is aimed at winning as early as possible with the least worry and trouble.

At this time, the referee jumped onto the stage and announced: "The second round of the first knockout round in the No. 100 ring is over, Ye Chong won, and Wang Zhenshan lost.

So far, the two losers of this ring, Wen Shangwu and Wang Zhenshan, can leave.

The winners, Lin Xiaonuan and Ye Chong, will stay here and wait for the draw for the second round of knockout matches. "

Speaking of this, the referee looked at Ye Chong and Lin Xiaonuan, then smiled slightly, and continued:

"Please take a rest on the spot. The draw will not take place until the first round of knockout rounds is over. Please wait patiently."

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