
Ye Chong let out a long breath, smiled wryly and shook his head, feeling like he was completely burnt.



Just this broken cultural class (comprehensive) can make a group of people cry for their fathers and mothers, right?

It seems that those who gave up the exam who did not come to take the exam are still very far-sighted!

"How is it, Lao Ye?" Dunan's voice sounded from behind, "I'm finished!"

"What else can I do? I'm confused!" Ye Chong was annoyed, "This is not like a martial arts exam, it's more like an academic study. The point is that you can't use the previous theoretical basis for analysis. What kind of method is used to analyze it!"

"What way? The way of heaven? The authentic way? Or the urethra? Still analyzing? I think it's a fork?!"

"Lao Ye, you have a lot of grievances!" Du Nan had an ugly face at first, but when he saw Ye Chong also sulked, he immediately laughed again, "Let me tell you, I'm not bragging. Not as good as expected, but compared to most people, it should be good."

"Huh? Why are you so confident?" Ye Chong couldn't help being stunned when he heard the harsh words, and glanced at the other party.

"Well, Lao Ye, I'm really not bragging. Do you still remember that I have learned "Whale Swallowing Technique"?" Dunan patted his stomach proudly.

"I know, I taught you." Ye Chong was stunned, "Does that thing have something to do with the exam?"

"Yes! Listen to me, Lao Ye." Du Nan rubbed his stomach with his left hand, smiled and said, "Let me tell you, Lao Ye, this is really strange."

"I have been devouring all kinds of food in accordance with the requirements of "Whale Swallowing" during this period of time to enhance my body's potential."

"I ate some octopus legs, octopus and jellyfish among them!"

"The blame lies in this place. What I ate, all the characteristics of the body, and the process of life activities, are as if branded in my heart. I understand everything clearly."

"So, I answered the two questions about blue-ringed jellyfish and man-of-war jellyfish directly according to the thoughts in my heart, and I think there should be no problem, even very brilliant."

"Oh?" Ye Chong nodded slowly, and then the corners of his mouth curled up, "Since you are so confident, what's the matter with the frowning face just now?"

"Don't mention it, Mommy!" Dunan scratched his head with a look of helplessness on his face, "During the exam, I was so excited, I ate while writing, and when it was time to hand in the papers, I realized that I had eaten a lot of papers , Mom, no wonder I think the beef jerky I ate today tastes like paper!"

"I'll go!" Ye Chong grinned, and gave Du Nan a push, "In the future, stay away from me, kid. If you don't pay attention, eat me like a steak."

"How can I? How could I eat your old leaf as a steak?" Du Nan rubbed his stomach, looked at the other party with a smile, "It should be Niu Baiye!"

"Get out!" Ye Chong cursed angrily, and kicked him away.

At this time, looking around, the huge campus was crowded with people.

Some looked excited.

Some people look sad.

Some seemed silent.


In any case, the cultural class (comprehensive) exam is over.

The results were announced the next morning.

The school advertisement column is crowded with people and there is a lot of noise.

The cultural course (comprehensive) exam has a full score of 100 points, the actual number of references is 6012, and 60 people have a score of 3001 or more.

Ye Chong passed the test with 65 points.

To his surprise, Dunan ate part of the test paper, and even scored 79 points, ranking 17th in the test center, which is unbelievable.

Gu Bingqian, Liu Xiaolei, Lin Xiaomei, Lin Xiaonuan, Yan Dong, and Yue Feng all passed the exam. Among them, Gu Bingqian scored the highest score of 81, ranking 10th, and the others all seemed to have just passed the exam. .

In the process of checking the grades, Ye Chong made an unexpected discovery.

Gu Bingqian's examination number, that is, the registration number, is 999, which is a little earlier than her own number. According to the calculation of time, they should all apply in the morning of the same day.

"Did she do it?" Ye Chong thought for a while, "There is no reason, I just met her once, and we didn't say a few words, she will take the initiative to pay, and I don't know anything. Sign me up? That doesn't make sense."

"It would be wrong to say that Niu Yuanyuan asked her to do this, because there is a better candidate—Liu Xiaolei."

"There is no doubt that she is Yuanyuan's best friend since she was a child, and she already knows that Yuanyuan has gone to Shanghai. If there is anything wrong, it is impossible for Yuanyuan not to look for her."

"Forget it, if you have a chance, you should ask, otherwise, this matter will always be taken to heart, which will make people feel restless and affect their cultivation."

After Du Nan saw his results, he was so excited that he insisted on dragging Ye Chong to eat braised pork.

However, Ye Chong is really not in the mood now, he now feels that he is a bit overbearing, and he almost failed the cultural class (comprehensive).

If there are any problems in the physical test or actual combat, then his plan to enter the Martial Arts Academy will go bankrupt, which is something he can't accept no matter what.

"Let's go, Lao Ye, isn't it just a meal? I have money, so I can afford it." Du Nan yelled while rubbing his belly, "Go! Go! Let's eat braised pork!"

"Du, look at your belly, stop thinking about eating that thing," Ye Chong smiled, "It's time to eat something else? Otherwise, it's okay to talk about the physical test, and there will be no problems in the actual battle. .”

"Then what to eat?" Du Nan's eyes lit up when he heard this, in his heart, as long as it is edible now, he would be happy, "Braised lamb?"

"You, Da Du, your mouth is full of either braised pork or braised mutton, and you can't do without a red letter. In fact, what you want to eat most in your heart is Xiaohong, right?" Ye Chong raised the corner of his mouth, "Isn't it?"

"Nonsense!" Dunan curled his lips, "Little Red is not for eating, she will always live in my dream. Lao Ye, tell me, what do you want me to eat?"

"Bitter!" Ye Chong smiled, "Try your best to endure hardship, otherwise, if you don't succeed in actual combat, it will be a failure."

"Lao Ye, look at you, can't you say something auspicious about the prosperity?" Dunan rolled his eyes, "If you don't go, then I can go? Haha, there are really people waiting for me. "

Ye Chong followed Du Nan's gaze. A dozen meters away, a pretty woman in a pink shirt was looking at Du Nan with a smile. When she saw Ye Chong's gaze, she immediately smiled, and she really had a coquettish beauty.

Zhu Fanghong.

Dunant's dream girl.

Although the name is a bit rustic, but the person looks really watery, and he likes to wear pink clothes, so he got the title of a pink girl, which fascinated Du Nan so much.

Later, at some point, the two came together.

So, Ye Chong didn't bother to look for Du Nan if he had something to do. How embarrassing would it be if something happened to him? !

After seeing Du Nan and Zhu Fanghong leave side by side, Ye Chong couldn't help but sighed, and said in his heart: "I really have to work harder if I want to see Niu Yuanyuan! Otherwise, I will have a lot of pride, but I won't be able to show off my glory. It's empty!"

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