Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 545 Xiao Zhan 25 Brothers

"I'm sorry sir, this is not a sports lottery, it's just a lucky egg game." The man wearing a yellow mask showed disdain on his face, "Masquerade will invest in lucky eggs, and it's just an exciting game, without the rules you mentioned."

"Okay, I got it." Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he said in his heart, I should have said that it was unreasonable, I was so tired that I had a headache.

"Okay, ready to play." The man in the yellow mask put away the multifunction machine in his hand.

"Wait, I'll invest." Ye Chong smiled, "Hehe, I'll listen to you, invest more, 500 million lucky eggs."

"What?!" The man in the yellow mask on the No. [-] ring was stunned, and then looked at Ye Chong suspiciously, " want to invest so many lucky eggs?!"

"Yes, is it possible?" Ye Chong couldn't help but twitched his mouth, "I just broke through and don't understand anything, I just think this game is fun and I want to join in the fun."

"Yes! It must be possible!" The man in the yellow mask blinked, "The Lucky Egg game is all about excitement.

You can invest as much as you want.

This is your freedom.

Also your right.


The purpose of the Masquerade Martial Arts Tournament is to exchange martial arts between masters, and to find some excitement.

If the husband wins, he will be able to harvest 2000 million lucky eggs in one fell swoop, plus the capital, it will be 3000 million lucky eggs.

These lucky eggs will definitely make you a lucky star in the Yangwu Conference.

Come on stage.

wish you success! "

The person with the number 250 is a strong man with a big waist and a round waist. It feels that the thickness from the front chest to the back is definitely more than one foot. Moreover, this guy has big arms, thighs, big feet, and big fists. The most important thing is that his eyes are also big, staring like a thief. Round, like the second brother on the Heizhou grassland.

Ye Chong stood in front of 250, looking thin and thin, as if the other party could blow him down with just one breath.

"Second Fifth Brother, it's a pleasure to meet you." Ye Chong smiled politely, looking like an elegant and good man.

"What?" 250 was obviously taken aback, "What Brother [-]?"

"Hehe, it's Brother Yan," Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Brother Yan's eyes are very distinctive, handsome! By the way, Brother Yan is related to Brother Yan?"

"What?" 250 blinked, a little confused, "Which second brother?"

"It's Heizhou's second brother," Ye Chong gestured with his hand, "it's the second brother who likes to dig things out."

"Get...something?" 250 was completely stupefied, but he immediately reacted, "Let's start the war, I don't know any second brother, you misidentified the person."

"I'm not mistaken, you look like the second brother." Ye Chong nodded with certainty, "And I think if you change your posture, you will definitely look more like the second brother. Why don't we try it, brother with second and fifth eyes?"

"What? Brother with two or five eyes?" 250 was dizzy.

The crowd of onlookers in Ring No. [-] had already burst into laughter, and it seemed that the harmony between the stage and the audience was incomparable.


Ye Chong suddenly rushed forward, like a tiger suddenly pounced forward.

250's eyes were still dazed, but Ye Chong's fist was in front of him.

250 reacted extremely quickly, turning his body around to avoid the attack.

But before he launched a counterattack, Ye Chong suddenly grinned and said:

"As expected.

Dude, as an advanced martial arts fighter, he is much stronger than me, a junior martial arts fighter.



No wonder your lucky egg yield is 50%, but mine is 400%.

How about Brother Two and Five Eyes teach me? "

"Actual combat competition, realm cultivation is only one aspect, the most important thing is..." 250 stopped talking halfway.

no way.

Ye Chong's fist blasted again, more than twice as fast as the punch just now, and 250 was so scared that he suddenly retreated, in a panic.

"Be careful! It's about to fall!" Ye Chong yelled.

As a result, 250 froze, couldn't help but glanced back, and then he turned his head suddenly.

However, it's too late.


A big foot flew towards him and kicked hard on his chest.

Ka Ka Ka!

Under the surge of Qi and blood, he increased his strength three times in a row, and 250 flew upside down in an instant, and fell straight outside the ring.

At the same time, there was a look of pain and disbelief in his eyes.


A thunderous commotion erupted from the crowd watching in Ring No. [-].

"Impossible! An advanced martial arts fighter was picked by a junior martial arts fighter?!"

"Fake match! This is a fake match! I heard that 302 bought his own 500 million lucky eggs."

"What's the matter?

Isn't it the lucky egg?

It is the rule to buy it yourself, right?

That 250 seems to have bought a lot of myself.

Could it be that if he doesn't buy himself, he can still buy the other party? "

"The 302 is a fraud. It is obvious that he made the 250 dizzy, so he did it unexpectedly. Despicable and shameless trash."

"Haha, on the battlefield, it's life and death. Soldiers never tire of cheating. In the final analysis, it's because 250 is too big."

"Fuck, my lucky bastard. I thought I was making a small fortune, but I didn't expect it to be in vain. I'm so pissed off."

"There are too many things to consider in the contest between warriors.

On the basis of guaranteeing one's own strength, one has to fight wits and courage.

Otherwise, I really don't even know how I died. "

"The key point is that the battle ended too soon, right? I'll go, it will be really interesting if this news gets out."


The man wearing a yellow mask in the No. [-] ring looked dazed, and looked at Ye Chong with an expression of disbelief.

Now he seriously doubts whether he has misjudged the other party's cultivation level.

However, the thickness of Qi and blood cannot be faked.

Under normal circumstances, as long as a person erupts, the people around him can judge the approximate level of his realm.

"302 is an elementary martial arts fighter, but he has a lot of actual combat experience, and his attack power is extremely powerful, especially his smoke bomb, which completely paralyzes 250, so winning is a matter of course."

Seeing Ye Chong look over, the man wearing a yellow mask immediately flew onto the stage and announced, "302 wins, 250 loses, and the income you invest in Lucky Eggs will be automatically recorded by the system."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Ye Chong smiled and jumped off the ring.

But before he could stand still, 250 rushed over from one side.

Just at this critical moment, the man wearing the yellow mask suddenly shouted: "Warriors fight at will, which violates the provisions of the "Warrior Law". If you want to fight, you have to go to the ring to fight."

"I challenge you!" 250 looked furious, staring at Ye Chong as if about to burst into flames, "Do you dare?!"

"Don't dare." Ye Chong puffed out his chest and smiled, "Do you dare?"

"I dare." 250's voice was thunderous, obviously very angry.

"Okay, you dare, you dare," Ye Chong smiled, "Come on, give me a try?"

"Damn it, you..." 250 was a little confused and messy.

"Don't say it's useless, do you dare?" Ye Chong continued to laugh and said, "Come on, give me a try?"


250's body trembled, so he didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Ye Chong circled around the opponent's body, obviously looking like he was not pumping, and heard him continue to say: "Don't use all your skills on one mouth, just try if you have the skills?"


250 was so enraged that he spurted blood on his back to the sky, then swayed his body three times and fell to the ground straight up.

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