Biyuan District.

in the jungle.

Ye Chong, who was running around frantically, saw a leaf the size of a cattail fan appearing in front of him, and suddenly his body shook and he rushed over.

It's a pity that although his speed is fast, Fig Leaf's speed is even faster, flashing to the side at an incredible angle, after all, he missed it.

Before Ye Chong launched his second attack, the fig leaf suddenly twisted and transformed into that SS1 pink-winged bird.

At the same time, Ye Chong turned his body around, and then jumped up and down and fled frantically towards the depths of the dense forest, while the pink-winged bird followed closely behind, unwilling to let go, obviously looking like he would never let go unless he killed the target. The look of letting go.

Ye Chong and the SS1 pink-winged bird chased and fled like this, running around in the depths of the dense forest in Biyuan Community, without stopping for a moment.

"Damn it.

It can't go on like this.

I have spent two battle points to restore my blood.

Counting, I have been hunted down by this guy for at least two hours.

I'm afraid that in the future, if I don't pay attention, the moment when I run out of energy and blood is the time when I will be killed by this damn beast.

The key is……

Now I can't even count how many times I have used the battle points.

I used it a few times to improve my cultivation base in the presidential suite, and I drank alcohol, so I can't remember the details.

In Biyuan Community and Wilderness World, it took a total of three times to restore Qi and blood.

If that counts, I've probably used it about ten times in total.

In other words, it is very likely that a major recovery period will appear every ten to one.

The big recovery period takes 24 hours. During this time period, I cannot use combat merit points to allocate.

Well, it's dangerous.

The issue is……

I can't leave the Biyuan community now either, after all, there are tall trees and dense forests here, and there are many things to hide from.

If I really went to an open area, I guess I would not be able to escape the attack of this dead beast no matter what.

How to do?

I'm not afraid of SS1 level land beasts now, after all I have speed and agility.

But SS1-level beasts, especially this pink-winged bird, are better than me in terms of agility and speed.

In front of it, I have no advantage at all.


If this goes on like this, I'm afraid it will be the end of the game. "

Ye Chong was thinking wildly in his head, but his feet were not affected, and he kept avoiding the attacks of SS1 pink-winged birds.

During this period, he also used his memory to return to the location where he entered and exited the wilderness world, thinking about whether he could escape to it by chance.

In the end, I tried twice at the risk of being killed by the SS1-level powder-winged bird, but in the end I still had no way to enter, so I could only continue to flee.

Swish swish!

Ye Chong came to the central garden area of ​​Biyuan Community, where there was a large sparkling lake with an area of ​​about [-] to [-] square meters.

He was still thinking about it.

If it doesn't work, just jump into the lake and forget it.

Otherwise, if you keep running like this, if your blood cannot keep up, you will definitely die from exhaustion, or you will be eaten directly by SS1 pink-winged birds.

Besides, in case that damn beast can't swim at all, that's a great opportunity for people to live.

No matter how bad it is, even if the SS1 powder-winged bird can swim, it is better to be killed in the depths of the lake than to die in an open area under broad daylight or in a dense forest.

At least the last bit of dignity can be preserved, isn't it?

Swish swish!

Ye Chong sprinted away.

Seeing that he had reached the edge of the lake, he jumped down directly, and then looked back with full expectation, his face immediately looked bewildered.

I saw the SS1 pink-winged bird following behind like a water duck, obviously much faster than him.

In fact, it is not appropriate to describe that beast as a water duck.

How can it be so cute and happy and naughty? !


Absolutely not.

It should be said to be a hungry osprey.

Ye Chong was in the water, so frightened that he swam desperately to the shore, and accidentally took a few sips of water, coughing badly.

As soon as he got ashore, he ran again without stopping for a moment.

However, he also discovered a painful fact.

Don't look at just splashing around in the water for a while, but it was really exhausting, and now I am so tired from running, staggering, staggering, just like a drunk drunk.

The issue is……

The current combat achievement point column is a cold gray, and the blood of the body has reached the verge of being exhausted.


Ye Chong's head became hot, and a sense of despair on the verge of death suddenly rose.

At the same time, the SS1 pink-winged bird gave a strange cry of "嘎", and the sound was obviously filled with a sense of excitement, excitement and impatience.

Da da da!

A sudden sound of footsteps sounded from all around.

Ye Chong took a sneak peek, and couldn't help but burst into ecstasy.

I saw a group of soldiers wearing military combat uniforms appearing not far away, maintaining a strange formation, and quickly approaching me.

"Get down!" A low growl came from the soldier squad.

Ye Chong leaned forward without any hesitation.



Whoosh whoosh!

There was a sudden sound of crossbow arrows firing, and they all shot at Ye Chong's back.


The SS1-level powder-winged bird that rose abruptly made an earth-shattering roar, which was full of strong anger and unwillingness.


"Be careful, everyone. This is a SS1-level mutant beast. It has strong agility, speed, and aggressiveness. Be careful to avoid it."

"It seems to be the legendary white-winged bird. It is not easy for a white-winged bird to reach SS1 level. It should have mastered the exclusive flying skills of beasts."

"Captain, if you catch this beast, you can make a lot of money. It is said that people from the National Martial Arts Department are studying the flying skills of this beast."

"Xiao Ding, Da Hu, Lao Song, the three of you stay here and protect this man. The others surround the beast and see if they can find a chance to catch it."





Swish swish!

Seven people in military combat uniforms quickly surrounded the SS1 white-winged bird.

Ye Chong got up slowly, turned his head to look at the scene behind him, wiped his sweat involuntarily, and sighed softly.

"Who are you?" Among the three remaining soldiers, the stout man at the front asked.

"I came here to pick fruit because of the reputation. I didn't expect to meet such a strange bird not long after I came in." Ye Chong frowned, "Thank you so much, my little life almost died."

"Picking fruit?!" The thick man looked puzzled, "You are a warrior, right? Hehe, you are not practicing hard at home, but you actually come here to pick fruit?!"

"Yes, I'm a warrior." Ye Chong knew that he couldn't hide from his opponent who was also a warrior. They could roughly see each other's cultivation base through the surge of energy and blood. A fruit to try something new, and then go back immediately, I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen."

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