Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 48 Unexpected Calls

Jingle Bell!

There was a rapid burst of phone ringing.


Principal Zhang reached out and picked up the phone on the table in front of him.

no way.

Due to changes in the air environment, wireless transmission devices such as mobile phones are still paralyzed, so old-fashioned wired phones are widely used again.

"Yangwu Academy, please speak!" Principal Zhang looked at the scene in the playground and connected the phone.


Immediately after the next moment, he stood up abruptly and turned the base of the telephone more than half a circle.

Deputy Admiral Wang and Deputy Commander Zuo frowned and looked at Zhang Mingyang.

In their minds, there are not many things that can make this old academic slicker flustered.

"Yes! Yes!" Zhang Mingyang raised his hand and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, "Please rest assured in the Ministry! Yangwu Academy will definitely convey it in place! Execute it in place!"

The phone was attached to Zhang Mingyang's ear, and he didn't wipe the sweat with his left hand until the beeping sound came from inside, and then he clacked the phone on the base with his right hand.

"Old Zhang, what's going on?" Deputy Admiral Wang looked at Zhang Mingyang with a puzzled look on his face, "What happened?"

The left deputy commander also frowned, staring intently at Zhang Mingyang who was standing there stupidly, with the same puzzled look on his face.


Zhang Mingyang lit a cigarette, took a deep puff, and then said slowly amidst the smoke: "It's too fast!"

"What's too fast?" Deputy Admiral Wang was the most anxious, blinking his eyes anxiously, "Lao Zhang, don't be fooled!"

"The Ministry of Martial Arts has been established!" Zhang Mingyang said slowly: "Such a large department has been established as soon as it is established. It does not conform to the procedures!"

"It's almost a wartime emergency now, what procedures are needed?!" Deputy Admiral Wang frowned, obviously a little surprised, "However, even if such a large unit is established in the state, even if the procedures are not followed, it has to be done by Should the relevant departments formally notify?! And it’s a bit inappropriate to call it the Martial Arts Department, the Martial Arts Department or the Martial Arts Bureau is more accurate.”

"No! It has nothing to do with the state. The Ministry of Martial Arts is a high-ranking official unit urgently established by our Huaxia Kingdom. It merges with the National Martial Arts Association, coordinates martial arts affairs externally, directly governs various martial arts colleges internally, and vigorously develops and builds martial artist training and development systems."

what? !

Deputy Admiral Wang and Deputy Commander Zuo both exclaimed and looked at each other, seeing a deep shock in each other's eyes.

How can this be? !


Ministry-level units at the national level are core institutions on the same level as the state.

If it were not for the critical moment of life and death, this kind of thing would never happen!

"The Ministry verbally notified, increased rewards and punishments, and cultivated high-skilled talents as soon as possible to enrich the national defense garrison." Zhang Mingyang sighed, took a deep puff of a cigarette, and continued:

"Ying Island is about to die! Ao Island is under heavy siege! There is also Xin Island, which has become a paradise for sea beasts."

When he said this, Zhang Mingyang said in a low voice, slowly:

"The time left for us is really running out."


The faces of Deputy Admiral Wang and Deputy Commander Zuo all changed, and there was a deep look of shock in their eyes.

As the backbone of one party's military and political positions, the two of them certainly knew that the current critical situation was changing day by day, but they never expected it to develop so quickly!so bad!

The counterattack ability of human beings is simply weak!

In front of the mutant beast that climbed up from the sea, it can be described as vulnerable!

No wonder new policies have been introduced one after another, because the time left for human beings is really running out.

Just when Deputy Admiral Wang and Deputy Commander Zuo were whispering in shock, Zhang Mingyang picked up the microphone and walked to the guardrail, saying loudly:

"Students, please be quiet! I am announcing something now!"

"According to the latest spirit of the Huaxia National Martial Arts Department, in order to inspire and mobilize everyone's spirit of pursuing martial arts, and strive to burst out of your strongest physical condition during the physical test, a special decision has been made——"

"[-]. The top ten candidates in this physical test will receive cash rewards according to their rankings."

"Among them, No. 1010 million yuan."


The huge playground suddenly fell into a commotion, and there was even a sharp whistle, which caused the whole staff to laugh.

Zhang Mingyang smiled, pressed his hands down, and continued:

"No.9, 20 yuan."


There was another loud commotion at the scene.

There was a hint of fanaticism in the eyes of every candidate.

You know, 10 yuan is equivalent to the income of an ordinary family for two years, and 20 yuan is the income of four years, which is definitely a huge sum of money.

The most important thing is that when I first heard that the reward for No.10 was 10 yuan, everyone thought that No.9 should be 11 yuan, or 12 yuan, no more.

But unexpectedly, it suddenly became 20 yuan.

With so much money, if you are not excited, you must be sick!

"No.8, 30 yuan."

"No.7, 40 yuan."


"No.2, 90 yuan."

"No.1, 100 yuan."


Not only were the 3001 examinees at the scene all caught in agitation, but even the teachers who maintained the order became obviously not calm, and even the school leaders on the rostrum, Deputy Admiral Wang and Deputy Commander Zuo, The eyes are also full of shock.

100 million!

This amount of money is enough to buy a good house in a good location in Yangcheng.

No matter who it is, it is impossible to turn a blind eye.

Of course, except for the rich second generation and their like, except for those who pretend to have no bottom line, except for the sanctimonious, and except for the crazy.

"Lao Ye, there is a chance!" Du Nan touched Ye Chong's body with his elbow, "You work harder, get 10 yuan, and I will also rub it with you when the time comes?!"

"10? Emmm, let's forget it!" Ye Chong raised his mouth and shook his head, "Du, I know myself, it's impossible for me to be interested in that 10 yuan."

"I see, such a difficult task is entrusted to you. I believe that you will be able to fight your way out of these 3001 people, return with 10 yuan in victory, and throw yourself into Xiaohong's warm embrace!"

"Fuck you, Lao Ye, don't talk nonsense, Xiao Hong is cold and not warm at all." Dunan said, rubbing his stomach.


Ye Chong didn't hold back all of a sudden, and gave a strange laugh.

The people around looked over, and he himself felt a little embarrassed.

At this time, Zhang Mingyang continued to say:

"Second, in addition to the ranking awards for the top ten, there is also a special award today."

"If someone reaches the realm of quasi-warrior in one fell swoop during the physical test, we will reward him with 100 million yuan alone!"

"In addition, the ranking award does not conflict with the special award, that is to say, if you have reached the realm of quasi-warrior and at the same time achieved No.1, then the reward you get is 100 million + 100 million = 200 million!"


It was as if countless bombs had been detonated at the scene, with various sounds coming and going, bangs, and constant hustle and bustle.

Dunant kept scratching his head, looking very anxious.

Ye Chong's eyes were also flickering, as if thinking about something.

"Third, in addition to ranking awards and special awards, we will set up a special award."

"If someone successfully breaks through to the realm of warriors at the physical test site, they will be rewarded with 200 million yuan."

"Of course, special awards and special awards cannot be stacked. In short, the better your physical test results, the more rewards you will get!"

"Okay! Now the physical test officially begins!"

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