Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 451 Something went wrong

Seven o'clock in the evening.

Ye Chong sat in the living room of the presidential suite, watching TV with a worried expression on his face.

It's getting late.

But so far no one has come.

Forget about Dunan, I'm afraid he'll be beaten up early, or he doesn't know where to fool around, anyway, this guy looks less and less human, no matter what he does, it's understandable, after all Not human.

But the problem is...

The seven of them, Lin Xiaomei and Lin Xiaonuan, have not shown up until now, which is a bit confusing.

What do you mean?

Are you not coming?

Or did you forget him as the captain?

It's not easy for Ye Chong to ask.

Even if you ask, there is no place to ask.

The seven of them are volunteers and service providers of the Martial Arts Conference. According to the plan, the Martial Arts Conference will officially start tomorrow, so it's no wonder they are not busy.


Ye Chong smiled wryly and shook his head, thinking, it's really hard for me to be so idle.

Ding Dong!

The doorbell rang suddenly.

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth turned up suddenly, he stood up, and finally heaved a long breath.


After opening the door, there was a soft laughter like silver bells outside the door.

I saw Zuo Xiaoqian, Yang Ying, Liu Pingping, and Li Aifang, who hadn't spoken much today, standing outside the door, each of them trembling with laughter, and they looked obviously a little different.

"Come in, come in, don't smirk." Ye Chong stepped aside, "Hey, what does this smell like? And you are all dressed up today, it's fine, you all look like hooligans."


Silver bell-like laughter burst out again, Zuo Xiaoqian and Yang Ying both bent over laughing.

During the daytime, Zuo Xiaoqian, the four of them, Lin Xiaomei, Lin Xiaonuan, and Tao Xiangru were all wearing the school uniforms of Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy, that is, training uniforms.

But now?

Obviously different.

All of them put on casual clothes, and some of them even painted their eyebrows and eyes to make up. At first glance, they don't have the heroic attitude of people in martial arts, but they have a little more enchanting and weak demeanor.

"Okay, okay, go in and sit down," Ye Chong saw that they were all around him, coughed, and looked away, "Everyone, be conscious, I can get out of the mud without getting dirty." lotus root."

"Hehe, captain, are you saying... that we are mud?" Zuo Xiaoqian raised her face and shook her head with a smile, "Then take a look, are we that dark?"

"Go, go, stay away," Ye Chong took a step back, and looked at the door again, "Hey, why haven't they come yet?"

"They'll be there in a while," Yang Ying stepped forward, smiling so hard that her eyes turned into crescents, "Captain can't wait?"

"..." Ye Chong's head was full of black lines, and he sighed, "Why did that kid Du Nan go? Why hasn't this meeting come yet?"

Ding Dong!

As soon as the doorbell rang, saying that Cao Cao would be here, Dunan squeezed in like a small mountain, and said loudly, "It's not good, Lao Ye, something went wrong."

"The door is open again, why are you ringing the doorbell?" Ye Chong looked angry when he saw Du Nan coming, but he was happy in his heart, and felt much safer all of a sudden, "Say, what's the problem? I think you are the problem. "

"No, Lao Ye, I'm not the problem, you are the problem." Du Nan patted his stomach, "You have a big problem now."

"Huh?" Ye Chong frowned when he heard this, "I didn't go out all afternoon, I just stayed in the house, what could be a big problem?"

"Yes, Dunan, don't talk nonsense," Liu Pingping looked at Dunan with a smile, "Don't bully our captain."

"I bullied... bullied him? Thank God if he didn't bully me." Du Nan pouted, stepped forward, and came to Ye Chong, "Now your advertisements are everywhere, you are finished, Lao Ye, notorious It is obvious that you have offended someone, and all warriors in the world want to kill you and hurry up."

"Advertisement? What advertisement?" Ye Chong couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat. Of course he knew there was an advertisement, but he didn't expect it to happen so soon.

"Of course it's about your ad. Haha, Lao Ye, although you are notorious, I admire you, awesome." Du Nan took a step back as he spoke, as if he was afraid that a kick would come from somewhere. of.

"What?" The thin and tall Li Aifang adjusted her black-rimmed glasses and said with a smile, "Captain, Du Nan should be talking about the poster on the advertising board.

On it, the captain is drawn very tall, um, it takes up about half of the frame.

Then, hehe, all kinds of fighters were blown away around the captain.

It's quite interesting to say.

Those fighters who were blown away all looked terrified, like children who had been spanked by adults.

And ah.

There are many warriors under the captain's feet. I think there are quite a few of them, there must be hundreds of them.

Ha ha.

I don't know who drew it, but the painting skills are not bad. "

"Oh my god, so the huge poster on the advertising board is the captain?" Liu Pingping showed two very unique front teeth, which made people look very happy, "It's really handsome, I like it, hee hee .”

"I didn't pay attention either." Yang Ying smiled and blinked her big eyes, "However, I took a look at the time, and the person above was really handsome. I thought it was some movie star, hehe, I will You must go and enjoy it.”

"..." Ye Chong now has black lines all over his head, and his complexion has become unsightly.

Advertising is advertising, posters are posters, these are all forms, and it doesn't matter.

But the problem is, it's a little bad to draw him so prominent and hateful.

Blowing the warriors of the world into the air and trampling the warriors of the world under their feet, this... is really too cruel, and anyone who sees it will probably be angry.

Not to mention the fighters from other Martial Arts Academy, just talking about the fighters from Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy, probably already started gnashing their teeth and preparing to take revenge on him, right?

"Principal Zhang, Principal Zhang, what you did is really pushing me to a dead end.

Even if I really have some achievements in this martial arts conference, I'm afraid it will never be easy on the road of martial arts in the future.

And if I stumble at the Martial Arts Conference, I guess I will be a street mouse that everyone shouts and beats me on the road of martial arts in the future.

You are not afraid of running around, can you survive...


However, things have come to this point, and there is nothing to complain about. Who told Zhang Mingyang to offer a condition that I can't refuse at all? ! "

While Ye Chong was complaining about himself, Dunan grabbed a huge roasted goose leg from the table, chewed on it, and said:

"How about it?

am I right?

Lao Ye, I don't think you are familiar with the school office?

Listen to me, quickly go to the school office to find out who is framing you, catch the other party, and beat him up.

Also, write another letter of apology, with a lower profile, saying that I have been designed by someone and I don't know anything, and then please forgive me or something.

If it doesn't work, you just run away.

Hehe, you don't have to worry, the president asked me to help you live first. "

"Shut up!" Ye Chong frowned and sighed again, "I asked someone to draw this poster. I came here just to leave a bad name. Are you... afraid?"

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