At this moment, Zhang Mingyang sat upright, staring intently at the team of participants passing by the rostrum.

Suddenly he lowered his head, sneezed, and accidentally knocked down the teacup with his elbow, causing the tea to flow all around.

Fortunately, the teacup did not fall to the ground, and soon a waiter came over to clean up the table and refilled him with water.

The movement made by Zhang Mingyang did not attract too many people's attention, but the conversation between the pale-faced man and the plump middle-aged man came to an abrupt end.

But not long after, the two began to whisper to each other again.

Of course, the two of them spoke like mosquitoes, and the scene was booming, and the people next to them couldn't hear clearly, and no one listened.

"Hehe, dude, don't judge a gentleman's belly with a villain's heart." The middle-aged man with a pale face smiled slightly, and lowered his voice again, "However, Zhang Mingyang is useless even if he makes a monster, but now the martial arts is the most important thing." He is a layman in the world of respect, he is powerless, and he can't make it to the sky."

"You can't say that, right?!" The fat middle-aged man shook his head with a smile, and his voice was as soft as a mosquito, "He is a shrewd guy.

Since he has done some things, it means that he has ideas and plans, and he is proficient in the art of manipulating people, so he can completely do things in martial arts without doing it himself. "

"Hey, it used to be like this, but it won't work in the future." The man with a pale face swept his eyes around, and then said: "According to the news from above, in the future, the core positions and positions of all walks of life in the society will increase the 'must be a warrior'. Hard conditions."

"What?!" The fat middle-aged man was slightly startled, "Didn't it mean that this plan was cancelled? Is it really going to be implemented?!"

"Of course, it must be implemented." The middle-aged man with a pale face smiled slightly and nodded, "The threat posed by mutant beasts is long-term.

It can be said that danger may appear at any time.

It is normal for a leader and manager of a human race to have basic physical fitness, just as they were required to be healthy before. "

"Well, it makes sense." The plump middle-aged man grinned, his small eyes sparkled, "Haha, that's right.

In the era of martial arts for all, of course strength should be the top priority.

It's useless to say anything else.

As long as the strength is strong, everything is beautiful. "


Wang Shina continued to introduce the participants.

The audience was also in the midst of her emotional mobilization, with thunderous applause and enthusiastic response.

"In addition to the above-mentioned martial arts practitioners who came to participate in the meeting, there are also many social warriors who have also signed up, including casual warriors and wild warriors.

It should be said that since martial arts took root, this group has always been crouching tigers, hidden dragons, capable people emerged in large numbers, so that well-known martial arts practitioners dare not underestimate them.

Due to limited time, I will not introduce the casual warriors and wild warriors who came to the meeting here.

Ha ha.

In fact, the introduction is not easy to introduce.

They are all low-key, and the registration information and materials all look ordinary, but this obviously does not reflect their true strength.

However, distinguished guests, before I conclude, I would like to introduce someone grandly to you. "

When she was talking about this, Wang Shina paused for a moment, put her right hand on her chest, and looked very excited. After seeing the scene quiet down, she heard her say in a slow and powerful voice:

"He came all the way here in order to participate in the Martial Arts Conference.

He has the passionate passion of "Although there are thousands of people, I will go".

He has a strong belief in the world and the supremacy.

He has the arrogance and majesty of 'it is better to be broken than to be whole'.

He has the courage to single-handedly challenge the world's martial arts fighters. "


As soon as I mentioned this, the No. 8 Stadium, which fully accommodated more than [-] people, became noisy and chaotic.

Laughter, cursing, screaming, and cheering came and went one after another, as if turning into a rough ocean.

"Ye Chong, it's Ye Chong!"

"It's the shrinking turtle!"

"It seems that he has escaped long ago!"

"Hahaha, there are so many strong people here, how dare he show his face?! Impossible!"

"What the hell!

Did that kid not run away?

Could it be that he has been hiding somewhere and not showing his face? !


As long as this guy dares to show his face, he must not be easily let go.

He must be made to pay enough for his arrogance and arrogance. "



Zhang Mingyang lit a cigarette, took a deep puff, and soon submerged himself in the light blue smoke.

no way.

His expression now is very complicated, with a little guilt, a little excitement, a little excitement, a little desire, and a little smile...

Anyway, it's best not to let people see this kind of expression, otherwise, people will definitely think that he is a weird guy.

"Ye Chong, I don't care whether you're here or not, or whether you'll show up again. In short, you still need to use your residual heat to mobilize everyone's emotions?"

When Zhang Mingyang thought of this, he couldn't help but lower his head, covered his mouth with his hands, and the table in front of him was rattling.

But thanks to the hustle and bustle and the smoke, no one thought he was laughing uncontrollably, or maybe crying from the smoke.

Lin Xiaomei, Lin Xiaonuan, Tao Xiangru, Yang Ying and others in the team of Yangwu Academy on the north side of the center of the first stadium were all looking around, all of them looked nervous, obviously wanting to see someone, And don't want someone to show up.

"Captain, it's better not to come, the people who participated in this martial arts conference... are too strong."

"Don't come, captain, don't come."

"Captain, are you really here?"

"No, the captain doesn't seem to be in the Kyushu Martial Arts Academy team, hehe, okay, that's great, it's fine if the captain doesn't come."


The scene was very noisy, Wang Shina didn't speak in a hurry, until the stadium became quieter again, she said:

"Warriors are the elite group of the human race.

Their rights, responsibilities, obligations, and codes of conduct are all protected and restricted by the "Warrior Law."

According to the regulations, between warriors and warriors, and between non-warriors and warriors, in situations other than those stipulated by the law, one cannot fight at will, pick quarrels and cause trouble.

Otherwise, the infringing party will be punished by law, and the infringed party has the right to self-defense, and the infringing party shall be responsible for all consequences and responsibilities arising therefrom.

The "Warrior Law" stipulates that in order to promote the development and progress of martial arts, if martial artists voluntarily fight in places stipulated by law such as arenas, they shall not bear legal responsibility for the relevant consequences, and both parties shall be responsible for themselves.

So, ladies and gentlemen, please don't be impulsive.

Warriors are a group protected by national laws, and they have the right to fight back and defend themselves when they are personally threatened. If you really have something to do, let's wait until the ring. "

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