Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 401 Nowhere to Run

Near the locomotive, the train conductor and the driver were back to back, fighting bloody battles with more than a dozen S1 and S2 mutant rats.

Their arms, legs, and faces were covered with blood, and they didn't know if it was their own blood or the blood of the mutant rat.

Just when the two wanted to get close to the car body to take a breath, two pairs of sharp claws suddenly stretched out from the rails below the platform, hooking their ankles fiercely.



A piercing pain suddenly spread all over his body.

Panicked and confused, the two couldn't break free at all.

Endless pain.

helpless struggle.

Powerless screams.

The captain and the driver looked at each other at the same time, and they both saw the shadow of death in each other's eyes.

Almost at the same time, five S1-level mutant mice screamed ferociously, and rushed towards them. The eyes of each mutant mouse were magnified with greed and impatience.

Is that the end?

The train conductor and the driver's eyes dimmed suddenly at the moment when countless black shadows rushed in front of them.

It was like a dim light bulb suddenly losing its light.




Oh oh oh!

All of a sudden, there was a crackling sound of bone shattering, and at the next moment, the hands of the train conductor and the driver were loose, and the weapons disappeared.

When the two opened their eyes, they saw the young man slaughtering the mutant rats like chopping melons and vegetables with a simple knife in each hand, as if the god of war had come to the world.

"It's him!"

"It's him!"

The eyes of the train conductor and the driver flickered, and their bodies seemed to suddenly generate endless strength, and then they all raised their feet and stomped down hard at the same time.


Oh oh oh!

The two mutated mice were immediately trampled into meat paste.

"Follow me." Ye Chong slashed outward with his two knives, and the two mutated beasts were split in half immediately, blood splashed, "Let's go and rescue everyone!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

The two agreed, and then rushed forward following Ye Chong.



hoo hoo hoo!

Led by an inexplicable roar, tens of thousands of mutated rats stood up one after another, and roared towards the sky.

That voice was shrill and ferocious, but full of invincible aura. Suddenly, it sounded like countless hungry wolves howling to the sky in a violent storm.

Almost at the same time, in the darkness around the entire wilderness platform, there was a sudden rumbling sound, and even the ground trembled violently.

Immediately afterwards, countless mutant rats appeared, rushing towards them like the waves of the sea.

At this moment, at the upper and lower doors of the train carriages, the martial arts practitioners and martial arts experts who were fighting bloody battles were completely stunned by the scene in front of them.

no way.

If the scale of the rat wave just now could be described in tens of thousands, then it can be described in hundreds of millions now.

Everyone understood that under the attack of this super-scale mutated rat wave, it was simply impossible to resist with their strength.

Perhaps at this moment, for them, the most correct choice is to use the last sliver of time before the bones are gone to remember the past and curse the future, and then take another look at the world, then close your eyes, and breathe out your last breath. Waiting for death to come.

Swish swish!

The faces of the people under the doors of each compartment all turned extremely pale.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Almost all the ordinary passengers who hadn't got off the bus burst into tears.

However, it is not babies and children who cry the loudest.

They were too scared to cry.

Nor are women and the elderly.

They were so desperate that they couldn't cry.

Only a few adult men were screaming and wailing loudly and bravely, as if only by doing so could they overcome their fear and live like men.

Among them, the strong man with the smell of garlic, leek box and scallions seemed to have lost all his strength at once, and he sat on the ground with tears, snot and spittle flying along with his high-pitched miserable howls.

The train conductor and the driver were completely stunned by the scene in front of them.

"Impossible! Impossible! How... how could there be so many mutant rats?" The train conductor's face was livid, his body was almost unsteady, and his heart seemed to have ten thousand mud horses galloping past, "Damn it! This is obviously a densely populated area of ​​human races, why are there so many mutant beasts?!"

"Sewer!" The driver of the train was confused and swallowed wildly, but he still couldn't restrain his trembling body and trembling heart:

"They must have come from the sewer.

The sewers are the home of these guys.

I have read on the news that there are many such mutant rats living in the sewer network of Zhongdu City, and the breeding speed is very fast.

Although the professional rat-hunting team would regularly clean the sewers, the number of mutant rats eliminated each time was not many, but the casualties were not small.


It is estimated that the situation here is similar.

After they grew stronger with the protection of the sewer network, they began to attack humans.

It's over, it's over. "

Just when the train conductor and the driver were thinking wildly in despair, the co-pilot in the cab was eating instant noodles while watching the situation outside, as if watching a disaster movie, and his eyes sparkled With a gleam of victory.

"Call me an idiot?


I think you are the real idiots.

Those of us weak humans who want to fight against mutant rodents are simply overwhelmed.


Didn't you just want to drag me to die together?

Ha ha.


This is great.

Or go to your own death.

I will admire and record your death here, so that when you commemorate your heroic deeds in the future, your tragedy will not be forgotten.



I guess it won't be long before I become a full-time driver, right?

Do not!


Except for me, everyone on this train will die soon, and there is no doubt that I will be the only survivor on this train in the future.

So, hey, here comes the problem.

Who else is more qualified to be the next conductor than me? !

Of course it is me!

And only me!

If the idiots above were not stupid, they would definitely do it.



Really excited to think about it.


damn it.

I don't know if the idiots at the rear console will send rescue troops as soon as possible?

Do not!

Just wait.

I am safe here.

I think there is plenty of time now. "

Ye Chong's face was cold, and he continued to charge towards the door of the carriage, but his eyes had already been filled with a look of disappointment, and a sense of powerlessness and weakness rose in his heart.

He understood very well.

The tide of mutated rats rushing from all directions has already surrounded the place with water, and they have nowhere to escape.

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