
Ye Chong danced the alloy stick in his hand, and frantically chased the SS1-level mutant three-tailed golden mouse.

However, the opponent's speed is really too fast, and his movements are flexible.

Every time at the last moment when the alloy rod hits the opponent, it will dodge in an incredible posture and quietly run away.

It looks full of arrogance, coquettish and urine.

Even from time to time, it would suddenly counterattack, aggressive and violent, obviously not taking him seriously.


This guy probably didn't try his best.

There is no doubt that its purpose of doing this is to consume my blood.

Once my qi and blood are exhausted, I will become a fish to be slaughtered by it.

It seems that today, no matter what, it cannot be let go, so as not to leave a disaster.

Otherwise, based on this guy's agility, speed, attack power and IQ, as well as his strong blood, it is unknown how many warriors will suffer from it in the future.

and also.

If this guy breaks through to the SS2 level, his body data and strength will inevitably increase again. I guess I will not even have a chance to escape in front of it.

Therefore, whether it is for the passengers on the train below, or for the future me, or to put it even bigger, for the entire human race, I should kill it.

However, if I want to really destroy it, the first thing I need to do is to catch up with it.

If you can't even catch up with it, then you can't hit it at all, and you can't even talk about killing it?


The third level of my actual combat agility is about chasing the wind and chasing the shadow, following the shape like a shadow, changing reality and reality, and flying like lightning, and this SS1 mutant three-tailed golden mouse has good agility and fast speed, which is the most suitable pursuit target. Just in time for me to practice. "


Ye Chong made a wrong step with his feet, and his body turned around accordingly, and his whole body flew up like a phantom.

The SS1-level mutated three-tailed golden mouse reacted very quickly, as if aware of the change in the opponent's figure, it immediately turned around in the air without hesitation, and jumped upwards, but its two hind paws came first, and it suddenly kicked forward, kaka Click, the sharp claws popped out like military thorns, and they were about to kick the opponent's abdomen.

At this moment, Ye Chong's right hand formed a fist, suddenly appeared, buzzing and buzzing accelerated three times in a row, and came suddenly amidst the sound of air explosion, and then slammed it hard on its head.


Oh oh oh!


A crisp sound came out, which was accompanied by two screams from different directions.

"What a hard bone!"

Ye Chong withdrew his right hand, and waved his left hand. Under the surge of energy and blood, the long alloy stick accelerated three times in a row, stabbing the three-tailed golden mouse that fell to the ground.

Before the latter could realize what was going on, the alloy stick stabbed his stomach, making a muffled pop.


The SS1-level mutant three-tailed golden mouse immediately screamed.

Bang bang bang!

The corner of Ye Chong's mouth curled up, and the three sticks were pulled down again. The SS1-level mutant three-tailed golden mouse suddenly rolled over, howling continuously, and its small eyes were full of pleading and pain, making it look pitiful.

Ye Chong couldn't help but let go of his hand, and when he was thinking about what to do, the SS1-level mutant three-tailed golden mouse suddenly rushed up, with a big mouth and intertwined fangs, it was unbelievably fast.

On a horse!

Ye Chong cursed secretly, and only had time to put his feet on the ground. He leaned back, pushed his right hand down, and raised the alloy stick in his left hand with a buzzing sound, and then sank into the opponent's big mouth, and then clicked. Kaka drilled hard.


Indistinct screams suddenly sounded.

At this moment, the SS1-level mutant three-tailed golden mouse is like a bamboo rat that has been strung together.

But at this moment, its three long golden tails stabbed, and all rolled up, as if teleporting, wrapped around his left hand fiercely, and then pulled it out suddenly.


Ye Chong frowned, his expression changed.

It was too fast, there was no time to react, a tingling and piercing pain suddenly rose.

At the same time, the pair of front paws of the SS1-level mutant three-tailed golden mouse tightly grasped the alloy rod, while its body was slowly retreating downwards.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ye Chong was already stunned.

"What the hell.

What a monster.

They are all strung together, and they can still fall backwards by themselves.

In particular, its three tails, like the tentacles of an octopus, are full of suckers, which are very powerful and probably quite toxic.


on horseback.

Now I can no longer use force on my left hand, it is numb, itchy and painful.

The key is that this sore, itchy, numb feeling is still spreading rapidly upwards.

If this goes on like this, I estimate that my whole body will soon lose control.


This guy is very insidious.

Obviously its three tails are a big killer move, but it has been refraining from using them.

If it wasn't for the fluke that I used just now, it would probably use its tail-flicking trick to take me down at the moment when my energy and blood were exhausted.

Ma Dan.


Never leave it alone! "

A sharp look flashed in Ye Chong's eyes, and with his blood surging, he swung his arm, led his left hand, and smashed the alloy stick and the SS1-level mutant three-tailed golden mouse on the ground viciously.

But at the next moment, he turned his body around, and slammed into the wall next to him as if he was swinging a hammer.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

Violent collision sounds spread in all directions, among which were mixed with screams and wailing sounds, all intertwined together into a love song that seemed to come from the Nine Nether Purgatory.

In fact, Ye Chong also hurts.

Not only was the left hand very uncomfortable and painful, but even the entire left arm was also spasming in the spread of numbness and itching.

But he dared not stop.

I was afraid that once I stopped, I would never be able to move again.


Bang bang!

Bang bang bang!

The violent bombardment lasted for a full 10 minutes, until he could not hear the slightest scream, he gasped heavily, and then stopped waving his arms.

no way.

After such a toss with all his strength, the energy and blood in his body will be exhausted.

Speaking of which, if it wasn't a last resort, he really didn't want to use combat merit points to restore qi and blood, but was more willing to use them to increase the limit of his body stats.

One is only used for recovery, and the other is for improving the limit of the body. There is a huge difference in function, meaning and value. Of course, it is best to use good steel on the blade.

Besides, it is not difficult to restore the body. You only need to meditate and rest, or lie down and sleep. After a short time, you will be able to recover to the same extent.

That being the case, why bother wasting the extremely precious combat merit points?

Isn't that sick?

Anyway, if you put it on the combat achievement point column, even if you don’t use it all the time, you won’t lose it, let alone lose it. It looks good, doesn’t it?

After all, the family has stock and is full of confidence. The more preparation, the more hope.

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