Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 416 Death Knell

Wilderness platform.

Blood fog filled the air.

In such a short period of time, more than a dozen of the more than a hundred armed personnel have fallen down, and the rest of them are constantly approaching the train, looking panicked and embarrassed.

Soon, the white mist water gun stopped spraying, but in a blink of an eye, it sprayed out a huge water mist again, but the color of the water mist had turned pink, as if blood mist was floating in the air.

At the same time, black spots the size of broad beans continued to fall from the armed personnel, making a crackling sound, which sounded a bit like fried beans, and seemed to be ringing the death knell of death.

Every heavily armed soldier showed ecstasy on his face, and put down their weapons one after another. Cooperating with the pink blood mist, they kept patting the mutated rat fleas attached to their bodies with both hands.

It's just that at the next moment, the mutated mouse that looked like a half-beat slow not long ago, screamed strangely and counterattacked. No matter in terms of speed, agility or violent momentum, it was far better than before.

But in the blink of an eye, tens of thousands of mutant mice were entangled with the armed soldiers who put down their weapons.

For a while, everyone was facing the crazy attacks of countless mutant rats, and they were unarmed. Even if some people endured severe pain and quickly picked up the weapons on the ground, or drew out the short knives they carried with them, they quickly In the screams, they discovered that their wrists had been completely bitten off.




The screams continued one after another.

Swish swish!

The white mist sprayed out again, and the blood mist gradually dissipated.

However, the moment the group of rats retreated, the mutated rat fleas the size of broad beans on the ground regained their vitality and launched a more ferocious attack on the heavily armed men.


The screams were visibly louder than before.

Ye Chong looked at everything that happened through the cat eyes of the corridor door, and his face changed suddenly, horrified.

"Damn it.

It's not that the rescue team is stupid, but that the mutated rat's tactics are better. Obviously these guys know very well what the human race will come up with to deal with them.

no way.

The white water mist can effectively suppress the vitality of the mutant mice, but for the mutant fleas on the mutant mice, it is like a booster, making them instantly full of explosive power.

The blood-colored water mist can suppress the vitality of the mutant rat fleas, but to the mutant rats, it is full of temptations, and can quickly restore their bodies to strong vitality and aggressiveness.

The blood-colored water mist and the white water mist are mutually exclusive and cannot be used at the same time. As a result, the Mutant Rat successfully exploited the loophole and carried out precise strikes on these heavily armed men. "

Ye Chong looked at what was happening in front of him, his brows had already become pimples.

He knew very well in his heart that if no one helped the rescue force break this passive situation, these hundreds of heavily armed personnel would all die tragically on the spot very soon, and even when the two kinds of water mist were exhausted, all the people on the train would die. It may not be able to run.


It should be waiting to be rescued.

If things go on like this, just this one wilderness platform can become a deadly trap for the nearby human races, come one, destroy one, come two, destroy a pair...

When white mist floated on the platform again, the corridor door on the first floor suddenly opened, Ye Chong swayed, and rushed out, the sword in his hand flying like a meat grinder among the mutated rats.

For a moment, flesh and blood flew everywhere, screaming again and again, and the air of blood filled the air.

Swish swish!

Ye Chong soon came to the periphery of the heavily armed men, and killed a circle along the arc, picked up a strange gun at random, turned around and started the second round of massacre.

It didn't take long before he created a hollow zone between the heavily armed men and the mutated rats.

The personnel on the train and the fully armed personnel looked at Ye Chong who looked like a god of war in bewilderment, but soon screamed in the counterattack of the mutated rat flea.

"Stay in the state of red mist! Keep in the state of red mist! I can temporarily resist the attack of mutant rats!" Ye Chong shouted in a deep voice, changing his body shape, bowing left and right with the weapon in his hand, and continued to slaughter the nearby mutant rats, "find a way to kill the mutant rats Rat fleas, they may be afraid of fire! Open flames! Or cold! Is there a liquid nitrogen bomb?!"

"Yes, yes, okay, hold on!" A rough voice sounded from the train, "Brother, be careful!"

Swish swish!

The bloody water mist spewed out again, and every fully armed personnel frantically slapped the mutated rat fleas downward with their hands, making a crackling sound.

Some armed men who thought they were slapped clean wanted to return to the train, but they quickly got a refusal answer:

"Everyone stay where they are, pick up your weapons, turn on the fire mode, and burn these damn mutant rat fleas to death immediately."

Soon, under the blood-colored water mist, almost every armed man picked up the strange gun in his hand, then pulled the switch with a clatter, and then sprayed flames towards the ground.



Boom boom boom!

Although the flame sprayed by the strange gun covers a much smaller area than the old-fashioned flamethrower, the temperature of the flame is not small. Although it cannot be accurately judged, it is at least above 500 degrees Celsius.

At the same time, under the stimulation of the bloody water mist, the mutant rats that were still running away just now counterattacked with red eyes and claws.

Ka Ka Ka!

Ye Chong's body swayed, accelerated continuously, and his figure was indeterminate, like a light and shadow sweeping around. At the same time, those mutated rats that fought back frantically seemed to encounter a wall of light and shadow.

Suddenly, the scene was chaotic.

"Attention everyone! Attention everyone! The flames cannot destroy the mutated rat fleas! Everyone turns on the liquid nitrogen quick-freezing mode." The voice on the train sounded again, "Compress the space, pay attention to safety, do not accidentally injure! Compress the space, pay attention to safety, do not accidentally injure! Execute! "


Chi Chi!

Chi Chi Chi!

The strange guns of the heavily armed men sprayed out one after another howling air-conditioning, and the temperature on the scene suddenly dropped by dozens of degrees.

I saw those broad bean-sized mutated rat fleas on the ground, once they were shot by the cold air, they immediately became stiff and pale, and then they were stepped on by the combat boots that followed, and they turned into shiny powder.


Ye Chong immediately dodged consciously into the distance.

no way.

What if it is frozen and shattered?

Turn into powder, blow away with the wind?

It's just too miserable.

However, Ye Chong was a little surprised that the mutated rats that occasionally rushed inside under the stimulation of the blood mist, after being hit by the liquid nitrogen weapon, still acted as usual and launched fierce attacks.

"It's really one thing and one thing."

The corners of Ye Chong's mouth curled up involuntarily, but his hands didn't dare to be negligent, and continued to slaughter wantonly along the arc, and the passive situation of the rescue team was quickly stopped under his all-out efforts. Mastered the initiative of the scene.

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