Ye Chong shrugged, glanced at the rescuers who were still busy and said, "I believe in the level of Yangcheng's medical staff, or else, I'll help out too?"

"No need, you help him die faster." The strong man led by the Public Security Bureau frowned, "I think it's better for you to tell me what happened just now?"

"Isn't that bad?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Everyone saw what happened under the watchful eyes of the public. If I were to say it again, it would inevitably be suspected of one-sidedness."

"It's okay, just tell me." The strong man from the Public Security Bureau narrowed his eyes almost into a line, and there seemed to be a cold light flickering inside, "What hidden weapon? What poisonous gas?"

"Okay," Ye Chong nodded, then shook his head with a wry smile, "This is the venue of the Martial Arts Conference, there are many martial arts masters, everyone is not blind, I guess I know it well.

I don't dare to talk nonsense, so let's tell the truth.

If something is wrong, please correct me.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Just now, when I was chatting with an acquaintance, that... person spoke rudely.

Then, I wanted to step forward and explain to see if there was any misunderstanding?

As a result, after walking in front of him, just as I was about to talk with a smile, he suddenly fired a concealed weapon and at the same time sprayed poisonous gas. "

When he said this, Ye Chong paused, and seeing that the other party had no intention of speaking, he sighed, and continued:

"This guy shot countless water bombs with one mouthful, the power is astonishing, and there is also poisonous gas.

If it weren't for my strong defenses, I would have been shot through the face and head.

If it wasn't for my fast dodging speed, I would have died of poisoning long ago.

If you don't believe it, go open his mouth and smell it now, there is definitely a smell of poisonous gas that hasn't been released. "


There was a burst of light laughter.

"You mean... he attacked you with spittle and bad breath?" The voice of the strong man leading the Security Bureau was cold, "You better not talk about it."

"I have evidence." Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Everyone at the scene should have seen it, and I fought back the moment I was knocked into the air by him.

There is no doubt about it, it can be seen from my physical reaction.

Ha ha.

I'm just a junior martial arts fighter who has just stepped into the ranks of warriors, and I only have an elementary level of cultivation, and my abilities are limited.

Did I hit him first and then fly backwards?

Or fight back after being hit by him?

Ordinary people can't see it, but in the eyes of martial arts masters, the difference is very big.

After all, there are differences in the strength to bear, the trajectory of flight, and the reaction of the body.


If you don't think he spit on me, that leaves only one possibility.

He attacks with his head or hands, but this guy's speed is too fast.

So fast that I, the victim, didn't know how I was violated.

Thanks to me fighting back.

Otherwise, the person lying on the ground must not be him, but me.

I'm thinking now, is the "Warrior Law" used to protect bad guys?

Even if a good person is brutally attacked, can't he carry out self-defense?

Well, if this is the case, then I admit, I should wait to die.

Ha ha.

It seems that when every warrior is attacked, he should first think about whether he will hurt the aggressor.


Should we human warriors stop and think about life when facing the attack of mutant beasts?

Then see if I did something wrong to become their life? "


There was an uproar at the scene, which was mixed with a lot of laughter.

"I'm sorry, I still suspect that you have a problem." The strong man leading the security bureau glanced at the bald man who was being transported away, then stared at Ye Chong and said, "You don't want to participate in the competition, come back to the game with us , Let’s investigate the matter clearly.”

"Wait," Lin Xiaonuan approached Ye Chong, "It's obvious that guy is defying the "Warrior Law" and keeps provoking, but why is he arresting the captain?"

"It's you?" The strong and strong man leading the team from the Public Security Bureau was stunned, and immediately recognized Lin Xiaonuan as the person who brought back the missing child at the south gate of Biyuan Community. "Is he your captain?"

"Yes, he is our captain," Lin Xiaomei also stepped forward, "We have witnessed everything with our own eyes.

The captain did nothing wrong.

and also.

The "Warrior Law" is used to protect the rights and interests of warriors, but it is definitely not used to protect warriors who make trouble out of nothing. "

"Are you there?" The leader of the Public Security Bureau also quickly recognized Lin Xiaomei.

At this time, Zhang Mingyang coughed, stepped forward and said, "Li Ju, now is the critical time for the Yangwu Conference schedule, so don't delay it."

When he said this, Zhang Mingyang paused, turned his head and glanced at Chu Xunhuan, Catherine and Blanco beside him, and then said:

"The meaning of the Ministry of Martial Arts is to hold this Martial Arts Promotion Conference on the basis of martial arts exchanges, responding to and cooperating with the country's call for martial arts for all people, and holding it as a Martial Arts Promotion Conference, and this is also uncensored on the major media. The reason for the full race.

Ha ha.

Li Ju knows better than me what martial arts are, so I won't talk about it.

But in the eyes of ordinary people, martial art is not that complicated.

To put it simply, the way to pursue force is martial arts.

What does that mean?

Of course it means force.

Everything revolves around force.

It may not be appropriate for me to say this, hahaha, but it is like this in everyone's subconscious.

Problems that cannot be resolved shall be resolved by force.

It doesn't sound good.

There are so many reasons between people, between countries, between people and beasts. In the final analysis, whoever has the hardest fist has the final say.

Everything in the world is as good as it is.

So today, both parties involved resolved the issue with fists. Although it was inappropriate, it was acceptable to the 10 viewers at the scene, as well as the hundreds of millions of viewers watching the live broadcast and rebroadcast.

On the other hand, if the people who won by force were really taken away today, it is likely to pour a basin of cold water on the heads of the enthusiastic people.

Bureau Li, you also know that this is against the spirit of martial arts for all. "

"But..." The strong man leading the team from the Public Security Bureau frowned slightly, and glanced at Chu Xunhuan and the others, "After all, there are regulations in the "Warrior Law"..."

"Li Ju, you understand this better than me," Zhang Mingyang grinned, "However, regulations are dead, but people are alive.

The "Musha Law" itself is a law and regulations designated by the Ministry of Martial Arts.

There are quite a few relevant "Judicial Interpretations", "Implementation Measures" and "Related Rules". How to use them must of course be adapted to local conditions and vary from person to person.

What's more, many people have indeed noticed.

Ye Chong flew upside down. It was obvious that his upper body was impacted by an external force, and his counterattack came after he flew up. The reason may have something to do with 2615.

According to the provisions of the "Warrior Law", Ye Chong is undoubtedly a legitimate self-defense, and there is nothing wrong with it. "


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