The middle-aged referee, around 40 years old, looked at Ye Chong blankly, and then announced: "1598 wins, 0111 loses."

The suave man numbered 2971 looked happy, he looked at Yang Ying with a hint of surprise and doubt, and he glanced at Ye Chong with a look of relief.

The dark and strong man numbered 1633 frowned, looking at Yang Ying with a hint of caution, and looking at Ye Chong with disbelief.

"1633 and 2971 are invited to compete on stage." The middle-aged referee, around 40 years old, announced in a deep voice.

Just when the dark and strong man and the suave man came to the stage respectively, Yang Ying walked over apologetically and said, "Captain, I...I..."

"Your complexion is ugly. You'd better continue to meditate and rest. This way you can restore your body and blood. There will be a third round soon." Ye Chong smiled slightly, "I'm really fine, so you don't have to worry."

"Thank you, Captain." Yang Ying's eyes were red and her voice was low, "I'm sorry, Captain."

"Hehe," Ye Chong couldn't help grinning, "Let me give you a suggestion - shut up."


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

The battle between the strong black man and the suave man soon became fierce.

What was a little surprising was that both of them did not dodge or dodge, punching and attacking.

This style of play is all about strength. Obviously, they are all full of confidence in their vitality, and they don't want to waste time in flashing around.

To put it bluntly, the two of them didn't want a draw at all, but both wanted to decide the winner within 5 minutes.


The romantic and suave man slashed down with his right hand, like a sharp sawtooth sword, and his slender and slender fingers were like sawtooth.

The black and strong man blocked his left forearm upwards, and punched his right hand straight at the opponent's chest. Suddenly, a manic sonic boom exploded.

At this moment, the suave and romantic man smiled contemptuously, and his right palm had already struck the opponent's left arm, but it was silent, as if he had no strength at all.

The dark and strong man was startled slightly, but his right fist was unabated and was about to hit the target's chest.

At this critical moment, the suave and suave man's left hand appeared like a ghost, and lightly rested on the wrist of the opponent's rushing right fist.

Then came the next moment.

The suave man's right foot shot out, and went straight to kick between the opponent's legs.

Almost at the same time, the black and strong man wrapped his left hand around, grabbed the opponent's right arm, and then moved to the left.

In fact, it was too late and then too soon, all of the above happened in a blink of an eye.

Seeing the suave man's right foot slightly deviated from the direction, it still kicked hard on the opponent's right abdomen.

At the same time, the right foot of the black and strong man suddenly flew up and kicked the target's left thigh straight.




In the crisp sound, both of them screamed.


The two still stood on the spot, neither retreating nor giving in, and continued to attack frantically.

In fact, I can't even return if I want to.

At this moment, the left arm of the black and strong man was completely mixed with the other's right arm, and the two were exerting their own strength, even if they wanted to, they couldn't separate.

At the same time, the right abdomen of the dark and strong man was injured, and the left thigh of the suave man was injured. Only the right and left hands of the two were left to continue to attack. They tried to attack with their feet from time to time, but they were too close to each other at all. Just can't use it.

All of a sudden, the people on the ring fought close to each other and fell into a stalemate, while the people off the ring were stunned and stunned.

Ye Chong scratched his head, feeling a little dazed.

Is this really a battle between warriors?

Why does it look more and more like a street fight? !

But at the next moment, Ye Chong's expression froze.

I saw the two sides on the ring are making left palms and right fists, you come and go, launching attacks with extremely fast speed and frequency, and the strokes of punches and palms are extremely short, and the angles are even more unpredictable, extremely tricky, absolutely It's not like ordinary people can only use the basic strength of the body to fight - the strength of musculoskeletal strength.

In fact, if we don't consider the source of power and the reason for its formation, but only look at it from the outside, the difference between the power of foundation and the power of blood is quite big, and normal people can tell it at a glance.

For example, to attack with fists, if you want to increase the strength of the foundation force, you need faster speed and longer stroke, and due to the limitations of the existing state of the body's skeletal muscles and blood vessels, it is impossible to randomly attack the angle.

And if it is to attack with the power of surging qi and blood, once it is deployed, even if it is close to the opponent's body, without the stroke of punching, it can still send out an equally powerful attack.

Moreover, theoretically speaking, as long as it is in contact with the target's body, any part of the punch can be used at any angle to let the power of Qi and blood attack brazenly, exerting almost the same striking effect.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

The two continued to attack, and almost all gave up defense.

In fact, such a short distance, even if you want to keep it, you can't keep it at all.

Instead of this, it is better to spend all your energy on offense.

Only by defeating the opponent as soon as possible can you truly protect yourself from harm.



The black and strong man's right fist suddenly hit the opponent's right shoulder blade, making the sound of bones breaking.

At the same time, the suave man's left palm struck the former's chest and abdomen like a serrated knife, and blood spattered instantly.

Immediately after the next moment, the right elbow of the black and strong man moved forward, and the opponent's left rib suddenly crackled.

Almost at the same time, the suave man pierced the target's right rib with his left hand like a fork, and there was a sudden scream.

What the hell!

The more Ye Chong looked at it, the more frightened he became, the more terrifying he looked, the crueler he looked, the colder he became.

If these two people's style of play was used on Yang Ying, the result would be unimaginable.

Even if he had to fight like this with the opponent, he might not be able to please him at all.

After all, a person's ability to resist attacks is closely related to his cultivation base. The higher the cultivation base, the stronger his body, and the stronger his ability to resist attacks.

"Even if I use the armor skin technique with all my strength, it only has a bonus on the basis of my current physical frame. Compared with the two of them who have strong physique, vitality and blood, and are likely to reach the cultivation base of advanced martial arts fighters, It doesn't have any advantage, but it will reduce part of the attack power and affect my offense."

Performing the armor skin technique consumes qi and blood. While improving the defense of the body and bones, it will also weaken the attack effect.

Therefore, whether to use carapace surgery and when to use carapace surgery is actually a choice made according to the actual environment, not the only choice and a permanent choice.

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