The audience cheered and laughed and talked a lot.

Ye Chong was under a lot of pressure, and his brows were frowned.

While listening to the high-spirited talk of the people around him, he fixed his eyes on the man with five short stature, and his face was ponderous.

Dunan fell asleep as soon as he said he would, leaning on the chair and snoring, but the sound was not loud, only the people nearby cast contemptuous glances.

After the short and stout man entered the agility testing machine, the gray-black sphere spun crazily, and the numbers on the small screen danced so fast that it was impossible to see clearly.




After three light beeps, the numbers on the small screen stabilized.


It turned out to be the same as the agility score of the woman in red.


There was another commotion at the scene.

The stocky man glanced at the numbers on the screen, smiled slightly, and walked straight to the punch test machine.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

A huge roar that far exceeded the previous one suddenly spread, and even the entire floor of the indoor gymnasium was affected.

At the same time, waves of screams and cheers resounded throughout the indoor stadium.

4203 kg!

5120 kg!

5564 kg!

5813 kg!

6047 kg!

6251 kg!

6443 kg!





As the bell rang at the end of the three sessions, the number on the small screen above the boxing strength testing machine froze at 6738 kilograms.

All of a sudden there were whistles, screams and cheers.


This strength is much higher than that of Diwu.

high speed.

Agility is high.

Great power.

This buddy is definitely a big favorite for the championship.

Just don't know where he came from?

And what is his cultivation level? "

"There is a problem with the organizer of the Martial Arts Conference. The work is not meticulous, rigorous, and serious. It's a mess. Mad, they don't even publish information such as the realm and cultivation of the contestants. What do you think? Really? It's too boring."

"Ha ha.

The martial arts conference is an exchange meeting for martial arts fighters across the country, and I didn't intend to invite the audience to watch it.

It is all because of the advocacy of martial arts for all now that the country asked the General Martial Arts Conference to open up and let us appreciate it.

In order to make each competition as close as possible to the actual combat level and avoid exposing too much information about the contestants, the organizers of course did not mention it if they could.

However, when it comes to every actual combat match, the contestants' blood bursts out, and their realm cultivation is naturally exposed. "

"It's reasonable for the organizer to do this. When the two meet, they don't know the basics. It's interesting to fight. Fighting wits and courage, judging the hero by victory or defeat, maybe there will be classic battles where the weak wins the strong."


what happened?

A lot of people left.


Didn't participate in the special test competition?

Were they all intimidated by the short man? "

"It should be almost time to wait.

At 13:00 in the afternoon, there will be a wave of group matches, and now it is 12:29, plus the rush, plus the test, there is not enough time. "

"That's a pity. Isn't it a waste of time to wait in line for such a long time?"

"Is there any way? There are only three test machines in total, so many people are not enough."

"Should we also leave? After a while, all the people who participated in the test match will be withdrawn. It's meaningless for us to stay here any longer. Why don't we watch the group match?"

"Of course the people who participated in the test competition will leave in a while, but those who finished the competition in the morning will come.

You believe me right, it will be interesting in the afternoon, especially when some wounded people participate in special tests, it must be very interesting. "


Ye Chong looked at the team of more than 100 people left in the field, and couldn't help but twitch his mouth, then patted Du Nan's stomach lightly and said: "Get up, pig, work."

"Work?" Dunan shivered, sat up and rubbed his eyes, "What work?! Lao Ye, do you think you are farming in the village?!"

"Planting a fart." Ye Chong smiled slightly, "Come on, let's go to line up, otherwise, there will be too little time."

"Queuing? What time is it?" Dunan looked at the big screen in the gymnasium, which showed the time, "Damn it! It's 12:33? How did the time go by so fast?"

"So, hurry up, if you are later, you really don't have time." After Ye Chong finished speaking, he got off the stands and went straight to the queue.

Dunan naturally followed closely behind, never leaving.

When he first came to the middle of the line, Ye Chong stopped. Before he could speak, he heard a tall and strong man say: "Go to the back and line up, no blocking!"

"Hehe, I'm not here to stop the race, I'm here to convey the notice." Ye Chong smiled slightly and raised his voice, "Everyone who participated in the group stage this afternoon pay attention.

The venues for the first round group match are the first stadium, the second stadium and the third stadium. If anyone is not familiar with the venues, be sure to check them out in advance so as not to delay the game.

Also, a supplementary notice.

The special test lasts for a total of two days. If you don't have time to test today, you can test again tomorrow. "

Just as Ye Chong finished speaking, another 40 or [-] people left in a hurry.

Du Nan blinked and looked at Ye Chong with a dazed expression, full of respect.

At this time, there were still about 70 to [-] people waiting in line for the special test, and they were basically those who were at the top of the line just now. Seeing that it was their turn soon, none of them wanted to give up now.

Otherwise, queuing for such a long time just now is considered a waste of time. If I had known this, I might as well sleep to recharge my batteries.

Ye Chong scratched his head, walked a few steps forward along the team, and then said: "Every match in the first round group stage is an encounter.

Everyone is not familiar with each other, if you are impatient or something, it is easy to be seen by others, and you will be defeated.

So, everyone must not worry.

In addition, I would like to remind everyone.

It is best to arrive at the venue in advance to familiarize yourself with the environment, especially the ring, especially to observe the characteristics and status of the opponent secretly.

Of course, if the opponent is waiting for you with ease, it will be a bit tricky.


When Ye Chong just said this, there was a huff, and another three to forty people left the team and hurried to the door.

Dunan's small eyes were shining, and he looked extremely excited.

Ye Chong touched his nose, sighed, and then said: "It is said that before the official game, the game supervisor and the on-site referee will roll their names. If no one is here..."


There were only less than 30 people left in the team, and about [-] people left at once.

Ye Chong was stunned, then pulled Dunan's arm, and lined up at the back of the line. Looking forward, there were exactly 10 people, and he couldn't help saying:

"Listen up to everyone in front. Once you are late for the group stage, you will cancel the results of the match, so..."

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