Rebirth of Martial Arts Revival

Chapter 388 Strange Feelings

Ye Chong frowned and looked at the time. It was already 7:27, and he still had no idea about the distribution of combat merit points. Instead, his stomach started to growl and he protested.

no way.

He quickly washed up and tidied up, and went straight to the restaurant.

However, when he was not far away from the terrace, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and turned his head to look up the tower, but at the next moment, he lowered his head and turned around, walking forward quickly.

"It seems like someone is watching me?

Possibly full of hostility?

Otherwise, I would have no reason to suddenly feel the creeps.


Although I am only a junior martial arts fighter, my mental power is not low, and I am keen and vigilant. The sudden reaction just now is an instinctive reaction of mental power, and it is by no means groundless.

However, as soon as I left the house, I was obviously spied on in advance. Could it be that the other party has been monitoring the 3691 dormitory?

It's just a pity, although my spirit can perceive the abnormality instinctively, but I can't accurately determine the direction of the target.

and also.

When I looked back just now, it was aimless and meaningless at all. Instead, I felt a little suspicious of scaring the snake.

It really shouldn't be. "

Ye Chong narrowed his eyes slightly and frowned, but one corner of his mouth soon slowly curled up, revealing an intriguing smile.

Today's restaurant is a bit different, many people are happily discussing something, but if you listen carefully, it turns out that they are all talking about the martial arts conference.

Ye Chong couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart, it seems that he is really a bit self-indulgent.

However, since I have moved my mind to go back and have a look, if I want to give up, I will inevitably have new regrets.


Go back and have a look.

Yangwu Academy's doing this is also what I guessed.

To put it bluntly, Zhang Mingyang is using the most economical and streamlined way to extend grand invitations to students from various martial arts academies.

With this step alone, the popularity of Yangcheng Martial Arts Academy will increase a lot.

Ha ha.

After all, it is the first time, it is fresh and exciting, and if there are followers, it will lose its effect.

It has to be said that Zhang Mingyang's vision is still unique, and his technique is also clever, so it is worth meeting again.

What's more, I really should go back again. The old house at home is still in the hands of others. After another month, I'm afraid I won't be able to take it back even if I want to.

That's home, as long as it's there, home will still be there, they...they have a place to go when they come back. "

After Ye Chong finished his meal, he hurried back to dormitory 3691.

However, the moment he closed the patio door, he stood quietly by the door, observing everything around him with bated breath.

The street in front of the skyscraper, the rows of terraces, people coming and going, nothing unusual, the sudden sense of danger did not reappear.

Ye Chong frowned, still motionless.


Everything becomes quieter.

After a full 10 minutes, Ye Chong sighed softly, left the patio door, came to the bed and sat down.

"Well, either the other party is too cunning, or I have an illusion, forget it, let's put this matter aside for now.

However, it is better for me to go out less. It is safer to stay at home, at least I don’t have to worry about being watched by others. "

In fact, Ye Chong originally planned to attend a class this morning, which was the "Report on the Future Development Trend of Mutant Beasts" given by the vice-principal of the Imperial Martial Arts Academy in the Imperial Capital.

It is said that this person has good foresight in the evolution of mutant beasts in today's world, and also has unique cognition, judgment and analysis of the land beasts, sea beasts, insect beasts, and beasts among the mutant beasts.

Undoubtedly, this information is of great help to the students of Martial Arts Academy.

And you can get 5 credits if you go to the lectures.

However, Ye Chong had these two things in his mind, the distribution of combat merit points and the general martial arts conference, and he was suspected of being monitored, so he couldn't have any other thoughts. It would be better to prepare for the future at home.

He first glanced inside at the combat achievement points column in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and after finding that it was still cold gray, he took the phone with a snap, checked it, and frowned involuntarily.


Why are there so few trains now?

Moreover, the speed is obviously slower.

It seems that as the IQ and level of mutant beasts increase, they become more destructive to train operations.

However, transportation methods such as airplanes and ships cannot be used normally on a large scale, and the upgraded version of fuel vehicles has not yet appeared. In addition, the cruising range of electric vehicles is flawed, and the roads and charging piles along the way are seriously damaged, so...

Long-distance travel, now still can only rely on trains.

Well, that being the case, I have nothing to complain about.

Otherwise, I can't run all the way back to Yangcheng, can I? "

Ye Chong shook his head and smiled wryly to himself. He knew very well in his heart that now he could only choose to travel by train.

However, he also had a question in his mind.

Now that the traffic is so inconvenient, it is estimated that people from far away places are less likely to participate in the Yangwu Conference, right?

After all, traveling long distances is dangerous and time-consuming, which is really unbearable.

However, then again.

The geographical location of Yangcheng is considered to be the most active area of ​​the human race. The population density is extremely high, and the wild natural environment such as mountains, forests and valleys is limited. It is impossible for there to be any large-scale mutant beasts. Naturally, the traffic is not restricted, and there is no need to worry about being destroyed by mutant beasts. Whether it is trains, ships, or electric vehicles, it is very convenient to use.

Moreover, there are many martial arts academies in these prosperous and densely populated areas, and the number of students will naturally not be small. If they really want to go to the nearby Yangcheng to participate in the Martial Arts Conference, there will be no difficulties or obstacles at all.

In the following time, Ye Chong quickly booked the ticket on the official website of the train operation. It was really laborious, tossing and turning, and it took him nearly two hours to buy the ticket. Even so, It's still standing.

no way.

There are too few trains from Zhongdu to Yangcheng.

In recent days, the train tickets, whether they are soft sleepers, hard sleepers or hard seats, have already been sold out, and even standing tickets are running out due to the control.

With great difficulty, Ye Chong managed to get a standing ticket when someone refunded the ticket.

After the ticket matter was finally settled, Ye Chong quickly registered his name online again.

In fact, it’s okay if you don’t sign up. I guess you will have time when you arrive at Yangwu Academy, but what if?

If there are too many people, wouldn't it be troublesome to find a place to live when they arrive, and it would be disrespectful to others.

After finishing all this work, I was so tired that I was half dead, and it was past 12 o'clock.

It's not that Ye Chong's efficiency is too low, it's that grabbing train tickets takes up too much time.

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