Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 513 Full of expectations

What is Yangwu Leaderboard?

That's what Zhang Mingyang wanted to ensure that the Martial Arts Conference would continue year after year, and to attract the attention of martial arts practitioners.

He even had an urge to make the Martial Arts ranking the standard for martial arts rankings, so that all martial arts practitioners would regard it as an authority reflecting their own strength.

If this step can be achieved, the Martial Arts Ranking will definitely drive the continuous holding and development of the Martial Arts Conference, and the success of the Martial Arts Conference will undoubtedly bring success to Zhang Mingyang's career.

Because the stakes are so important, so many things must pay attention to the details.

details make a difference.

This is one of the principles of Zhang Mingyang's life.

Therefore, he put a lot of effort into dividing the first round of groups.

Speaking of which, Zhang Mingyang allocated the martial arts students of Yangwu Academy as fish belly or cannon fodder, and they were regarded as the sixth tier of candidates. Basically, out of 500 groups, each group entered one.

In addition, there are also those martial arts outside the school who signed up earlier, most of them are of average strength, and if they signed up in advance, they can no longer be persuaded to leave with a trumped-up name, right?

These people can be regarded as candidates in the fourth and fifth tiers, and they are equally distributed among 500 groups by setting effective conditions.

As for the remaining real martial arts elites and evildoers, they were randomly assigned to each group according to conditions such as realm, cultivation base and past performance.

In this way, after the first group assignment, each group will have fish belly and cannon fodder, and there will be no such extreme death group.

Lin Xiaomei, a member of the old 00 team, didn't know what Zhang Mingyang was thinking.

Not long ago, they successfully broke through to become martial artists, and successfully signed up for the Martial Arts Conference. This is the most exciting and exciting thing for them since this period of time.

That's right.

For every person in martial arts, every breakthrough and every bit of progress means that he has become stronger than before. bright.

However, Lin Xiaomei and the others at this moment, in addition to being excited and excited, also showed a little nervousness and uneasiness in the eyes of many people, while the eyes of Lin Xiaomei, Lin Xiaonuan, Yang Ying and others were still full of excitement. With a hint of bitterness.

"The Martial Arts Conference has already begun, but the captain..."

"Without the captain, the Yangwu Conference seems to be missing something."

"Captain, where are you? Now... are you okay?"

At this moment, Du Nan was in the waiting room under the north stand, looking irritable.

Don't be irritable.

He was tall and everyone around him looked like little chickens.

However, he doesn't have the slightest sense of superiority to stand out from the crowd now, but he can't wait to escape here immediately.

no way.

From time to time, someone would look at him with malicious intent, like a little gray wolf staring at a big fat sheep. That kind of feeling makes people want to spank.

But no.

The waiting room is too quiet.

If he made a sound, he would definitely suffer more people's eyes and hatred.

Dunan is so uncomfortable, it is simply unnecessary.

"Lao Ye, coward.

He slipped away and left us here to suffer.

The key is not only to be discriminated against, but also not to be seen.

It's really strange to wait until it's assigned to a group, and it won't be done by others.


Lao Ye, where did you die? !

you come back soon~~

I can't take it anymore~~~"


Wang Shina, who served as the host on the rostrum, gave a brief explanation of the concept and thinking of the competition. Seeing the excited audience in the stands, she couldn't help smiling slightly, and then said:

"The principal Zhang Mingyang of our Yangwu Academy said that the Yangwu Conference is an exchange conference for martial arts practitioners. Everything starts from reality, don't use false things, and values ​​objectivity, justice, truth, and efficiency.

Therefore, as a layman, I will not say much about the relevant concepts, ideas and rules of the game. After all, the Yangwu Conference has a special referee committee to specifically control the details of the game process.

Next, let me briefly introduce the situation of the participants of this year's Yangwu Conference.

A total of 3000 people participated in this martial arts conference.

Among them, there were 117 senior martial arts fighters, 832 intermediate martial arts fighters, 1256 junior martial arts fighters, and 795 quasi-martial arts fighters. "


When Wang Shina just said this, the huge No. [-] Stadium seemed to be exploding, and it was completely immersed in the hustle and bustle.

"My God, how come there are so many high-level martial arts fighters and intermediate martial arts fighters?

I remember, it seems that many teachers of martial arts colleges can't reach advanced martial arts fighters, right?

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, this martial arts conference attracted so many high-level martial arts college students?



worth looking forward to. "

"Ha ha.

Who have you heard that these people are all students of Martial Arts Academy?

The registration requirements for the Martial Arts Conference specifically mentioned that anyone who is a martial artist above a quasi-martial artist and below a martial arts general can sign up to participate.

In other words, many teachers from various martial arts schools are qualified, so the number of participants is estimated to be quite large.

In addition, there are also many martial arts sects, martial arts families, military warriors, casual warriors, and wild warriors who came to participate.

Among these people, the number of intermediate martial arts fighters and advanced martial arts fighters should not be small, right? ! "

"I heard gossip that there are indeed some teachers who will participate in the martial arts conference this time, but not many.

The largest number are the students of the major martial arts academies, as well as the martial arts sects, martial arts families, military warriors, casual warriors, and wild warriors, etc.

In other words, among the 117 high-level martial arts fighters, the proportion of students from the martial arts academy should not be small, and there will be more intermediate martial arts fighters.

I estimate that the elites and evildoers from martial arts academies all over the country and traditional colleges and martial arts majors should have come to participate.

So, the gold content of this martial arts conference is really high, and it is definitely worth looking forward to. "

"Actually, it's easy to understand.

Now the evolution and upgrade speed of mutant beasts is very fast, and after the human race gradually adapts to the new environment, the efficiency of cultivation has also been significantly improved, and the speed of advancement is also accelerating.

Not to mention anything else, the physical data of more and more people has reached the basic requirements and conditions for practicing martial arts, which is a clear proof.

and also.

I've heard that the number of students from the Martial Arts Academy breaking through from quasi-warrior to martial artist is obviously on the rise.

Two days ago, only the No. 12 female dormitory building of Yangwu Academy broke through [-] people in one night. How scary do you think?


Under the premise of strong support from the school's resources, the teachers of the major martial arts academies improved their cultivation quickly.

Among the martial arts students, some strange cultivation skills are making rapid progress, as if... seems to be...


It seems to be to apply to become a trainee teacher at the Martial Arts Academy, so as to avoid being conscripted into the wilderness fortress or something. "


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