That is to say, in just one or two minutes, there were as many as thirty or forty mutant mice on the scene.

All of them were decapitated, with blood splattered on the spot, and the key here was mainly mutant rats of S2 level.

From now on, the remaining mutated rats fled in all directions, so how dare they confront Ye Chong face to face?

"Sir, the person has been selected." The train conductor came to Ye Chong's side, his eyes were full of shock, "There are a total of 50 old and weak women and children, including me and my assistant, a total of 52 people."

"Okay, let's go." Ye Chong nodded, then waved forward, and walked first.


More than 50 people followed closely behind in a circle.

But at the next moment, Ye Chong's figure was erratic, he circled the team, and then knocked over a mutant rat that was approaching the team.

Immediately afterwards, he touched the ground with one foot, soared into the air, and immediately turned around, landed on top of the team's heads, and then swam away like stepping on a wooden stake.

At the moment of life and death, Ye Chong has no choice but to do so.

Otherwise, there are more than 50 people, with his body skills, speed and ability, he can't protect them at all.

Even so, it was still the result of his killing all directions not long ago and frightening them with cruelty and ruthlessness.

As for the people walking slowly, instead of being annoyed by Ye Chong's stepping on their heads, they would show joyful, relaxed and happy smiles every time they were stepped on top of their heads by his stinky feet.

Even one of the girls, after being stepped on the head by a stinky foot, actually giggled, stretched out her hand to cover her small mouth, her starry eyes were looking forward, and the sun was shining brightly, making the scene much brighter all of a sudden.



hoo hoo hoo!

In the process of passing through the mutated rat group, almost all the mutated rats were roaring and roaring violently, but every time they saw Ye Chong, who was carrying a knife in his hand, glanced over coldly, all of them without exception would lower their heads. His head seemed to be afraid of being targeted by the other party, and he would die on the spot in a blink of an eye.

Da da da!

Da da da!

Da da da!

Under the leadership of the train conductor, the circular team marched forward collectively in small steps. What made everyone feel relieved was that no mutant rats were attacked until the stairs.


Seeing that the wave of mutant rats did not follow, Ye Chong immediately flew down, closed the door on the first floor, and came to the front of the team with a sway.

"There are at least a thousand S3-level mutant mice above, and this is just what I saw just now. I don't know if there are any hiding in the dark." Ye Chong said slowly to the crowd:

"All right.

You may not know the level division of mutant beasts, so I won't explain further.

You just need to remember one thing, there are a lot of big rats up there, and they are powerful.

So, don't think that we are safe once we enter the building, it is not like that, in fact, we are much more dangerous now than before.

Well, I will not say more.

Emphasize five points:

First, the people on the outermost layer keep their faces outward and pay attention to observe.

Second, everyone should not move fast, it is best to take small steps.

Third, everyone should keep a closer distance from each other and keep close to each other.

Fourth, after encountering an emergency, do not shout and keep quiet.

Fifth, once you are bitten by a big rat, remember not to move around.

Ladies and gentlemen, these big rats are very powerful. When they are really attacked, it is useless to shout, cry, collapse and run away. Instead, they will stimulate them and let them find the opportunity to tear people to pieces in a blink of an eye.

So, since it's useless to do that, then don't do it, even if you die, you have to die in a crowd of people, so at least you won't lose your bones.

Did you all hear that? ! "

"Understood." Immediately there was a fairly neat reply from the circular team.

"Sir, do you want me to scout the way ahead?" The train conductor was covered in blood, holding a simple knife in his right hand, looking murderous, "In case a big mouse rushes down, the team will have time to react."

"No, no need, Mr. conductor, I think you have more important work to do." Ye Chong glanced at the back of the line, and then said: "If a big mouse rushes down in a while, the rear of the line is the greatest safety Hidden danger, if the two of you can break the queen, I will feel more at ease."

"Yes, sir." The conductor nodded immediately, "We'll go there now."




Boom boom boom!

Suddenly there was the sound of a group of rats galloping upstairs. Ye Chong immediately waved his hand, causing everyone to rush upwards, passed the entrance on the second floor, entered the barracks, and stood close to the corner, while he himself came directly to the barracks. Entrance from the second floor to the third floor.



hoo hoo hoo!

The dark S3-level mutant rat collided with Ye at once, and before the former could fully react, the long knife in the latter's hand began to slash wildly.




In just a few seconds, five or six mutant rats of S3 level were cut down to the ground, and the rest of the rats fled immediately. When they saw that Ye Chong was the one who did it, the rats scattered like birds and beasts. , went straight to the first floor.


There was an uproar at the scene.

Obviously this scene caught everyone by surprise.

However, the most surprising person was of course Ye Chong.

He had originally planned for a bloody battle, but he didn't expect it to turn out to be so easy and fun.

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and he immediately waved his hand, allowing everyone to quickly pass through the corridor door on the third floor, and then closed the door.

"That's a good thing.

If all the mutant rats of the S3 level leave here and go to the platform, it will be much more convenient for me to act.

I only need to escort people from the train to the first floor. Even if the task is completed, this can greatly shorten the rescue time and significantly improve the rescue efficiency.

However, it is hard to say whether it is guaranteed that there are no mutant mice upstairs.

If one or two ends are hidden somewhere, it will be a fatal threat to everyone.

In terms of the urinating nature of the mutant rats, they would definitely kill everyone in the first place.

So, I'm actually taking a big risk if I'm going to do it.

However, I can't possibly have time to search the entire upstairs, and that's the problem.

Also, once all the mutant rats of the S3 level rushed onto the platform, the danger to the people beside the train would become even greater.

There is no doubt that these perverted and terrifying guys will definitely launch the craziest and bloodiest revenge and attack.


no way.

I can only make choices.

And what I have to do now is hurry up. "

Ye Chong led the crowd to the sixth floor quickly, and the journey went smoothly without encountering any mutant rats.

Judging from the markings secretly made at the scene, the S3-level mutant mice should not have entered the gate on the sixth floor, not to mention the extremely strong smell of second-level animal repellent powder outside the door, which can also prevent them from approaching to a certain extent.

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