Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 449 Dunan's Strength


Du Nan touched Ye Chong with his wine glass, then raised his head and drank the whole glass of champagne, then hiccupped and said with a smile:

"Thank you!"

"That's it?" Ye Chong smiled wryly, "I gave you the "Whale Swallowing Technique", so you just use these two words to express your gratitude? Isn't this a bit too frivolous?"

"Old Ye, you don't understand this." Dunan grinned and waved his hands, "As the saying goes, don't say thank you for your kindness, understand? Don't be stingy all day long, thank you very much." , what can I thank you for?"

"Dunan, don't push me around, you're really good at taking advantage of it." Ye Chong stepped forward and looked at the other party coldly: "Listen well, order a roast goose later, you are responsible for this. Count your thanks to me, do you hear me?"

"I heard, what's the matter?" Du Nan patted his stomach, came to the phone, picked up the phone and dialed, "Hello, is the front desk?"

"..." Ye Chong scratched his head and thought to himself, what are you calling there? It's in the phone book on the phone table of the roast meat shop.

"Okay, find me the assistant manager of the lobby," Du Nan said carelessly while picking his teeth, "Oh, it's the assistant manager of the lobby, right?

Well, yes, I am Mr. Du.

Let me tell you something, Ye Chong... oh, Mr. Ye wants to eat roast goose at night, you go to the roast meat shop outside the door and order one, the bigger one, don't have enough.

Um, okay, okay, what Mr. Ye said is right. "

After a while, Du Nan put down the phone, then shrugged at Ye Chong and said, "Small, it's done."

"..." Ye Chong looked confused, "The assistant manager in the lobby agrees to your unreasonable request?"

"Did he disagree?" Du Nan patted his stomach, "Lao Ye, you have the right to use it but it will be invalid after the expiration date. There is nothing wrong with taking advantage of this opportunity."

"But the problem this my right?" Ye Chong frowned, "But you seem to be the one using it?"

"Which one of us is with whom?" Dunan grinned, "You are too shy, don't be polite in the future.

By the way, after a while the waiter from the catering department came to clear the table, and I went back first.

Ha ha.

If you don't get a good night's sleep in the afternoon, it will really affect the performance of dinner. "

"Dunan, why do I feel that you have a problem with me?" Ye Chong looked at the other party with a sneer on his face, "It's a bit like revenge."

"How can it be, how can it be?" Dunan grinned and shook his head, "Before you left school last time, you didn't lend me a penny. When we arrived in Shanghai, it cost so much. I haven't watched a single movie, how can I have any opinion on you?"

"Riding horse, I think you're a little weird today, so it's because of this? If you don't tell me, I'll forget it." Ye Chong raised his mouth, took a step forward, and said fiercely: " Lend you money?

I think you are so beautiful that your nose is bubbling.

Get out now!

Get out now!

Leave far away! "

"Hey, Lao Ye, how can you curse people?" Dunan grinned, and took a big step back, "It's okay, Lao Ye, let's turn to the past and not mention it.


Ha ha.

Are you well off now?

You didn't lend me money last time, can you lend me some money this time?

You know, Xiaohong spends money lavishly, it's really unbearable. "

"Can't stand it?" Ye Chong smiled, "Hey, unfortunately, I still have no money.

Dunan, if you are really short of money in the future, then just kill a few more mutant beasts to exchange for money?

Otherwise, just work hard at this martial arts conference, it is said that the bonus is very generous.

At that time, you will be well-off and earn money, and you can still fool around with Xiaohong when you go back.

Look, how good is this? ! "

"Lao Ye, you are really not mean." Dunan showed a pitiful expression again, "I actually want to make money, but it is too difficult for me.

Let's just talk about killing mutant beasts. I have been afraid of killing since I was a child, and I can't see blood, so I can't go this way.

To tell you the truth, Lao Ye, after I killed that S1-level mutant jackal last time, I burned the incense for several days and still haven't recovered.

Also, I am not even a martial artist in the Martial Arts Conference you mentioned, so it is simply impossible for me to make money from it.

So, after much deliberation, I am short of money, so I have to ask you, Lao Ye, to borrow it. "

"Get lost!" Ye Chong couldn't help but smile bitterly, pointing to the door, "Hurry up and disappear now, otherwise, I won't be polite."

"Lao Ye, I'm really dizzy." Dunan looked heartbroken, "Otherwise, can I not hunt mutant beasts?"

"Are you dizzy with blood?" Ye Chong's mouth twitched, "How can I see that you didn't get blood dizzy at all when you ate the bloodshot steak medium-rare?"

"It's different." Dunan quickly waved his hand, "Eating blood-stained beef is not the same thing as getting dizzy at the sight of blood.

By the way, correct you a little.

I don't like to eat medium-rare steak, it's too old, I usually eat medium-rare, okay?


Lao Ye, why don't you lend me a little bit, just to make fun of it? "

"Made, how much do you want?" Ye Chong sighed, "I really can't do anything with you kid."

"Hey, Lao Ye, if I didn't know you were here, I wouldn't hesitate to come to this kind of martial arts conference," Du Nan patted his stomach, "We are buddies, it's easy to talk about it, but I don't It's hard to be a brother, I think, just lend me 500 million first."

"What?" Ye Chong was stunned, "How much did you say?"

"500 million." Du Nan was stunned, "Is 500 million a lot? Why, this little money can only buy me a two-bedroom apartment in Shanghai."

"..." Ye Chong looked at the other party with a bewildered expression, and then said word by word:


Get out of here before I help you out!

Otherwise, I will dismantle your hob meat! "

"Lao Ye, why are you like this?" Du Nan patted his stomach, expressing his dissatisfaction, "You are really like a little girl, you can change as you say, it is unreasonable.

You can't even give up such a small amount of 500 million, you are really stingy, and you don't deserve to be my friend of Dunant. "

Boom boom boom!

Ye Chong took a quick step forward, then raised his big foot and kicked over.

Although Dunan is fat and tall, his body skills are surprisingly flexible, but when he meets Ye Chong, who is good at actual combat body skills, he is nothing compared to the big witch.


Ye Chong kicked the opponent's buttocks hard with his right foot, but he didn't want his foot to slip suddenly, and his body was suddenly staggered.

At the same time, Dunan slapped his butt casually as if nothing had happened, apparently without any harm.

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