"Okay!" Ye Chong raised his eyebrows and agreed.

Immediately after the next moment, he saw his body turn around, his feet turned upside down, shuttled back and forth, his hands bowed left and right, and he directly slapped the heads of a group of black-clothed warriors.




For a while, the crackling sound continued.

At the same time, the black-clothed warriors also attacked with their fists.


What's interesting is that with every slap Ye Chong slapped, a warrior in black fell to the ground with a bang, his eyes filled with bewilderment, doubt and loss.

On the contrary, the punches and kicks of every black-clothed warrior appear to be full of momentum, but in fact they are weak and weak, just like scratching an itch.

Seen from a distance, Ye Chong seemed like a tiger rushing into the flock of sheep. In an instant, he went back and forth and knocked down more than half of the black-clothed warriors.

At this time, the tall and thin black-clothed warrior felt that something was wrong, but before he had time to negotiate, the other black-clothed warriors were knocked to the ground in an instant.

"You despicable and shameless bastard!" The tall and thin warrior in black roared completely, "I'm going to kill you, go to hell!"

"Oh, I see," Ye Chong stretched his neck, with an innocent look on his face, "Then you come and kill me, I don't want to live anyway."

The tall and thin black-clothed warrior was furious, and his palms were like knives, and he slashed at the opponent's neck fiercely, with momentum like a rainbow, and the speed was extremely fast, and the air exploded.

But at this moment, the tall and thin warrior in black suddenly stared blankly, and was stunned. Almost at the same time, a fist that grew from small to large suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and then ruthlessly struck between his eyes. .


There was a crisp sound from the neck of the tall and thin warrior in black, followed by his head bent back ninety degrees, and then he fell to the ground with a bang.


In the huge martial arts arena, it was completely quiet all of a sudden.

A gust of wind that came from nowhere swirled and blew past, bringing a trace of coldness, causing countless people to shiver involuntarily.

At this moment, the ten black-clothed warriors were all lying on the ground in a mess, motionless, not knowing whether they were dead or alive.

Da da da!

The burly male teacher entered the competition arena, and after inspecting the black-clothed warriors lying on the ground one by one, he slowly got up and looked at Ye Chong with horror and indescribable complexities in his eyes.


Above the grand stands of the martial arts arena, suddenly fell into an extreme din, screams, exclamations and laughter surged like waves, without stopping for a moment.

on the rostrum.

A thick black cloud appeared on Zhugov's already dark old face, his eyes became blood red, and his lips trembled constantly, as if he had aged five, six, seven or eight years.

no way.

As the core teacher sent by the subcontinent to the Jiuwu Academy, the students from the subcontinent headed by Hu Ke suffered heavy casualties this time. Of course, he, the teacher who led the team, couldn't absolve himself of the blame.

From another point of view, as the director of the martial arts command department, he could not face it calmly even if he lost most of the martial arts students in the department in a single martial arts competition.

Speaking of which, no matter from which point of view, this martial arts competition was an unbearable blow to him.

Bao Sihai looked at the situation on the competition stage, although his eyes were full of surprise, he couldn't help sighing secretly:

"Ye Chong is still too ruthless.

After all, these people are all students of Jiuwu Academy, and they are also the hope for the future revival of the human race. With so many casualties all at once, the school leaders must be dissatisfied.

But, then again, since one has become a martial artist, one must explore the profound meaning of martial arts between life and death. Only in this way can one grow into a true martial arts elite.

Otherwise, no matter how high the cultivation base is, but not in actual combat, it is nothing but a show of fame.

There is nothing wrong with Ye Chong doing this.

Besides, with the temperament of those guys in the Sub-Continent who are sure to get revenge, if Ye Chong doesn't cut the mess quickly this time, he is afraid that he will get into endless troubles in the future.



Call ~

I have to remind Ye Chong to be more careful, the back of it represents countless martial arts sects and martial arts families.

It is better to be more careful in the future.

Ye Chong...


Forget it.

Now that the matter has come to this point, it can only be a big step forward, without hesitation, if you are timid, you will be subject to chaos. "

When thinking of this, Bao Sihai quietly glanced at Zhugov who was at the side, and then frowned: "This old guy is the director of the martial arts command department. It is impossible to say that he has no selfish intentions, so I have to remind Ye Chong that I have to keep an eye on him, so as not to get in the way of this guy."

On the other side of the stands.

All the members of the Four Seas team stood in a row hand in hand, everyone's face was filled with infinite pride and pride, especially Xin Xiaomeng who was wearing a veil, who did not know when the veil was lifted, and tears of happiness flowed down Down.

On the competition stage, Ye Chong sighed, looked at the burly male teacher and said:

"Teacher, I originally wanted to pay out of my own pocket to end the dispute between us, but they opened their mouths and demanded a sky-high price from me, asking me to pay them 4000 million points. As a result, a disagreement caused the tragedy before me. Teacher, did I do something wrong?"

"No, no, Ye Chong, you didn't do anything wrong." The burly male teacher looked at him with a half-smile, and said word by word:

"What you've just done is clearly what you should be doing.

It is your courage and self-confidence as a warrior to challenge with one-to-ten.

Killing the opponent with one to ten is your strength and achievement as a warrior.

The battle of warriors is not only reflected in bravery and ruthlessness, but more in comprehensive strength including soft power such as IQ and EQ.

That is to say, if a person wants to go further, higher and stronger on the road of martial arts, he must judge the situation, accumulate a lot of accumulation, and simplify complicated things.

Ha ha.

Of course, it is also necessary to complicate simple things.

Only in this way can the goal in mind be achieved.


Ye Chong.

You are the winner of this one-to-ten challenge. "


The huge martial arts arena suddenly fell into an uproar.

Ye Chong heaved a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Then I'm relieved, teacher. However, in this situation, shouldn't the compensation of 2000 million points we agreed before the competition be forfeited?"

"Of course not." The burly male teacher looked at the other party quietly, and said slowly: "Not only do you want it, but you must. Otherwise, it will also be regarded as breaking the rules and you may be punished."

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