Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 496 Correct Posture

Ye Chong's flying skills have lasted twice as long as before, but he still flutters lightly, coming and going freely.

There is no doubt that after some adjustments, the speed of blood consumption has indeed slowed down a lot.

However, he is obviously not satisfied with his current performance, but his face is stern and preoccupied.

From time to time, he would completely withdraw the qi and blood from a certain part of his body, and then adjust the angle and posture to avoid the impact caused by it.

For a moment, Ye Chong was like a little fish, shuttling back and forth in the basement, ups and downs, looking happy, leisurely and a little lonely.

"Sure enough.

According to the essentials of the flying skills in the secret book of "Destroy the World", what really guarantees the body's upward floating will always be only a part of the lifting force that releases Qi and blood.

If I am in a bent-over posture, it is natural that the qi and blood released from the chest and abdomen of the front body contribute the most, while if I am in a lean-up position, the back and buttocks are the most important.

Of course, these are all for the simplest suspension state.

If I move freely in the air, the situation will become more complicated.

As for when and which part of the energy and blood power is needed, it is not enough to rely on the head, but to accumulate experience in practice.

This is like a child learning to walk. You don't need to tell him which muscle does what function, and how to use which muscle will be more efficient.

Those are useless to children.

What he needs is to keep falling and getting up, and sum up the correct walking posture in practice.

I am now learning flying skills, in fact, it is like a child learning to walk, and encountering setbacks is inevitable.

But once I learn it, I will never forget it for the rest of my life, and I become more and more proficient, and I can even learn to run, learn to jump, learn to dance and so on.

It's really the day when I can practice my flying skills, what kind of surprises will it bring me, it's definitely worth looking forward to.


It's clear now.

In the process of using the flying skills, I only need to release a part of the blood, which means that with the accumulation of experience and the improvement of proficiency in the future, my blood consumption will definitely be lower and lower.

In other words, to a certain extent, I am no longer restricted by my blood when using flying skills.

This is a great thing.

But I also have to understand one thing at the same time, even if I have some freedom in the use of flying skills, it doesn't mean that it will help me infinitely.

In fact, it has quite a few problems.


not flexible.

These are the shortcomings of flying skills.

I even suspect that the height of flying skills is limited.

As for whether this judgment is correct, it needs to be tested in practice.

Ha ha.

The height of this basement is only five meters away, and the space is limited. Of course, I can't fully display my flying skills.

It seems that it can only be left to verify later.

And what I have to do now is to continue to practice alternately, waiting for the moment when I return to Yangwu Academy. "

In the following time, Ye Chong naturally couldn't wait to practice again.


Yangwu Academy.

Experts Apartment.

Luxury Suite.

Call ~

Dunan wiped the dried blood from the corner of his mouth, and then slowly stood up.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly twisted his waist, and suddenly made a sound like popping beans.

"All right.

It was finally consolidated.


This breakthrough warrior was too hasty.

It's like walking through the gate of hell.



If there is no forced breakthrough this time, according to my thinking, I don't know that this step will be taken in the year of the monkey.

If you think about it this way, it's a great joy for me.

After all... I am a real warrior now.


What is a warrior?

That is a privileged class that enjoys honor and glory in society.

Even though there are more and more warriors now, and they seem to be less valued than before, they still cannot change the identity of this privileged group.

such a pity.

Can't make a phone call right now.

Otherwise, tell the family about it, how happy they are.


The family can't make phone calls, what about Xiaohong?

It's 11 o'clock in the evening, she should be lying in bed and miss me, right? !

it is good.

Then quickly call her dormitory.

Lest she think about me so much that I want to die. "

Dunan grinned happily, then patted his stomach and dialed the phone.

"Hello," a young woman's voice sounded from the other end of the phone, "Sir, do you need any service?"

"Huh?" Dunan was slightly taken aback, feeling that something was wrong. There seemed to be a male voice on the receiver. He lowered his head, only to realize that the number he dialed did not have an area code. It was not from Shanghai, but from the local area. ,"where are you?"

"Sir, this is the front desk of the expert apartment of Yangwu College." The female voice on the other end of the phone sounded quite professional, "Do you need any services, sir?"

"Huh? What a coincidence?" Dunan grinned, rubbed his stomach, and there was a loud cooing sound, "Ah... service, right?

Haha, yes, I need service.

you see...

Could you make me something to eat and bring it up?


I saw in the elevator that the restaurant in the Expert Apartment is open 24 hours, right? "

"Yes, sir, you are a guest of the deluxe package, and you can order food at any time." The voice of the waitress at the front desk continued, "However, it is a bit late at this time, and there are not many things to choose from. Excuse me, sir, do you need burgers? , a sandwich, a chicken wrap, or a hot dog?"

"Oh, that's all?" Du Nan swallowed a mouthful of saliva and let out a grunt, "All right, all right.

Then come 10 Burger Kings, 20 sandwiches, 30 chicken wraps, 40 hot dogs.


Got donuts?

If there are, come 50.

If not, then come 10.

Also, give me another whole salad.

Also, I'd like a jug of cappuccino.

By the way, get me some beetroot soup. "

"..." The female voice on the other end of the phone paused for a full three seconds, and then rang again, "I'm sorry sir, the number is too large, it may...not be able to satisfy you."

"What?! How could you do this?!" Dunan's appetite had already been whetted, and when he heard the other party's rejection, he immediately became a little unhappy, "Bring your assistant manager in the lobby, I want to complain to you!"

"..." The female voice on the other end of the phone paused, "I'm sorry, sir, the assistant manager in the lobby is not here."

"Made, why did he go?! He's not on duty at night?" Dunan couldn't help but raise his voice.

He remembered it clearly.

The night before, all the sumptuous delicacies eaten at the presidential suite were arranged by the assistant manager in the lobby. It was very satisfying, and thinking about it now makes me laugh.

Now his appetite is just right, and he is really in a hurry.

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