"Go!" The man surnamed Bi showed an unfathomable look on his face, "In this chaotic situation, the only way to do it is to walk."

"Oh?" Ye Chong shook his head with a wry smile, "Actually, I've thought about this too, but I can live for a while, but I can't live forever."

"No, that's not right," the man surnamed Bi waved his hand immediately, his eyes were bright and full of wisdom, "it should be a good man who doesn't suffer from immediate losses."

"Huh?" Ye Chong couldn't help but twitched his mouth, and looked at the other party with a half-smile, "Thank you, Mr. Bi, for reminding me. I, Ye Chong, are very grateful."

"Hey, we are all friends, please don't be polite," the man surnamed Bi grinned and continued, "And the sooner you leave, the better."

"Why?" Ye Chong blinked, "Did Mr. Bi hear something?"

"Hey, I've heard a lot these days." The man surnamed Bi lowered his voice, "Mr. Ye has offended a lot of people?"

"Hehe," Ye Chong nodded with a smile, "I know that. But what I want to know more now is, who wants to do something to me?"

"Many," said the man surnamed Bi thoughtfully, and even moved his fingers a few times. "There are at least 30 people who want to beat you hard."

"..." Ye Chong smiled slightly, "It seems that there are quite a few people who are interested in me. By the way, who entrusted Mr. Bi to help me?"

"Hey, it's all a friend's request, so don't worry about it," the man surnamed Bi grinned and waved his hands, "Anyway, you'd better leave here early, otherwise, it would be too dangerous."

"But I still have competitions..." Ye Chong smiled and frowned.

"Saving your life is the most important thing," said the man surnamed Bi with a serious face. "Those who want to kill you just want to do it in the ring."

"Okay," Ye Chong looked at the other party seriously, "Why did you help me?"

"Mr. Ye is famous far and wide, and we all admire you very much." The man surnamed Bi looked serious, "To tell the truth, there should be more real talents like Mr. Ye Chong in the warrior team, so what mutant beasts are the humans afraid of?! Even if the monsters are rampant, we will not be afraid."



Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Ye Chong covered his mouth and coughed for a while, then asked with a smile: "Why didn't the friend who entrusted you come by himself? Do we know each other? Is he afraid of seeing me?"

"That's not true," the man surnamed Bi shook his head, "The knockout round is about to begin, and he still needs to prepare for the competition, so he can't come here in person, so...haha..."

"He still wants to participate in the knockout round?" Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and Lin Xiaomei and the others emerged from his mind one by one, then slowly shook his head, "This makes me even more curious about him.

Ha ha.

To be honest, I already had plans to leave.

But you also know that the prize money of the martial arts conference is very high.

There is also the martial arts ranking after the end of the martial arts conference, which is of great significance to a martial artist.

Also, hey, like you said just now, I, Ye Chong, have a reputation far and wide. If I just leave like this, I'm afraid it will affect my glorious and great image. "

"Life is 1, and everything else is 0. If life is gone, no matter how many 0s there are, it will be nothing." The man surnamed Bi said slowly, "However, my friend also said that if you want If you withdraw from the Martial Arts Conference today, he can give you some compensation, which can be regarded as a help to you."

"Oh?" Ye Chong didn't hold back all of a sudden, and grinned, "Your friend is really...hehe, just because I have a bad...reputation, that's why I persuaded me to leave and gave me money. Is it?"

"Yes," the man surnamed Bi narrowed his eyes, "If you leave now, you can get 5000 subsidies."

"How much?" Ye Chong blinked, looking obviously a little confused, "5000 million? Is that much money?"

"Mr. Ye was just joking," the man surnamed Bi grinned, "I said 5000, not 5000 million."

"Hey, if I qualify from the second round of the group stage, I will earn at least hundreds of thousands of dollars. If I win the first knockout round, my income will be at least over one million." Ye Chong's mouth curled up. Wu rankings and other invisible benefits, and now you want to send me away if you want to give me 5000?"

"5." The man surnamed Bi gritted his teeth, "It can't be more, this is the bottom line, hehe, if you disagree, don't say that my friend didn't help you."

"You go," Ye Chong looked at his right hand with a smile, "Before I don't want to do it."

"Ye Chong, you're really going too far. My friends and I are doing it for your own good." The man surnamed Bi's face suddenly became extremely gloomy. "You are really a dog biting Lu Dongbin, and you don't know good people."

"Oh?" Ye Chong's face turned cold, and he took a step forward, "So you are Lu Dongbin, bring me the money you owe me."

"What money?" The man surnamed Bi took a step back, "Don't mess around, once you violate the "Warrior Law", you will be unable to eat and walk around."

"You called me a dog just now, and you said you were Lu Dongbin, why don't you admit it now?" Ye Chong raised the corner of his mouth, and slowly stepped forward, "Hehe, Lao Lu, quickly bring the 5000 million you owe me. .”

"Crazy, crazy," the man surnamed Bi looked at him in panic as he stepped back, "I'm not Lu Dongbin, and I don't owe you any money. If you dare to mess around again, be careful that the "Warrior Law" will punish you severely."

"Oh?" Ye Chong continued to press harder and harder, "Do you think that in my room, if I killed a person who broke into here and tried to plot against me, the "Warrior Law" would punish me and lose an excellent man?" A martial arts fighter?"

"50." The man surnamed Bi shook his hands wildly, as if he would feel safer in this way, "No more."

"Now tell me, who ordered you to come here?" Ye Chong paused, his voice became extremely cold, "Of course, you don't have to say anything.

However, I think you should know that I have a bad reputation.

If you anger me, you will surely disappear from this world.

Well, tell me now, how do you want to die?

As far as I know, there are many mutant beasts living in the sewer of the expert apartment.

Do you want to be eaten by man-eating ants?

Or do you want to be swallowed by a mutated snake?

Or want to be torn apart by mutant rats?

Or let the corpse burrow into the stomach?

Now hurry up and tell me the answer. "

"Ye Chong, if you quit now and don't participate in the next competition," the man surnamed Bi gritted his teeth, then said with twinkling eyes, "Then I can give you 500 million compensation, how about it?"

"500 million?" Ye Chong couldn't help but raise his mouth, and he finally confirmed the purpose of the person in his heart. There is no doubt that it should have something to do with the next knockout opponent—No.1 of the first group.

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