Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 41 The Third Way

When I got back to the dormitory, the lights were still on.

Wang Bo was staring at the plants on the table in a daze.

A head of garlic was soaked in a disposable lunch box, and it grew more than one meter high. It was green, and there was a small blood-red flower on the top, and a small green fruit beside the flower.

"What should it be called?" Ye Chong approached the table and smiled slightly, "Garlic seedlings? Garlic flowers? Or garlic fruit?"

"No! It's not right!" Wang Bo raised his head and glanced at Ye Chong, "It can grow into a tree, a garlic tree."

"..." Ye Chong was a little speechless, "Have you added nutrient solution to the water?"

"No! It's pure water, and it's hot." Wang Bo shook his head slowly.

"Okay! That's really amazing!" Ye Chong took a closer look, and found that the disposable lunch box was really steaming, and the temperature was not low.

"The changes in the growth laws of plants are very strange and miraculous. This is how they show their vitality." Wang Bo sighed, "The previous botanical theories are untenable. Only by overthrowing them all can we welcome the arrival of new theories. .”

"Okay! Wang Bo, you push slowly first, and I'll rest first." Ye Chong raised the corner of his mouth, "By the way, your garlic tree won't break the roof overnight, right?"

"Of course! I will." Wang Bo gently touched the blood-red flowers on the garlic tree, "In fact, it can grow to a height of 3 meters within one night."

"Crazy?! And this thing?!" Ye Chong was obviously taken aback, "Then what should I do? Just let it grow like this?"

"I won't let it grow like this, because the sound of its growth will be very loud, and it will disturb you to sleep." Wang Bo smiled, plucked off the small green fruit, stuffed it into his mouth and sipped it, It disappeared, "Eat the garlic fruit, it will stop growing and re-accumulate energy."

"Dizzy! Can that thing be eaten?" Ye Chong was a little dazed, "It looks like it's poisonous."

"It's okay, I'm doing a test, and I've eaten three of them today. If it's poisonous, it's not me you're seeing now." Wang Bo raised his head and smiled, his teeth were all green.

Ye Chong trembled, took half a step back, nodded quickly, and said with a smile:

"Okay, Wang Bo, no, Dr. Wang, you go ahead and I won't bother you. Go on, go on."

After Ye Chong washed up briefly, he went to bed quickly.

Wang Bo obviously didn't want to affect others, so he also went to bed.

There was no light outside the window, and the dormitory suddenly became dark.


Ye Chong sighed secretly, and quietly sat up cross-legged.

Judging from the current situation, time is getting tighter and tighter.

If I can't get my body into the best condition in the shortest possible time, once I really enter the trial stage, I may put myself in many dangers.

It's body has gone through seven ups and downs, my body is strong, full of energy and blood, I have already reached the state of a quasi-warrior, and it is not difficult to become a warrior in a single thought.

However, if I really do this, it is hard to say whether it is good or bad.

After all, the world environment is dangerous, so it's better not to be the first bird.

Maybe following the trend is the right choice, everything else, let's wait until after entering the Martial Arts Academy.

When thinking of this, Ye Chong opened his eyes slightly and looked out the window.

"Body Building Technique" cannot be cultivated for the time being, so as not to break through and cause unnecessary troubles for warriors.

However, there is no problem in cultivating Dao Qi.

Judging from my current physique, it is enough to accommodate Yuan Dao Qi to circulate in my body, so I don't have to worry about exploding and dying.

However, the body is the main body, and the qi is the auxiliary. What really determines whether this body has vitality and survival potential is the spirit, that is, the spiritual consciousness, which is the highest command system of the entire body.

According to Teacher Shui, in the future, in the environment of trials, there will inevitably be moments of life and death.

At that time, I will not have more time to think and make choices. Only the ability to survive can allow me to make the most correct instinctive reaction at the first time.

Whether the ability to survive is strong or not depends entirely on my spiritual power, that is, my divine sense.

Therefore, there is no doubt that I should spend my limited time on improving my mental strength. Only in this way can I have an extra layer of protection during the trial.

Ye Chong looked at Wang Bo's bed, and couldn't help frowning.

There are generally three ways to improve mental strength.

The first one is to practice the alchemy technique, so that one's spiritual power can continue to grow and grow on the basis of the existing one.

The second is to devour ready-made spiritual power, that is, other people's spiritual consciousness, digest and absorb it, and turn it into one's own use.

The third is to use secret techniques to absorb the energy in the universe and starry sky, turn it into spiritual power, and integrate it into the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness.

The first way, let alone whether there is a method of cultivating gods, even if there is, it is dangerous to practice, the crisis is constant, and it is very difficult.

The second way, needless to say, the whole process is bound to be dangerous, and it is easy to suffer backlash. Leaving aside this, even if you are determined to go this way, you have to find something to swallow.

The third way is that you can practice anytime and anywhere, but the speed is very slow, and if you don't have patience, it will definitely not work.

However, this method has a great advantage, it absorbs the purest energy between heaven and earth, and it is also the best food for spiritual power.

Moreover, there is another point, when you practice, you will be silent and will not affect others.


Ye Chong exhaled lightly, and quickly began to adjust his breathing, relax his body and mind, and let himself become completely calm.

Time passed in a minute and a second.

Just when Ye Chong entered the state of forgetting things and me, as if he was asleep or awake, a trace of inexplicable breath began to quietly emerge around him.


These inexplicable auras quietly submerged into the top of his head and disappeared without a trace.

"It feels very comfortable."

His body couldn't help but tremble, it was a trembling of happiness.

As time went by, more and more inexplicable breaths were around his body, and the speed of entering the top of his head became faster and faster.

These wonderful changes could not be seen by outsiders even in broad daylight, but Ye Chong could feel them clearly.

He now feels visibly calmer and has a markedly improved awareness of his surroundings.

Even with his eyes closed now, he can clearly perceive the scene in the entire dormitory.

It's not quite the same as seeing with the eyes.

Look with your eyes, wherever you look, what you see is the scene there, if you want to look elsewhere, you have to turn your head.

But to observe with mental power, everything in the spherical environment with yourself as the dot is clearly presented.

Hemp egg!

How could there be two people on the bed in the dormitory upstairs?

Isn't it true that girls are not allowed to enter and leave the boys' dormitories?


What is the guy in the dorm next door doing?

Snoring with eyes open, grinding teeth, farting, dancing, is this practicing martial arts in a dream?

emmm, the movements are very skillful!


This is?

Ye Chong's expression suddenly changed, and an inexplicable expression appeared on his face.

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