The glass of this garden house has long been shattered, the corridor door is also severely deformed and cannot be closed, and there is even a foul smell left by mutant beasts in the room.

However, there are no mutant beasts in the room now. Some people are guarding the door, and some are patrolling the room. Ye Chong is standing in the living room, looking out the window.

The trees in Biyuan District are too tall. Standing in this garden house on the fifth floor and looking out, you can only see the middle part of the giant trees.

At this moment, the place where the strange noise was made just now has long since disappeared. Under the gray night, everything looks very depressing.

"Captain, do we need to take a rest here?" Yang Ying quietly walked over, "It feels weird and scary in this Biyuan community."

"No, we are here to perform a mission, so we can only take a brief rest here." Ye Chong walked towards the north side while speaking, "Time does not allow."

"Well, I got it, captain," Yang Ying suddenly shivered, "I don't know why, but it feels really cold here, like winter."

"What?" Ye Chong was stunned, glanced at Yang Ying, and couldn't help but shook his head, "The temperature difference between morning and evening is huge, you are wearing too little."

"Captain, it seems a little strange, I also feel very cold," Tao Xiangru walked over, her body shivering, "I wear a lot of clothes."

Ye Chong was slightly taken aback, and looked at the other party. Tao Xiangru was wearing the training uniform of Yangwu Academy, which was also made of ice silk, which could not only keep warm, but also keep out the cold well.

In fact, Ye Chong had already sensed the abnormality, because before he led everyone into the garden house, he found that the gray night was indeed very strange.

Especially the cool wind that blew not long ago really brought people a feeling of chilly spring or biting autumn wind, but the current season is still summer.

"Captain, there are snowflakes in the sky." Lin Xiaomei's voice came quietly, "It's very small, but it must be snowflakes. It melts as soon as you touch it, and it's icy cold."

Ye Chong stretched out his hand from the window of the study, and there were really shiny snowflakes, which quietly fell on his palm, giving people a weird and wonderful feeling.

At this moment, he looked up and could clearly see that the original gray night sky was misty with snow and mist, and the little snowflakes were vying to be the first to fall.

"Captain, what a thick fog." Lin Xiaonuan pointed to the northwest direction, "However, I feel that the fog is a bit strange, as if it rose from the ground?"

I saw that in the northwest direction, it was really lingering, as if there was a white beam of light rising from the ground, and there seemed to be countless snowflakes revolving around it.

Ye Chong couldn't help but his face changed, and his heart was even more turbulent. He didn't stop for a moment, and soon, he narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Let's go now."

"Captain, where are we going?" Yang Ying was stunned, and then looked at Ye Chong with joy, "You... found the clue of the missing child?"

"No," Ye Chong looked northwest and shook his head slowly, "but I know that if we don't rush to the place where the fog rises immediately, no matter where the children are in the Biyuan community, they will be in trouble. Frozen to death."

"What does the captain mean... the sudden drop in temperature has something to do with the thick fog rising in the northwest?" Lin Xiaomei stared blankly at the place surrounded by fog, and murmured, "How did the fog form? Why? so smart?"

"About this issue, maybe we can only figure it out when we get to the scene." Ye Chong turned his head to see that everyone had already gathered around him, and then waved his hand, "The situation is urgent, everyone must follow closely, pay attention to the surroundings, let's go."

After leaving the shelter of the garden house and walking through the wind and snow, everyone really felt the biting cold.

The cold wind blew past, as if it had penetrated into every corner of the body, and every snowflake floating in the sky fell on the body, making people shiver uncontrollably.

At the same time, the further you go to the northwest, the bigger and denser the snowflakes will be, and the biting cold wind will become more violent, and there is even a tendency to slowly form a storm.

Ye Chong subconsciously glanced at Zuo Xiaoqian, Yang Ying, Liu Pingping and Li Aifang, couldn't help but secretly smiled bitterly, and shook his head.

They were all wearing the shorts or short skirts that ordinary girls usually wear in summer, and their upper bodies were either T-shirts or short sleeves. It was no wonder that they didn't panic in such freezing weather.


What can I do now?

leave them here?


Now the situation is dark and unclear, leaving them behind is probably pushing them to death.

Send them to the south gate?

Now that the temperature has plummeted, we still don't know what's going on. If we can't find out the truth in time and solve this problem, it is very likely that the three children who lost contact will be frozen to death.

Of course, the premise is that they are still alive.

Take them on their way?

According to the situation that every step forward, the degree of cold and storm is gradually increasing, it is estimated that it will not be long before the few of them will be frozen into ice sculptures.

Ye Chong can now clearly feel that the coldness in the surrounding environment is obviously different from the coldness in the past when the world was full of ice and snow in winter.

Comparing the two, the coldness in the past was from the outside, but the coldness now penetrated directly into the bone marrow. From the inside to the outside, there was a posture of freezing the whole body's energy and blood into ice.

"Can you hold on?" Ye Chong stopped beside a giant tree, looked at Zuo Xiaoqian and the others who were pale and trembling, "If it's really not possible, we'll send you back to the South Gate first. "

"We..." Yang Ying's teeth were chattering, and she couldn't speak.

"Team...Captain, why don't we... let's go back by ourselves." Zuo Xiaoqian's face was completely frozen pale, and it seemed that she couldn't hold on anymore.

Ye Chong wanted to take off his clothes to help, but how?

a dress.

Four players.

Who are the clothes for?

It is not suitable for anyone and will cause conflicts.

There is no doubt that this is irrational behavior.


Ye Chong's expression changed suddenly, and he patted the trunk of the giant tree beside him with his hand, then his expression froze, and he looked up.

I saw countless hair-thin branches and leaves dancing with the wind amidst the flying snow.

"This is the ice silk tree." Ye Chong's eyes were filled with excitement. "Although it is not as good as the ice silk grass, it also has a good thermal insulation effect, and the branches and leaves are slender, so it can be woven on the spot."


There was a commotion at the scene.

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he lightly put one hand on the tree trunk, and he rushed up immediately, and within a short while, he was submerged among the luxuriant branches and leaves.

Immediately afterwards, at the next moment, countless slender icy silk branches and leaves rustled down, touching the human body, and there was a faint feeling of warmth.

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