One side of Ye Chong's mouth slowly curled up, he smiled and looked at the tall and thin warrior in black, then at the nine people behind him, then suddenly turned to look at the burly male teacher and said, "Teacher, my People are soft, otherwise, let’s satisfy them.”

"Ye Chong, this won't work," the burly male teacher looked over with piercing eyes, "Many people challenge a single person as a group, and you really need to apply for approval."

"Okay then, teacher," Ye Chong smiled slightly, "I'm formally challenging ten of them, does this meet the requirements?"


The entire Martial arts arena suddenly seemed to explode.

"Damn it, is it true? Ye Chong is tough enough, he has too much personality."

"Ye Chong, all ten of them are warriors, you are a bit too crazy."

"Hehe, Ye Chong has been dazzled by the victory. For a junior martial artist at the beginning level, daring to challenge ten martial artists with a higher realm than him is simply the rhythm of death."

"Yeah, fighting one-on-one with Hook, although the opponent's realm is high, but after all, there is only one person, you can play a little clever, but it is not so easy to face ten people, I am afraid there is nowhere to escape, and one Seeing that these ten people are the ones who cooperate with each other tacitly, Ye Chong will pay the price for his arrogance this time."

"Okay, okay, this trip was really worthwhile. I didn't expect that the battle between Ye Chong and Hu Ke was just a foreplay, and the real highlight was later. Hehe, I hope Ye Chong's fists are hard enough, and he fights beautifully. It’s good to knock down a few people before falling down.”

"Only fighting alone, Ye Chong probably has an [-]% chance of winning against any of these ten people, but he is still young and vigorous. I don't know why one chopstick can be broken, but ten chopsticks can't be broken. .”

"The most important thing is that the teacher wanted to help him, but he didn't appreciate it. Instead, he took the initiative to challenge. Once he lost, it would be purely self-inflicted humiliation. The aura of the victory over Hu Ke just now will be dimmed a lot. What a pity, what a pity .”


Zhu Gefu on the rostrum pursed his lips tightly, stared coldly at Ye Chong, as if he wanted to shoot Ye Chong to death with his eyes: "What an arrogant fool, he won a game by luck, I don’t know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, and if you want to fight ten against one, you are simply courting death.”

"Ye Chong, Ye Chong, you kid," Bao Sihai narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the competition stage with a smile, "I just had someone accompany you to practice body skills, and now I want to practice combat skills, you... Warriors have become mutated beasts, hehe, I hope the combat power of these ten little guys will not disappoint you too much!"

"Hmph!" Zhugov folded his arms, leaned back on the chair with a sneer, and looked at the competition stage, full of endless anticipation.

On the competition stage, the tall and thin black-clothed warrior and the other nine people looked a little confused, obviously they didn't expect the other party to initiate a challenge.

In particular, the head of the tall and thin warrior in black was a little buzzing:

What the hell is this?

Wasn't that the original plan?

The challenge I launched just now was purely to suppress the opponent's arrogance and destroy that guy's prestige in front of everyone, and the teacher of the martial arts field disagreed, so why did this kid take the initiative to initiate a challenge?

"You... really want to do this?" The burly male teacher also looked a little dazed, and looked at Ye Chong with a look of doubt, "The ten of them are all warriors. In terms of realm and cultivation, they should All of them are above the intermediate level of junior martial arts fighters, and there are three intermediate martial arts fighters among them, you... fighting so many fighters with bare hands, is it really voluntary?"

"Voluntary, of course it is voluntary." The corner of Ye Chong's mouth slowly curled up, and there was a gleam of excitement in his eyes as he looked at the ten black-clothed warriors, "Teacher, let me tell you, I really like listening to filming." The sound of crushing skulls, hehe, I like the melon seeds of these people's heads when I see them, and I really want to hear what kind of sound they will make in a while."


The huge Martial arts arena suddenly became a tsunami, screaming constantly.

"I just like people like Ye Chong, he speaks very well."

"Fuck, what's the situation, why does it feel like Ye Chong is hunting?"

"Wow, I didn't expect it to become more and more exciting. Ye Chong is so domineering."

"Haha, Ye Chong is so provocative, those few should be mad?"


"Hehe, you really are a ignorant thing!" The tall and thin warrior in black sneered, "The warrior who dares to challenge our subcontinent with one-on-ten, you are the number one and the last one, don't worry, We will make you die hard, hey, you'd better not kneel down and beg for mercy in advance."

"Okay, okay," Ye Chong grinned, "Have you practiced hard? You are so annoying."


There was bursts of laughter in the martial arts arena, which was also mixed with screams, one after another, one after another.


The tall and thin black-clothed warrior's complexion was livid, and he couldn't squirt out a mouthful of old blood. He thought, "Is this offending a monster?"

"It seems that you are determined to fight them," the burly male teacher said to Ye Chong, then turned to look at the ten black-clothed warriors, shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "You accept Challenge? If any of you object, this challenge will not go into effect."

"Yes!" The ten black-clothed warriors said in unison.

"Okay, take out your campus cards and register your personal information," the burly male teacher pointed to the multi-functional machine in the hands of another martial arts teacher, and then said: "It is now 9:20, 10 A few minutes later, that is, at 9:30, the official competition will take place."

"Wait, teacher, since it is his challenge, then we have to put forward a condition." The tall and thin warrior in black glanced at Ye Chong, and then said to the burly male teacher: "If we win, I hope He can compensate us with 2000 million points, of course, if he wins, we will also give him 2000 million points."


After hearing this, there was an uproar at the scene.

"Are the points of Nine Martial Arts Academy so worthless? Tens of millions of points at every turn, what the hell, let those of us who have less than 1000 points left live?"

"2000 million points? Hehe, it's not obvious that he wants to win back the 1500 million points that Ye Chong just won? Interesting, but what if he loses? My God, Ye Chong can earn 3500 million points in one morning what!"

"Don't worry, Ye Chong won't agree. It's a good opportunity to use this condition to give up the contest, which not only saves face but also avoids losses."


"2000 million points?" The burly male teacher nodded at the black-clothed warrior, "But you have to know that as the party being challenged, you are considered as a whole. Once you lose, the 2000 million points will be taken by you as a whole. In other words, each of you has joint and several responsibilities, understand?"

"Understood, no problem." The tall and thin warrior in black smiled casually, then glanced at Ye Chong, "The question is whether he has any problems?"

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