The problems Ye Chong encountered now could only be scrutinized back and forth by himself, thinking indiscriminately, no one asked, and there was no way to ask.

There is no doubt that the four lines of small characters in the sea of ​​consciousness, as well as the relationship between them, are all his personal secrets.

No one knew the answer, and no one could explain it.

Then why ask?

I am afraid that the only result of asking questions is to completely expose one's privacy, and even put oneself in an extremely dangerous situation.

Ye Chong knew very well in his heart that these little secrets about him were absolutely irresistible temptations for those who pursue martial arts.

Once people know about him, he will become a moving treasure in everyone's eyes, and the most likely result waiting for him is to be killed.

Therefore, even if he wants to know the answer to the question again, he has to keep the question in his stomach, and he can only think about it by himself.

"10 times?

A total of 10 point distributions were made.

Out of the 10 times, everything works fine.

In other words, they are all following the rules.

But after more than 10 times, there was a problem, that is, the combat achievement point column no longer recovered according to the rhythm of once an hour.

Therefore, now the root cause of the problem can basically be locked in the column of combat merit points.

It no longer resumes on an hourly cadence, and that's where the problem is.


Now that we know where the problem lies, we should understand why this phenomenon occurs?

Only by knowing what it is and why it is so can we find a solution to the problem and master new laws.

10 times, this is a key factor.

Maybe the combat merit point column will need a longer recovery after 10 allocations.

Early morning is also a key factor.

The combat achievement point column only occurs after zero o'clock, so it is very likely that the combat achievement point column does not work between zero o'clock and a certain time point.

In addition, my current physique is 135 units, my blood is 131 units, and my spirit is 106 units. Then, is there a possibility that it is because my data has reached a certain limit that I have achieved military success? Points can not be redistributed?


It should be said that this possibility exists, but it is very small.

First of all, the values ​​of my three physical data are different, there is no reason why they all reached the so-called limit at the same time.

In addition, if the physique, blood and spirit have reached the limit, and they cannot receive combat merit points, then they should not receive them. It is the three of them. What does it have to do with the combat merit points column being gray?

It should be whoever does not accept whoever turns gray.

However, the actual situation is that whether it is the column of physique, the column of blood, or the column of spirit, it is now displayed normally and has not turned gray.

In other words, the problem does not lie in these columns.


Or is it related to the current total of body, blood and spirit... 372?

Ha ha.

There is nothing special about this number, so it doesn't make much sense to say it so bluntly.


This is not, and that is not, after much deliberation, the first and second possibilities mentioned at the beginning are relatively large.

As for which one is the real reason why the combat achievement points column turns gray and does not recover, only time will tell the truth.

And what I have to do now is to do what I should do as usual, but of course, I must pay attention to observe whether there are any new changes in the combat achievement point column, physical column, vitality column, and spirit column.


It is almost enough to focus on observing once every hour. If you spend all your energy on it, will you still let people live?

Well, it's getting late, let's take a nap first. "

Ye Chong yawned and lay down directly on the bed. It was around [-]:[-] in the morning, before breakfast at [-] or [-] o'clock, it was enough to nourish his energy.

But what made him a little depressed was that although he was sleepy and exhausted, he had something on his mind, so he couldn't sleep no matter what, so he could only close his eyes and rest his mind.

Speaking of it, it was true that the distribution of combat merit points that he had been looking forward to had suddenly undergone such a big change, so it was no wonder that people were not anxious.

After finally waking up to five o'clock, Ye Chong couldn't help but solemnly looked inwardly at the Sea of ​​Consciousness, but his brows were wrinkled, and his face obviously became unattractive.


A cold, lifeless gray.

It was as if the combat achievement points column had been completely petrified, and there was no possibility of recovery.


Ye Chong immediately turned over and walked around the room twice. Seeing the blade of the starry sky standing by the wall, he sighed and added some magic liquid to the scabbard, taking advantage of the situation to observe Look at the pattern of law in the blade.

Seeing that the three healthy golden tadpoles have obviously grown bigger again, and all of them are full of energy, cruising around, majestic, and the other two weak golden tadpoles also look much better. The range of activities has also expanded a bit, and Ye Chong's mood has finally eased a little, but the anxious look on his face is difficult to completely eliminate after all.


Ye Chong lit a cigarette, but he didn't smoke it himself. He let the smoke diffuse in the room, and then fanned it in front of his eyes with his hand, as if doing so would make the dark clouds buried in his heart completely clear. It seems to dissipate.

Before I knew it, it was 06:30.

Ye Chong extinguished the cigarette butt, looked inside, and immediately frowned and let out a long sigh.

"Still nothing has changed.

Gray, still cold gray.


Now that the sky is bright outside, it seems that the judgment that the combat achievement point column does not work from zero to a certain time point is probably wrong.

Well, at least not between zero and six.

So it's seven o'clock?

Is it until eight o'clock?

Or is it nine o'clock?

Even twelve o'clock?

Both are possible.

But it has to be admitted that this possibility is rapidly decreasing as time goes by.


I just saw that there will be a change at 12 noon?

If there is still no change at this point in time, then it can be fully confirmed that the speculation that the merit point column does not work for a fixed period of time is meaningless.

As for the first possibility...

on horseback.

If this is the case, it would be quite a struggle to restore the combat achievement point column, and I don't know when it will be the top. "

Ye Chong has nothing to do now, he can only take one step at a time.

However, he was not really idle, but took out his dagger and practiced the technique of surge of energy and blood.

In fact, he originally wanted to practice with the blade of the starry sky, but after all, it was soaked in the magic weapon liquid, so he could only choose the next best thing.


After increasing my cultivation through the allocation of combat merit points this time, although my physique has only increased by 3 points, my energy and blood have increased by 4 points, and my spirit has increased by 3 points, but I can clearly feel the efficiency of my blood surge technique. A little higher.

and also.

It seems that there is a little more smoothness and less stagnation.

It's a bit like running. I used to feel heavy when I ran, but now my legs are relaxed. It feels amazing.

Not bad.

Not bad.

Therefore, I have to go on this road of increasing my cultivation through the distribution of combat merit points, because the contribution and help it brings to me is of great significance, and I must not give up easily. "

Speaking of which, Ye Chong originally planned to divert his attention by practicing the Qi and Blood Surge Technique, but unexpectedly, it made him even more impatient for the distribution of combat merit points.

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