Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 570 Trembling of Despair

At this moment, the No. [-] Stadium has already become full of people, noisy and lively.

The noise here hadn't stopped yet, and there was a louder noise not far away.

"The number 21 in the 2238st group is Fat Girl's number. I don't know who is so lucky to be in the same group as her?"

"Haha, you said it would be great if Fat Girl could be in the same group as Xiahou Bao. Wouldn't the group stage be as good as the final?"

"Hehe, if that's the case, I can guarantee that in the end, only the two of them will be left in the group they are in, and everyone else will die."

"Stop dreaming.

This is impossible.

The grouping criteria for the second round group stage of Yangwu Conference is very strict.

It not only refers to the realm of cultivation, but also pays attention to past records, and also considers special test results.

Then, according to these, they will be divided into the first grade, the second grade... until the fifth grade, and then they will be randomly assigned on this basis.

People like Xia Houbao and Fat Girl have high cultivation levels, high past scores, and high special test scores. They must be in the first rank, so they will be divided into different groups.

Ha ha.

There is no chance to meet in the second round group stage.

However, when it comes to the knockout rounds, except for the first round of knockout rounds, the opponents are determined by drawing lots. It is estimated that there is a high possibility of a strong dialogue.

Moreover, if that's the case, everyone has no way out, and will definitely go shopping to show their strongest combat power.

Hehe, I'm really looking forward to it. "

"That's right.

It is impossible for Xia Houbao, Fat Girl, Dionysus, Smoker and other super masters to meet in the group stage.

After all, after this martial arts conference is over, there will be a martial arts ranking list.

If the strong are eliminated in the group stage, it will obviously distort the leaderboard and lack convincing power.

However, they won't meet each other, but it doesn't mean that elites, geniuses or evildoers who don't show themselves will not meet them.

Maybe those dark horses are strong enough to threaten super-class experts.

In other words, the possibility of a strong dialogue in the second round group stage is still very high.

Moreover, the possibility of a big upset is not small.

Ha ha.

Everything is unknown.

However, the charm of the game is here. "

"Elite, genius, or evildoer who doesn't show their mountains and water? It's about it, haha, just think about it, there are not so many."


Say nothing else.

Let's talk about military warriors in the army.

Their identities are kept secret on weekdays, and no one knows what powerful characters are inside.

This public appearance may be their chance to make a big splash.

In addition, there are wild warriors.

Do you think that without the support of martial arts academy, sect, family, military and other forces, those homeless people would not have achieved high achievements?


In fact, these people are like rangers or knights. They have many opportunities to venture into the wilderness alone, and they have extremely rich experience in fighting mutant beasts.

This unique experience will allow them to practice and improve themselves in the slaughter, and at the same time, they can also obtain a lot of mutant beast materials, which can be tens of thousands of money or training resources.

You think about it.

Is it possible for a desolate warrior who has no shortage of cultivation resources to have poor strength? ! "

"Hearing what you said, I am really looking forward to the next game more and more now."

"Yeah, I heard that more and more people are paying attention to the competitions of the Martial Arts Competition, and the ratings of the national five channels and various online platforms are very high."

"Is it really okay to broadcast such a bloody game to the public indiscriminately?"

"Ha ha.

Now is the era of martial arts for all.

Let the latecomers see the blood in advance, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

This will let them figure out what a real warrior and martial arts are.

Don't see the mutant beast at that time, pee your pants before you beat it, and be eaten as an adult. "


Ye Chong listened to the discussions around him, kept silent, and stared at the big screen calmly.

Now nearly 100 groups have been identified, but I still haven't seen my own number.

However, he was not in a hurry.

In fact, it's useless to be anxious, just be anxious.

According to his idea, the 1000 people entering the second round group stage will be divided into five groups.

His level of cultivation is not high, it is only the cultivation level of junior martial arts fighters. Among the 1000 contestants, he must be at the bottom.

Don't forget, among the contestants participating in the Martial Arts Conference this time, there are more than 100 senior martial arts fighters alone, about 800 intermediate martial arts fighters, and more than 1000 junior martial arts fighters.

If nothing else, there will be no quasi-warrior among those entering the second round group stage.

In other words, the 1000 people in the second round group stage should all be real fighters.

As a junior martial arts fighter, he is definitely at the bottom among these people.

If only this data is used for classification, then he must be classified as fifth.

Even taking into account the past record, especially the result of No.2 in the first round of the group stage, it does not help him to be identified as the fifth tier.

However, if coupled with the special results that he thinks are not bad, his classification should be improved.

Such as upgrading to the fourth gear, or even the third gear, of course, it is impossible to add more.

But the problem is, as the last consideration factor, it is hard to say how much score and weight it occupies in the process of determining the classification.

If the weight is not heavy, then he must still be in fifth gear.

Actually it doesn't matter.

There is not much difference between fourth and fifth gear.

Obviously, this positioning means that there are many strong players in the group.

If there is no accident, the personnel in the first rank should be Xia Houbao, Fat Girl, Dionysus, Smoker and so on.

However, the groups Xia Houbao, Fat Girl, Dionysus, and Smoker belonged to have all been clarified.

As long as you don't meet these famous and powerful characters, then there is nothing to worry about.

Taking a step back, even if you actually meet one of these people, it's okay, after all, there are two qualifying places for each group.

If you can't compete for the first place, you can still compete for the second place.

If you can't beat the opponent, you can escape.

Ye Chong is still very confident in his body skills.

They can escape from the perverted pursuit of SS1 pink-winged birds, let alone these guys.

After all, escape is his forte.

Ye Chong has rich experience in this field and has a proud capital.

Time passed little by little.

182 groups.

183 groups.

184 groups.

185 groups.

186 groups.


Up to now, the group with the 0111 number has not appeared.

Although Ye Chong's face was calm, his eyes were a little messed up, and his heart also panicked.

He even began to wonder if he missed something?

But he quickly dismissed this unreliable idea.

He knew the eyes would not deceive him, no doubt about it.

Then he wondered if he was secretly eliminated.

Otherwise, what's going on?












Ye Chong trembled in his heart, and then closed his eyes.

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