Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 411 Inside Information

The tragic death of the co-pilot of the train on the spot obviously caught many people's attention.

There was a burst of screams from the crowd, and the team became chaotic in an instant.

However, amid Ye Chong's violent shouting, the scene quickly returned to an orderly state.

There is no way, in a life-and-death environment, only a blow to the head can make people wake up immediately.

Otherwise, I am afraid that if there is a slight delay, the tragedy will happen suddenly, and there will be no chance to regret it.

"When we left, we asked him to follow, but he decided that it was safe to stay inside. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be like this." The conductor's eyes darkened, and he shook his head and sighed, "Maybe that's his best place." Let's go home."

"Death is the most important thing, so don't judge." Ye Chong frowned, "It's his fault that he underestimated the IQ of these mutant mice, thinking that they couldn't rush in, and the way he drank coffee recklessly would also irritate him. Those bad-tempered S3-level mutant mice, but in the end, it’s not a big deal, just pay attention in the next life.”


Hearing what Ye Chong said, the train conductor couldn't help being stunned, then he shook his head with a wry smile and continued to work.

Not long after, everyone entered the corridor and headed upstairs with a bang.

The train conductor wanted to close the corridor door on the first floor, but Ye Chong waved his hand and let him go upstairs.

He stood alone in the middle of the doorway, silently watching the mutated rat swarm, couldn't help but smile, and wiped the blood off the knife.



hoo hoo hoo!

Except for some mutated mice who were still grabbing food in the distance, almost all the remaining mutated mice were roaring at Ye Chong.

But what's interesting is that none of the mutated mice dared to approach within ten meters.

At the same time, every subtle movement of Ye Chong will cause the panic and strange screams of the mutated mice.

"They are afraid of me because I have demonstrated bloody and brutal thunder methods, and the disappearance of their leader is also related to me.

These have brought them a powerful deterrent, and also made them fearful and fearful, so they dare not attack me with all their strength.

But if it was someone else, even if a martial arts general was here, if he couldn't deter the opponent with thunder, he would definitely fall into the anxious battle of the siege of rats.

What is the final result?

You can guess without thinking.

He would definitely run out of energy and blood in the wave after wave of strong attacks by the group of rats, and finally die on the spot with no bones left.

However, I am not afraid of them.

As long as I have battle points, I have nothing to worry about.


What's next?

I can leave anytime now, but leaving means nothing to me.

There is no village in front of here, no shops behind, and it is far away from Yangcheng, where can I go?

At any rate, there are quite a lot of military reserves upstairs, including all kinds of canned food. Although there are many people on it, they can live frugally for ten and a half months without any problem.

But the problem is...

I can't afford the time.

Moreover, it would be really troublesome if there were SS1-level mutant three-tailed golden mice in the base camp of these mutant mice.


I was lucky enough to kill one, doesn't it mean I'm capable of killing the second one? "

Da da da!

A burst of brisk footsteps came from upstairs, and the conductor quickly came to Ye Chong's side and said:

"Sir, everything is settled up.

I let everyone stay on the sixth and seventh floors, where there is a lot of space, there are reserves of supplies, and it is easy to manage.

In addition, I got in touch with the headquarters, they already knew the situation here, and sent a warrior special combat team.

However, I also made a suggestion that in order to ensure safety, more warriors should be sent over, as well as trains.

Of course, even if I don't say anything, the headquarters will make proper arrangements.

By the way, sir, they're asking for your name, and your identity?

I think you must be from the military, right?

Ha ha.

To be precise, it should be an officer of the Warrior Special Operations Force?


Is it a martial artist from the National Martial Arts Department or the Global Martial Arts Federation? "

"Unfortunately, you guessed wrong." Ye Chong shook his head with a half-smile, "I'm just a student traveling by train, not a member of the military, hehe, let alone the National Martial Arts Department and the Global Martial Arts Federation staff of."

"What?!" The train conductor's expression changed drastically, and he looked at the other party with incredible shock, "You are a student? A student of Martial Arts Academy? Oh my god, how is this possible?!"

"Well, these are trivial matters." Ye Chong waved his hands and smiled slightly, "The important thing is, I hope your railway department can send a train to take us off as soon as possible. I don't want to stay here for too long."

"Yes, yes, please rest assured, sir," the train conductor nodded hastily, "The headquarters will definitely make proper arrangements."


Ye Chong and the train conductor stood at the gate of the corridor on the first floor, looking at the group of rats that roared outside from time to time, chatting for a long time, anyway, they were idle anyway, and someone had to monitor the behavior of the group of mutant rats, right? ?

However, when the other party asked about his name, Ye Chong chose to laugh it off and changed the subject.

Speaking of which, in the process of chatting with the train conductor, he really learned a lot.

The internal documents of the railway system relayed by the train conductor revealed a very important piece of information. The Wilderness Fortress not only had a detailed plan for the Xuanwu Empire, but also had a proper layout for the entire Nine Martial Continent, mainly reflected in three points.

The first point is that the construction of wilderness fortresses will be further developed from a point distribution to a network distribution, that is to say, the number will increase and the density will increase.

There is a very important reason for such a new plan, which is that a major breakthrough has been made in the research and development and manufacture of new alloy materials, which has significantly reduced the construction cost of the wilderness fortress.

As for labor costs and expenses, there is no need to worry. After all, in the face of the war between the human race and the orc race, everyone has the responsibility and obligation to contribute their strength to the survival of the human race.

Besides, the current world is extremely rich in materials, and general ingredients are everywhere. At least there is no need to worry about eating and drinking, which solves one of the biggest problems.

In addition, the large-scale construction of wilderness fortresses can also significantly improve economies of scale. It can be said that the more buildings are built, the lower the costs and expenses will be. At the same time, it will also promote the further research and development, development and use of new materials.

The second point is that the internal layout of the wilderness fortress will also be designed according to different environments, so as to avoid uniformity and inapplicability.

The third point is that wilderness fortresses are divided into levels, such as main fortress, sub-fortress, branch fortress, point fortress, etc. As for the specific definition and classification, the train conductor is limited to confidentiality requirements and did not disclose too much.

Speaking of which, Ye Chong was really shocked by these three pieces of news, but it was obviously another point that really caused huge waves in his heart.

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