Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 557 Live Score

12: 50.

Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy.

The scene of the martial arts conference.

Third stadium.

Ring No. 176.

Including the referee and the game supervisor, a total of twelve people stood here quietly, waiting for the game to start.

The 235 group and the other group each have five contestants left.

Among them, 235 of the 2242 group still has not returned to the team. It is estimated that either the body has not recovered to the game state, or left this world forever.

However, Ye Chong didn't show any guilt.

After all, once occupying the arena, it is a battlefield where life and death are fought, either you die or I live, the kindness of a woman will only bring about destruction.

What surprised him was that the black and strong 1633 and the suave 2971 were both back here, looking pretty good.

Ye Chong glanced at the two of them, frowned involuntarily, then glanced at Yang Ying, his face looked a little depressed.

"Captain, are you feeling unwell?" Yang Ying smiled sweetly and approached Ye Chong, "Sit down and rest for a while?"

"I'm fine." Ye Chong smiled slightly, "However, you need to work harder for the next game."

"Hee hee, I am very satisfied to score 6 points in the group stage." Yang Ying rolled her eyes and smiled softly, "The most important thing is to participate, I have never thought about qualifying."

"Well, it's not bad for you to think so," Ye Chong nodded, "However, what should be fought for is still to be fought for. For a warrior, every step forward is a success."

"Understood, captain, I will work hard." Yang Ying nodded vigorously as she spoke, looking at the other party with a firm look in her eyes.

"Your chance... is on him," Ye Chong glanced at the gentle guy in 0039, "you must grasp it."

"Captain, I understand. I have the confidence to defeat 0039." Yang Ying frowned slightly, pursed her lips, and quietly glanced at the dark and strong 1633 and the suave 2971, "But...they are very strong , I'm afraid..."

"Are you afraid that no matter how much effort you put in, you won't be able to surpass them, right?" Ye Chong spoke calmly, his brows slightly frowned, "Don't be afraid, take your time, the first thing you should do well is yourself."

"Understood, Captain." Yang Ying nodded thoughtfully.

At this time, a 40-year-old male referee said: "The latest game information is out, let me announce it.

The first thing to do is the 235 group competition.

In the first game, 0039 played against 1598.

In the second game, 1633 vs. 2242.

In the third game, 0111 played against 2971.

Because 2242 is absent, 1633 automatically wins the second game.

Now for the first game, please 0039 and 1598 to fight on stage.


Time 5 minutes.

If the battle cannot be ended within this time, it will be considered a draw. "

Ye Chong frowned when he heard the 40-year-old referee say that.

According to the points before the start of the fourth round, the ranking of the 235 teams is as follows:







According to the latest results announced by referees around the age of 40, the ranking has already undergone new changes:







That is to say, if the competition ends according to this ranking, the two who will finally advance are 1633 who ranks first and 0039 who ranks second.

However, because the five rounds of the first round group match have not yet been completely over, it is still impossible to make a final judgment on who is the real No.6 among 0039, 0111 and 1598 who have the same 2 points.

After all, if the points are really the same, it depends on the relationship between each other's winners and losers. If a series is formed, the results of special tests and so on must be referred to.

The above rankings for the first three rounds are based on the existing conditions on the campus of Yangwu College. It is not very rigorous, and everything will not be finalized until all five rounds are over.

"According to regulations, a group can only qualify two people. The current situation seems to be quite troublesome.

no way.

1633 The strength of this black and strong guy lies here.

This round was equivalent to winning without a fight, and all three points were taken.

And he will face Yang Ying in the next round, and there is basically no suspense about winning.

That is to say, under normal circumstances, this guy can end up with 10 points.

The point is more than one threat.

2971 This guy is even stronger.

This round he played against me. If he wins, he will also get three points, and the points will become 7 points.

In the next round, he played against the absent 2242, which was equivalent to winning without a fight, and scored 3 points steadily.

If this is the case, then the 235 team will be the two of them.


If I draw with 2971, then his final score will be 8 points, and if nothing happens to me, it will be 10 points.

At that time, the two people who qualify together will most likely be me and Hei Youzhuang 1633.

And if I beat 2971, my score will become 9 points, and it will not be a problem to kill 0039 in the last round. My final score will be 12 points, and of course it will be no problem to qualify.

But what about Yang Ying?

What should she do?

I will block 2971, of course I will try my best.

However, the match between me and 1633 is over in the third round, who can stop him next?

Yang Ying?

I'm afraid I can't do it.

In fact, if Yang Ying loses the match against 1633, she will definitely not be able to qualify.

After all, in the last two rounds, I played against 2971 and 0039. Even if I wanted to quit, the benefit would not be Yang Ying, but one of the other two.

What's more, how could I keep myself out of line?

This is related to the fortune of my martial arts development, and it is impossible to ignore it.

In addition, there is another situation.

If Yang Ying can't win the battle with the weakest fish belly 0039, it is inevitable that she will fight 1633 in the last round.

When the time comes, it will be like moths jumping into a flame. I'm afraid that if you don't pay attention, you will end up in a fiasco.


When Ye Chong thought of this, he couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

He knew very well in his heart that in the case of great disparity between strength and weakness, there would basically be no surprises in the result.

Ye Chong thought about a lot of things just now, but in fact it didn't take long.

Soon, 0039 and Yang Ying entered the ring 176 respectively.

0039, who looked gentle and gentle, said with a smile: "Miss, my strength is very weak, please let me order, after all, you are a warrior, you can't bully the small, can you?"

"I'll be merciful and I'll keep clicking." Yang Ying nodded, "Let's get started."

"Then thank you, Miss." The gentle-looking 0039 continued with a smile, "Young lady is so beautiful."

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