咣 咣 咣!

Du Nan came in front of Ye Chong aggressively, and said with a dissatisfied look on his face: "I will quit looking for children, you go, I'll be back."

After he finished speaking, he passed by sideways, but he didn't want Ye Chong to reach out and grab his arm, and said with a smile: "In the vast wilderness, there is no way to go, where do you want to go?"

"It's a fart, I have a solution," Dunan looked unhappy, obviously still dissatisfied with the fact that no one rescued him when he was in a desperate situation just now, "Nothing can trouble me."

"Hehe, Dunan, this is the kind of you that I want, and this is the real you." Ye Chong smiled slightly, and continued: "The so-called heart and blood of a warrior are tempered in the danger of life and death.

Think about it, before entering Biyuan community, which one do you like better than the current you?

Also, before you independently killed this S3 mutant snake, what was missing from you now?

Dunan, do you know that after fighting this strange black snake, your biggest gain is that you have released your fighting background.

However, I think that the degree of release is not sufficient. Given time, under your self-guidance, your combat effectiveness is still worth looking forward to. "


Dunan froze and paused, as if he understood something, but then he walked forward again, but his arm seemed to be welded, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move an inch.

"Together, together." Yang Ying didn't know when she appeared by her side, clapping her hands and giggling, "We will never be separated for the rest of our lives."

"Okay, let's be together." Ye Chong smiled slightly, grabbed Yang Ying's little hand, and then sent it to Dunan's bloody big hand, "Grasp it, and we will never be separated for the rest of our lives."


Yang Ying was originally a little innocent, and she was at the age of youth and ignorance. Seeing Ye Chongzheng's behavior, she burst into tears in fright.

"Lao Ye, don't be like this, it's not good for my Xiaohong to see it." Du Nan grinned, wiped his big hand back and forth on his body, and then took the initiative to hand it to Yang Ying's little hand, "Okay , Don’t cry, grab it, my hands are clean.”


Yang Ying broke down and burst into tears.

Ye Chong laughed immediately, pushed Du Nan away and said, "Put your claws away, otherwise, I will definitely tell our Xiaohong."

"Bah, what is our Xiaohong?" Du Nan gave Ye Chong a dissatisfied look, "Xiaohong is my Xiaohong, you'd better stay away from her."

"..." Ye Chong shook his head with a smile, "Well, okay, then I'll stay away from her, by the way, you tell her that this is all done according to your request, don't blame me for being ungrateful Yes, I really mean it."

"Lao Ye, you scoundrel!" Dunan stretched out his fist ferociously, then grinned and sighed, "You guys are teasing me again, it's too bad, you two never have a chance to meet Yes, right?!"

"Hahaha." Seeing Du Nan's expectant gaze, Ye Chong couldn't help laughing up to the sky a few times, and then nodded, "Dunan, congratulations, you have harvested a lot of mutant beast materials, this time you Really rich."

"Hehe," Dunan turned his head to look at the corpse of the huge black strange snake, and couldn't help grinning, "Okay, little boy, by the way, don't be idle, hurry up and say hello to those little girls, give this rich man Gather materials."

"Yes, Mr. Du." Ye Chong nodded solemnly, "I'll arrange it right away."

Dunan grinned and laughed, and sat on the snow beside him to eat purslane.

Speaking of it, Dunan fought the black two-tailed snake just now. It seemed that he did not spend much effort. In fact, he really walked on the edge of life and death. Now he is exhausted and exhausted. It is also impossible to clean up the mutant beast materials.

Lin Xiaomei, Lin Xiaonuan, and Tao Xiangru were all wearing school practice uniforms, and they carried a multifunctional bag with them, which could just put the collected strange snake materials into it.

In fact, Dunan also brought a bag with him, but because there were a lot of SS1 mutant ice fox materials in it not long ago, it was already full, and it was impossible to add things to it.

Fortunately, although the black strange snake is huge, the collected materials don't take up too much space.

Poison sacs, fangs, and snake gallbladder are all easy to say, and they occupy a multi-functional bag.

The number of snake scales is huge, but they are very thin and don't take up too much space. It's just that it's a bit troublesome to pry and cut, and it takes a lot of time.

However, the snake skin takes up a lot of space. Even if the snake scales have been removed, it still cannot be completely put into a multi-functional bag, only half of it is exposed. Fortunately, it is not heavy, and it is easy to carry. It's not too much trouble.

After tidying up, everyone started to move towards the position of the snow fog beam of light.

Along the way, they encountered some low-level mutated beasts. They were scattered and not many in number. Ye Chong and Dunan didn't need to do anything, and they were collectively exterminated by members of the 00 team.

Obviously, Dunan's killing in the forest and wilderness also inspired the bloodiness of the 00 team members.

Especially when they thought of Dunan hunting mutant beasts and earning tens of millions in a short period of time, each of them unconsciously showed greed, desire, wildness and even bestiality in their eyes.

Of course, Ye Chong saw all these in his eyes, and he was happy in his heart, and he would not interfere. After the previous killings, Dunan had already ignored these low-level mutant beasts, of course. I won't go up and grab things.

As a result, along the way, the members of the 00 team really had a good time in the bloody battle, and they were all excited, excited and proud.

However, the more Ye Chong walked forward, the more he frowned, and his expression became more and more nervous.

Sure enough, when it was two or 300 meters in front of the snow mist beam of light, it could already be clearly seen that the snow mist beam of light shot upwards from a circular pothole.

"It's really the same, but this time it's the ice aura, which makes the sky and the earth become snowy and foggy, and it's extremely cold. It's a pity that the hexagonal pyramid-shaped snowflakes have revealed the secret."

When Ye Chong thought of this, he couldn't help but nodded secretly, and then said in a deep voice to everyone: "Attention everyone, the closer you are to the center, the lower the temperature will be, which can make the blood circulation more efficient and avoid frostbite."

Everyone agreed in unison, and began to move forward.

However, they soon discovered one thing, the forward speed had to be slowed down, but the problem was obviously not the cold, but the resistance—huge resistance.

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