Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 469 Everything in the world is false

Half an hour later, the group moved forward again.

It's just that there is obviously one person missing in the marching team.

From time to time, branches will float down from the sky.

The team is advancing according to the direction where the branches fall.

The snow and fog filled the air, and it was so cold that the team advanced slowly.

There are countless ice fox furs hanging on everyone's body.

From a distance, it looks like hunters returning from hunting.

Time flies, just like this one minute and one second passed.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes blurred and they entered a wilderness.

It stands to reason that there is no such landform in Biyuan Community.

And yet, there it is, the wilderness is at hand.

And the sky is still foggy and snowy, cold to the bone.

Swish, Ye Chong fluttered down from the air.

"Attention everyone, this is not an illusion, we are really in a wilderness," Ye Chong frowned, "Strange, why is there such an area in Biyuan Community?"

After speaking, Ye Chong suddenly looked back, and saw that there was no shadow of the way in the fog and snow, the big trees that were within reach, and the buildings that could be seen from time to time were all gone.

At this very moment, what appeared in front of our eyes was a boundless wilderness, as if these people simply fell from the sky, and seemed to be trapped in an illusion and could not extricate themselves.

"Captain, we really seem to be in an illusion. I remember that there was a big tree beside me just now, but it suddenly disappeared." Around Yang Ying's neck was a circle of fur of an S1-level mutated ice fox, which looked playful and cute. But it was hard to hide the worry and fear in his eyes, "You said...we are going back now, can we go out?"

"I can't get out." Ye Chong reached out to catch a snowflake, crushed it lightly, and then slowly shook his head, "Because we are really in a wilderness, this is not an illusion."

"But...Captain, we switched here suddenly from the forest," Tao Xiangru looked confused, "How could we do this if we didn't suddenly fall into a hallucination?"

"Well, I can't accept it." Ye Chong couldn't help sighing, and then said: "However, you can simply understand that we have just returned to reality from the illusion, of course, this is not accurate.

Ha ha.

As for whether it is an illusion now, you can check it yourself.

Close your eyes.

stop breathing.

The sea of ​​inner vision.

See if your mental strength has changed?

I think everyone knows that the so-called illusion is actually a high-level experience of dreams, which consumes a lot of mental power.

Therefore, everyone now only needs to check whether their mental strength is normal, and then they can judge whether they are in an illusion. "

After Ye Chong finished speaking, he closed his eyes, held his breath, and then gave a wry smile to himself.

In fact, he didn't need to do this at all and knew that his body, blood and spirit were all undergoing normal changes.

no way.

The few lines of small characters in the sea of ​​consciousness have been showing the instant changes of the body data, and in the process of changing the scene not long ago, there was almost no fluctuation in them, all of which shows that he is not in the illusion of increased wear and tear. In, but in the real illusion.

Ye Chong glanced at everyone and shrugged involuntarily.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were full of surprise, shock and doubt, as if they couldn't believe the facts before them.

"If you still have doubts, for example, you may think that the body data has also been disguised, well, although this possibility is very small, you must admit that this possibility does exist—theoretical possibility." Ye Chong said With a calm voice, he said slowly:

"If you really think so, I suggest looking at other people's faces.

Body data can be disguised, but the state of the body is hard to hide.

The mental exhaustion in the illusion is huge, and one of the most obvious results brought about is that the face of the person involved becomes extremely ugly.

Either pale, withered yellow, or ashes...

However, I don't think it's the flushed look you have now. "


As soon as everyone heard this, they began to observe other people's expressions again.

"Captain, what's going on here?" Zuo Xiaoqian looked puzzled, "Could it be that this is the most brilliant illusion, so we can't see it through all means?"

"Hehe, I once heard an expert say that everything in the world is false," Ye Chong smiled slightly, "So, if what you said really happened, then just treat it as the truth , there is no need to be rigid and entangled."

"Captain, what should we do now?" Lin Xiaomei brushed her hair lightly, and took a step forward, "Wait here? Or keep going?"

"Hehe, since we came here by chance, of course we have to take a look around." Ye Chong looked to the northwest direction, where the snow and mist beams of light are still rising, mysterious and amazing, "not to mention our destination Nothing has changed, is it still waiting for us?"

After speaking, Ye Chong continued to move towards the northwest. Seeing that the surrounding area was severely alkalized and desolate, he couldn't help but frown.

However, although this wilderness is barren, it is not barren of grass. Instead, there is a low plant called purslane, which looks vigorous and extraordinary.

Boom boom boom!

Dunan took a few quick steps and came to Ye Chong's side. The corners of his mouth were covered with green slurry, and he was holding a handful of purslane in each hand. He grinned and said, "Old Ye, I found a strange thing." The problem."

"Huh?" Ye Chong was slightly startled, looked at the other party, and couldn't help but smile, "Actually, I'm curious, in your eyes, is there any problem that is not strange? Well, hehe, did you find something? ?”

"Of course, Lao Ye, you know I'm very observant." Dunan gently shook the purslane in his hands, "Do you know what this is?"

"Pursula oleracea, also called purslane, or purslane." Ye Chong glanced at the opponent's hands, then looked around, "This kind of thing doesn't need fertile soil, it just needs a place to grow." It takes root and sprouts, grows stronger, and even the more bitter and cold the place, the taller and fuller it grows, and it is not surprising that it is everywhere here."

"Yes, what you said is right," Dunan grinned, "I loved eating this kind of food when I was a child, boil it in hot water, then eat it cold, or use it to make pies, it tastes good too.

However, Lao Ye, the horse teeth dishes here...the taste is different from the ones I ate when I was a child.

The previous horse-tooth vegetables tasted a bit bitter, astringent, and even a little sour, but now the horse-tooth vegetables taste icy sweet and full of aroma. It is really a good thing, even better than the ice-cream Blood is delicious, it would be a pity if you don't taste it. "

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