After Ye Chong left the gate on the sixth floor with the guards, he simply explained a few words to the train conductor, and hurried all the way down.

The third and second floors are in good condition.

The two guard teams were guarding outside the bathroom, and there were a few rotten pink snakes lying in the caustic soda powder on the ground.

When Ye Chong left the two guard teams, he only said the words "stand by and stand by", and said nothing else.

The martial artist who led the team on the third floor was fine, and readily agreed.

The martial artist leading the team on the second floor nodded without saying a word, his eyes flashed with fear and vigilance, which caused Ye Chong to feel a burst of joy in his heart.

no way.

In the most critical and chaotic moment, only the hardest fist can make the order be executed quickly.

Otherwise, I'm afraid it's too late to regret.

Wilderness platform.

from a distance.

The stocky man stood face to face with the SS2 mutant four-tailed golden mouse, as if they were gazing affectionately and whispering.

But if you look closely, you will find an amazing scene.

The two long tails of the SS2-level mutant four-tailed golden mouse pierced into the waist and abdomen of the short and strong man, and blood gushed out.

One pair of short spears of the short and stout man pierced into the right rib of the SS2-level mutant four-tailed golden mouse, and the other pierced into its body from its left shoulder, and the wounds were all blue. The arc swirled around and made a zigzag sound.

At the same time, both parties stared intently at each other's eyes without blinking, as if they were quietly waiting for the last moment to come.

At the same time, those heavily armed personnel continued to clear the mutated rats on the platform. Seeing the scorched mutated rat corpses everywhere, the battle would end satisfactorily at any moment.

"You must not come here." The short and strong man suddenly said loudly: "This big golden-haired mouse still has strength, once it gets close, it will be very dangerous."

"Then what should we do? Sir." A fully armed man who was about seven or eight meters away looked anxious. "You're bleeding too much, sir. If this continues, something will happen."

"We have no choice but to wait. Whoever moves first will be doomed." The short and stout man stared intently at the SS2-level mutant four-tailed golden mouse, his lips squirming slowly, "Go get my Leibo Arrow in the car, leave Shoot it from a distance, but make sure you shoot it on point, and damn it, if it goes wrong, it will kill me."

"Yes, sir!" The armed man quickly ran towards the train.

But almost at the same time, the man suddenly stopped and fell to the ground with a bang.

at the same time.




A series of strange sounds sounded.

In an instant, countless thin pink snakes appeared from nowhere, quickly outflanking the humans on the platform.

"Close the train door!" The short and strong man obviously noticed everything, and his voice suddenly increased by an octave, "Everyone turns on the liquid nitrogen quick-freezing mode! Quick! Quick! Quick! Kill these mutated snakes!"

Whoa whoa whoa!

The sound of pulling the switch suddenly sounded.

At the same time, there were screams from the human race.

"It's over."

The short and strong man's eyes suddenly darkened, and his originally imposing body was like a deflated ball.

At this moment, an anthropomorphic smile suddenly appeared in the eyes of the SS2 mutant four-tailed golden mouse on the opposite side, and then the third mouse tail, which looked like a scorched tail, was raised high, like a poisonous snake with its head held high. Leaning back, he stabbed at the short and strong man's face at an incredible speed.


The sound of air explosion exploded.


The sound of breaking the body suddenly sounded.

At the same time, the head of the SS2 mutant four-tailed golden mouse flew up and rolled into the air.

"Old Dao, it's you." The short and strong man suddenly opened his eyes, and looked at Ye Chong who suddenly appeared in front of him, full of indescribable ecstasy, "Thank you, brother!"

Ye Chong's face was stern, he didn't speak, but shook his saber, and amidst the strange buzzing sound, he rolled straight towards the short and strong man.

The latter's expression froze, and when he was about to react, he heard Ye Chong say, "If you don't want to die, then you'd better not move."

"Old Dao, I..." The short and strong man's expression changed.

Ka Ka Ka!

The saber in Ye Chong's hand spun at high speed and passed by the short and strong man's left ear, cha cha cha, blood rained down in an instant, and the stench was tangy.

A pink mutated snake more than two meters long was instantly smashed to pieces.

Only then did the short and strong man come to his senses, and then he took a step sideways and looked at Ye Chong with a look of shock.

"Fuck! Brother, you're awesome!" The short and stout man wiped off his cold sweat, and then pulled out two rat tails, "You killed an SS2-level mutant four-tailed golden mouse in the first move, and the second Recruited an S3-level mutated pink snake, it really is a warrior-level strength, not bad, not bad."

"You're laughing, I just got lucky." Ye Chong raised the corner of his mouth, retracted his saber, and shook off the blood on it, "However, I advise you to take some medicine or bandage it, you... bleed There's a lot of blood."

"Hahaha, it's okay, I've been through life and death for many years, this little injury is nothing." The short and strong man who called himself the spearhead grinned, then took out a medicine bottle from his arms, opened it and poured it on the wound Get up, "Ma De, the tail of the SS2-level mutant four-tailed golden mouse is very powerful, and it has been stirring in my stomach. If I hadn't freed the internal organs in time, I am afraid that I would have died already."

"Yeah, I didn't expect these mutated beasts to be so powerful." Ye Chong smiled and nodded, "If you didn't lead the rescue team here, all of us would have died here."

"Haha, you're being polite, old knife. In fact, what you said won't happen," the short and stout man laughed loudly, then glanced at the scene where the fully armed men were slaughtering mutant snakes with strange guns in quick-freeze mode, and then said loudly:

"We have been eyeing this orc snake and rat special forces for a long time.

However, they are too cunning to eliminate them all the time.

Hehe, I didn't expect that they really did what happened here, and designed us.



Lao Dao, I can tell you that if we don't come, these guys will not be cruel, because their target is not you, but us.

In other words, you are just bait, the bait that lures us over. "

"Huh? That's easy to explain." Ye Chong frowned slightly and nodded, "These guys have a well-planned plan, and they even know how to besiege the city and fight for aid. It seems that the mutant beasts we will face in the future In terms of IQ and strategy, it is not inferior to humans at all."

"Yes, this is a problem we have to face." The short and strong man frowned, and then laughed again, "However, our human race has an elite like you, Lao Dao, and will definitely become the leader of all mutant beasts." Nightmare, then we are still afraid of a bird?!"

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