Seeing that the masked martial arts meeting turned into a meeting of old acquaintances in the end, Ye Chong hurriedly left here before the finals were over.

In the process of walking up the dark stairs, he took off the gray-black mask, and put on the mask he put away earlier.

There is no one at the ground entrance and exit of the nuclear defense project, and the surrounding flowers, plants and trees look vibrant under the shade of dim lights.

Ye Chong didn't leave in a hurry, but turned his head to look at the dark stair passage, then turned his mouth up and walked quickly into the bushes.

The central garden area surrounded by the fourth floor of the expert apartment has water and trees, and there are no mosquitoes and flies. It is very comfortable to sit on the bench under the tree.

However, Ye Chong didn't sit down, but lay down directly, stretched his waist behind his hands behind his pillow, and quietly looked at the entrance and exit.

Speaking of which, there are so many masters in the Masquerade Martial Arts Association, and many of them are masters of martial arts general level. It seems a bit inappropriate not to see who they are.

Moreover, he didn't really want to peek at some privacy, but just happened to rest in the corner of the central garden area, and accidentally saw someone passing by.

Not long after, a figure appeared at the entrance and exit of the nuclear defense project.

But what is a bit depressing and anxious is that the person who came did not wear a mask, but he also wore a mask, and the surrounding lights were dim, and it was impossible to tell who was who.

For some reason, Ye Chong suddenly had a strong urge to rush forward and tear off the other party's mask.

Of course, he wouldn't do that.

Just really anxious, too anxious.

Gradually, more people came out, but most of them were wearing masks, and as soon as they left the entrance, they scattered in all directions.

There are a little more eight directions, but there are still four directions, each leading to the east, west, south, north buildings.


I saw a tall, fat guy with big ears coming out. Although he was also wearing a mask, it could only cover his mouth, not even his nose. He looked like he was dying of laughter.

Ye Chong subconsciously looked at his left arm. The number plate had been torn off and thrown away when it was in the dark corridor.

Then he tore off the mask, stuffed it into the military vest, and muttered like a dream: "Xiaohong, Xiaohong, you... don't go, I... I... I will listen to you from now on." Yours, okay?"

After speaking, he turned over and snored.

Amidst a burst of light laughter, someone walked over.

Immediately after the next moment, Ye Chong's body was pushed hard, only to hear Dunan growl in a low voice: "Bastard! What are you doing?! Why are you still thinking about my little red in your dream?!"

"Well, what?" Ye Chong rubbed his eyes, "What's wrong with my little red?!"

"It's my little red!" Du Nan shouted in a low voice, "If you dare to miss her again, I will... I will..."

"What do you want to do?!" Ye Chong stretched his waist, and looked at the other party with a half-smile, "There are so many people called Xiaohong in the world, how do you know I'm thinking of your Xiaohong?"

"Anyway, you can't miss Xiaohong!" Du Nan pulled off the mask, his big eyes widened, looking very angry, "You have a room and don't sleep, why are you sleeping here?!"

"You don't have a room to sleep, so you ran here..." Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Yes, why did you come here? Xiaohong is really here? Hehe, let me see, where is she?"

"If you talk nonsense again, I'll call your name." Dunan patted his stomach, "When the time comes, a bunch of people will come and beat you, and you won't even be able to run away."

"Shout, call whatever you want, I'm not as stingy as you, call me Xiaohong's name, you'll be impatient with me." Ye Chong smiled, "Do you think "Warrior Law" is just a display?! Say, why are you going?" gone?"

"Lao Ye, let me tell you, I went to the masked martial arts competition today," Du Nan said excitedly, "and I passed all the way to the third round, and finally met a master of the martial arts level , was defeated."

"Hehe, you're quite proud?" Ye Chong raised his mouth, "Didn't you get kicked to death?"

"How can this be, don't talk about one kick, it's two kicks..." Dunan paused, "'re really here all this time?"

"What's wrong?" Ye Chong smiled slightly, "No way?"

"Okay, why not, let me tell you, I met a two hundred and five at the masked martial arts meeting, who looked very much like you," Du Nan patted his stomach, "However, that person is very rubbish. It was blown away with a punch, and it is probably almost there."

"What the hell are you...almost?" Ye Chong smiled half-smile, "What do you mean?"

"It means death." Dunan grinned, "My current attack power is absolutely unstoppable, and most people can't stand it."

"Oh, I didn't expect you to be so good?" Ye Chong raised his mouth and lowered his voice, "You earned a lot in one night, right?!"

"Hahaha," Du Nan patted his stomach, "Nothing, nothing, all night nonsense, no money."

"Dunan, you're wrong. I think you're shining brightly, so you must have lost your temper." Ye Chong stretched out his hand, "I'm so short of money now, lend me some."

"How can I have money?" Du Nan took a step back, "Our Xiaohong is still waiting for my call, so I won't be fooling around with you, I'll go first."

"You go?" Ye Chong said viciously, "Then I will just miss your Xiaohong casually?!"

"Think, think, it's not yours to want to die, haha." Du Nan muttered, turned around and left, "I don't think Xiaohong will talk to you."

"If I had known you were such an ungrateful thing, I should have kicked your head off," Ye Chong continued to threaten viciously, "I won't let you, a pig, get a big deal."

"What?" Dunan turned around, looked him up and down, "Is it you? Really you?!"

Ye Chong smiled, but didn't speak.

Du Nan patted his stomach bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bam

Didn't expect you to be defeated by me too? !



Let me tell you, Lao Ye, this afternoon, many people said that I have the appearance of a champion.

I didn't believe it then.

But now it seems that I can easily beat you, which shows that I do have the strength to compete for the championship. "

"..." Ye Chong's head was full of black lines, and he frowned, "Don't you think I let you do it?"

"It's okay, Lao Ye, I understand, I understand, I am also a man, everyone is saving face," Du Nan patted his stomach, "But, don't be sad.

I am a genius.

Also evildoer.

It is a rising star.


It's a matter of time before you surpass you.

and so……

Accept reality.


Xiaoye, listen to my brother.

You have to work hard too.

The world looks like..."

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