Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 395 Wilderness Fortress


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After an unknown amount of time, the train finally slowed down.

Ye Chong opened his eyes and looked forward, and saw a light lit up in the distance, he smiled and shook his head, secretly said:

"Ha ha.

It's a real pain to take this train.

The carriages were so overcrowded that they couldn't even go to the toilet, and it took so long to stop on the road, the people inside were probably going crazy.

It's not like me, sitting on the whole world, doing whatever I want, running freely, sitting when I want to, and sleeping when I want to sleep.

However, if I didn't have the strength to guarantee it, then I would be like these people, losing my freedom and becoming caviar in a can.

So, not for anything else, just to enjoy the world of freedom, I have to work harder.


I have now figured out the real law of the distribution of combat merit points. As long as I plan and use them carefully, I can improve without knowing it.

In addition, through the normal cultivation of martial arts in "Destroy the Heaven and Earth", it is also a way that I cannot ignore.

Moreover, this should also be regarded as the main way to improve the realm of cultivation.

After all, my combat merit points are limited, once they are exhausted, they must be gained in actual combat.

But in the following days, I have to go to Yangcheng to participate in the Martial Arts Conference, so I don't have the opportunity and time to hunt and kill mutant beasts.

Therefore, at least in the recent period, the growth of combat merit points will come to a standstill.

In addition, the strange old man's paper ball was of great help to me. In a short period of time, I realized the true meaning of the third level of actual combat body skills, and cultivated to a very good stage in one fell swoop.

After a while, if I can sharpen in actual combat, I guess the third level of my actual combat agility will soon reach the state of Dzogchen.

Ha ha.

If that's the case, it will also lay a good foundation for me to devote myself to practicing the body skills in "Destruction of the World" in the future.


The road ahead is worth looking forward to.

I really hope that day will come sooner.

But now..."

Ye Chong quietly watched the train slow down to the front, couldn't help smiling, and thought, he should make preparations in advance, so as not to be caught by the on-duty personnel on the platform, although it's nothing wrong, it's not pretty, isn't it?

However, after turning around the top of the train, he finally shook his head with a wry smile, and lay directly on the top of the train.

It's not that he can't go down.

To him, jumping off a speeding train was like fun.

The problem is that it is meaningless to go down now, it is better to wait until there are too many people to take advantage of the chaos, so as not to cause trouble.



The speed of the train became slower and slower, and the sound of friction between the wheels and the rails became more and more harsh.

Ye Chong looked at the approaching platform ahead, and couldn't help being a little surprised.

From a distance, it looks like a fortress hidden in the darkness, a dark hill, or a big cold iron ball.

Ye Chong understood in his heart.

Designing and building such a platform is not a simple matter, and defense and safety are the most important factors to consider.

no way.

The speed of mutation and evolution of mutant beasts is really too fast now, their IQs have increased, their strength has increased dramatically, and the threat they pose to the human race is also increasing.

Therefore, for this kind of platform isolated between cities, if the design and construction of the defense level is not enough, it will be easily destroyed by mutant beasts. When this kind of thing really happens, it is unknown how many people will be there. I lost my life.

In fact, this kind of platform is a kind of wilderness fortress.

When Ye Chong browsed the National Martial Arts United Network before, he had seen a lot of information about this.

Wilderness fortresses, as the name suggests, are human fortresses in the wilderness. They are generally built between major cities that are far apart, as transfer stations for transportation or material replenishment, or as defensive fortresses and forward positions for military operations.

In short, in order to cope with the increasingly rapid expansion threat of mutant beasts, not only the vast land of the Xuanwu Empire, but even the entire Nine Martial Continent is at the peak of the construction of wilderness fortresses.

Leaving aside whether this nail-biting strategy is really effective, the human race has gained time for development and counterattack. The power of the unified construction of the entire Nine Martial Continent alone is enough to prove that the human race has a clear understanding of the unfavorable situation at hand.

Under the website of the Global Martial Arts Federation, there is a Martial Arts Forum of the Nine Martial Arts Continent, where many people analyze the current world situation from their own perspectives.

Some of them believe that the human race should implement a shrinking strategy in the face of the increasingly powerful threat of mutant beasts.

In other words, all human races should shrink back to the big city, and then strengthen the defense force of the big city, and use a defensive posture to resist the expansion of mutant beasts.

People who insist on this point of view also say that the food problem in today's world basically does not exist. After all, everything in the world is in a mode of crazy growth. Just one mu of land can satisfy thousands of people without bothering to cultivate and plant. people's food needs.

As for the fresh water resources that the human race still relies on for their livelihood, they have already become extremely rich. Due to the abandonment of large-scale industrial production and the super self-purification ability in the environment, pure water has become readily available, and it is not difficult to meet human needs.

Since there is no problem of basic living needs, there will be no bottlenecks and obstacles for hundreds of millions of human races living in the metropolis.

What's more, transportation, sewage, nuclear energy development, etc. all have solutions and efficiencies that are different from the past, making everything easier.

Therefore, these people firmly believe that as long as the human race stays in a well-defended big city, lives with peace of mind and develops technological power, one day they will be able to completely subdue the mutant beasts and become a vassal of the human race again.

However, on the topic of the wilderness fortress, mainstream voices believe that the construction of the wilderness fortress is of great significance.

First, they believe that the best defense is offense.

In an increasingly hostile environment, the threat from mutant beasts is increasing. Only adopting and maintaining an offensive posture is the best defense method for the human race.

In addition, these people also believe that if the human race wants to truly defeat the increasingly powerful mutant beasts, it is not enough to rely solely on the development of scientific and technological power, but must stimulate the potential of the human race itself, that is, the power of martial arts, otherwise, it is impossible Win the war against mutant beasts.

On this basis, they also believe that only by allowing warriors to go to the front line and experience the true meaning of martial arts in the bloody wind can they truly grow up and become real warriors and warriors.

Therefore, the significance of building a wilderness fortress is also highlighted.

Most importantly, if the layout of the wilderness fortress is reasonable enough and the defense level is strong enough, it will definitely make an unparalleled contribution to the attack of the human race in containing the mutant beasts, thus buying enough time for the scientific development of the rear human race.

The two viewpoints come and go, and there are many confrontations, but in the end, under the strong insistence of the Global Martial Arts Federation, the construction of the wilderness fortress soon reached its peak.

Speaking of which, the railway station in front of me is a wilderness fortress built under this wave, and has become the core hub of the railway line.

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